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Re: [adoptium-pmc] Vote on additional six team members for the Temurin Compliance project



On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 3:37 PM Stewart Addison via adoptium-pmc <adoptium-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
New Temurin Compliance committers are elected by the existing PMC members.

Current PMC members are hereby invited to vote on electing the following members to the Eclipse Temurin Compliance project [1].

The primary criteria for becoming a committer on the Temurin Compliance project is the candidate either signs directly or works for a company that has signed the 3-way agreement with Eclipse Foundation and Oracle.  Such an agreement is place for the people listed below who are either associated with Rivos or Red Hat.
Tony works with existing member Ludovic Henry in the JDK team at Rivos and will be working to get Temurin compliant with the java specification with a goal of getting a compliant version of Temurin on RISC-V that we can ship. The other people in the list are from the Red Hat OpenJDK team so have experience working with the JDK and will be able to assist with the execution/diagnosis of the TC executions at Adoptium to help us improve our release times.

Please vote by reply with one of:
  +1 : elect all members listed above as committers in the Temurin Compliance project
   0 : no opinion either way
  -1 : reject the members as committers in the Temurin Compliance project at this time

If you are -1 on this and object to some members and not others, please clarify that stance in your reply.

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