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Re: [adoptium-wg] Adoptium Marketplace Policy

Hi Gurkan

On 10/06/2021 18:52, Gurkan Erdogdu wrote:
>> Provide evidence that the producer is a Strategic or Enterprise
>> member of the Adoptium Working Group.
> What about the participant members?

Working group Participant level membership is targeted at those organizations that are notable users or redistributors of Adoptium technology. There is currently no provision for products that are based upon Adoptium binaries to be represented in the marketplace.

The marketplace policy is written that way because we expect organizations that deliver their own AQAvit certified binaries to be either (a) Strategic Members, if delivering Java runtimes are a core part of their business, or (b) Enterprise Members where Java runtimes are a critical part of their work. You can see a better description of the working group membership levels in the working group charter here [1].

You will also see in the charter that the obligations when joining at each level depend upon the organizations corporate revenue, so there is provision for smaller companies in each category to have the same benefits and influence in the working group without being priced out of membership.



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