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Re: [adoptium-pmc] PMC membership vote for Scott Fryer


On Wed, 27 Mar 2024 at 14:01, Tim Ellison via adoptium-pmc <adoptium-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
To Adoptium PMC members:

I hereby nominate Scott Fryer to be elected as a member of the Adoptium PMC.

Scott (github id: steelhead31) has been with Adoptium and the associated
projects for a long time, becoming a committer in May 2002. Throughout
his engagement at teh project he has demonstrated in depth knowledge in
a wide variety of areas. He has been a contributing committer to many of
the infrastructure and security goals, and acted as a release champion
multiple times.

His Github activity can be seen here

He is a good community citizen, responding to questions and engaging in
discussions on Slack, publishing blogs, and speaking at conferences
about the project.

Please vote for Scott's membership to the PMC:

+1 : Scott to become a PMC member
  0 : No opinion
-1 : Scott should not become a member of the PMC (you must give a reason)

The vote will be open until all PMC members have voted, or for seven
days, whichever comes soonest.


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