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[adoptium-wg] Welcome Bloomberg as Adoptium Working Group Member and happy holidays!

Hello Adoptium Community. 

I am happy to inform you that Bloomberg representative finished their onboarding process, including a meeting with some SC members, meeting attendance, project accesses, and announcements. Bloomberg joined the Eclipse Adoptium Working Group as an Enterprise Member

Those in the SC meeting the last couple of weeks or months had the chance to meet Hector Geraldino (Michael Moss is the alternate representative). We hope they can contribute to our vision and mission as enterprise users of Adoptium's tools and projects.

Please join me in welcoming Hector and Michael as Bloomberg representatives and the rest of their colleagues to our ecosystem.

I'm also using this email to wish you happy holidays for those celebrating this season's festivities and to let you know that Eclipse foundation staff will be on Christmas break from Friday 23 until Monday 02th, both inclusive, and I will be off until Jan 08.

Best Regards, and happy holidays!

Carmen Delgado

Adoptium Community Manager | Eclipse Foundation | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube 

Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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