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[adoptium-wg] Welcome Canonical as Adoptium Working Group Member and Temurin Adopter page

Hello Adoptium Community.

For those who couldn't attend our last SC meeting, I am happy to inform you that Canonical joined the Adoptium Working Group as an Enterprise member, and Samir Kamerkar will be their representative. 

He is finishing the onboarding process as a new member and will join the next SC meeting; as part of this process, we plan to meet him to review some Eclipse Adoptium projects and solve any of the doubts Canonical could have. We hope they can contribute to our vision and mission as enterprise users of Adoptium's tools and projects.

Please join me in welcoming Samir back now as a Canonical representative and the rest of their colleagues to our ecosystem.

I'm also using this email to remind you about our Temruin's Adopters page, which currently is available in draft version following this link:  we are encouraging our members to submit their logos as Temurin users as part of the release campaign. For submitting, once you are in the preview version, click on "How Can I get my logo displayed," and it will take you to the Eclipse foundation process; thanks for your help and support with this project; this is an important part of our program plan goal of getting new Enterprise members. 

Best Regards, and have a nice weekend,

Carmen Delgado

Adoptium Community Manager | Eclipse Foundation | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube 

Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration
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