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Re: [adoptium-wg] Growing the Adoptium WG Steering Committee

+1 - as long as we can bikeshed the algorithm for the coin toss!


On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 at 12:48, Tim Ellison <t.p.ellison@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 18/03/2021 12:25, Martijn Verburg wrote:
> LGTM - is the chair includes in the 8?

Yes.  The charter says: "A current Member of the Steering Committee in
good standing shall be elected Chairperson of the working group ..."

> I'm thinking here "How do we
> break ties?" - should we have an odd number?

IMHO, no.  Since we are always open to new strategic members joining at
any time, and keeping the number odd will result in unnatural growth
just to achieve this.

I fully expect that we'll continue to resolve decisions by working
towards consensus in the best interest of the projects, rather than
relying on close votes.  However, if there should need to be such a
tie-breaker in an evenly split vote I propose the chair uses a reliable
[1] random coin-toss to decide it.

[1] e.g.


> On Wed, 17 Mar 2021 at 13:08, Tim Ellison <t.p.ellison@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:t.p.ellison@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     Hi Adoptium WG Members.
>     As promised in our last meeting, here is my suggestion for how the
>     steering committee is created.
>     I'd like to preface by proposing that we have mostly open meetings, so
>     interested parties can attend, only choosing to hold closed-door meeting
>     for particularly sensitive topics.
>     That said, the Steering Committee bootstraps via its Strategic Members
>     as follows. I've assumed the paperwork for each person/company is in
>     order.
>     Step 0: Initial set of steering committee founding members are appointed
>     directly, as per our charter definition of strategic membership:
>         - Alibaba (San Hong Li alternate: ?)
>         - Huawei (? alternate: ?)
>         - Karakun (Hendrik Ebbers alternate: ?)
>         - Microsoft (George Adams alternate: Martijn Verburg)
>         - Red Hat (Tim Ellison alternate: Shelley Lambert)
>     These founding members subsequently enable positions for additional
>     members, subject to the WG charter's constraints.  In particular:
>          - No single Eclipse Foundation Member organization may occupy more
>            than 50% of the Steering Committee membership through any means
>            including appointment or elections.
>          - The Steering Committee may determine from time to time the total
>            number of seats to be occupied via election by Enterprise,
>            Participant, and Committer Members.
>          - At least one seat is allocated to Committer Members via election.
>            This seat remains empty if there are no candidates.
>     Step 1: The initial steering committee of five people determines that it
>     wishes to establish *one* Enterprise member seat.
>         - All Enterprise members vote for their enterprise representative.
>           Since we only have one Enterprise member at present, that election
>           would be an acclamation of IBM's membership.
>         - IBM (Samir Kamerkar alternate: Lan Xia)
>     Step 2: The steering committee of six people determines that it wishes
>     to establish *one* Participant member seat.
>         - All Participant members vote for their participant representative.
>           We have two Participant members at present, so we would need
>     to hold
>           an election between those two.  If it were a draw the Eclipse
>           Foundation would pick a winner using random chance.
>         - Add one of New Relic (Ben Evans alternate: ?) or
>           iJUG (Jan Westerkamp alternate: ?)
>     Step 3: The Steering Committee of seven people determines that it wishes
>     to establish *one* committer member.
>         - All Committers of the Adoptium TLP and subprojects vote for their
>           committer representative.
>         - This would require constructing a ballot, and running a vote
>     by the
>           Single Transferable Vote procedure.  I believe there are Eclipse
>           tools to facilitate this.
>         - We must ensure all the eligible AdoptOpenJDK committers are
>           reflected as Eclipse Adoptium committers before conducting this
>           vote.
>     That gives a total of eight voting members of the steering committee.
>     As I mentioned earlier, I'd hope that we have open meetings so that
>     other members of the WG can attend, and members of the AdoptOpenJDK TSC
>     who are not appointed or elected can participate as (non-voting)
>     observers so that we retain the benefit of their skills and experience.
>     Step 4: I think we have achieved this already, but a member of the
>     steering committee will be elected as chair of the working group.
>     Comments welcome.
>     Regards,
>     Tim
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