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Re: [actf-dev] Nomination of new co-leaders


Best regards,
Kentarou Fukuda, Ph.D.
IBM Research - Tokyo
Tel: +81-3-5144-2852
E-mail: kentarou@xxxxxxxxxx

actf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 2012/08/03 16:39:13:

> From: Chieko Asakawa/Japan/IBM@IBMJP
> To: actf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: 2012/08/03 16:40
> Subject: [actf-dev] Nomination of new co-leaders
> Sent by: actf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Dear ACTF team,
> Thank you so much for all your contributions to the ACTF.
> As you know, we successfully completed ACTF 1.0 release at the end of 
> and ACTF graduated from the incubation phase.
> Now it is time for new ACTF leaders, as we discussed at the recent ACTF
> call [1].
> Simon and Kentarou are the new candidates for co-leaders. Below are 
> short resumes. Please take a look and vote +1 or -1 by replying to this
> mail.
> (*Please note the voting request is only for commiitters.)
> ---
> - Simon Harper:
> Simon is one of the original members of ACTF project, and has 
> contributed to the project by leading several research projects built on
> top of ACTF. He also contributed to community relations for
> ACTF by providing Web articles, by introducing ACTF in academic
> conferences, and in other ways.
> As a project co-leader, Simon will continue to focus on community
> relations, public visibility, and research activities for ACTF.
> - Kentarou Fukuda:
> Kentarou is one of the originators of ACTF, and as a technical leader, 
> contributed to successful ACTF software releases including Galileo, 
> and Juno. He has also supported the project management of
> ACTF since the launch of the project.
> As a project co-leader, Kentarou will continue to focus on technical
> aspects and project management for ACTF.
> ---
> For more details about these voting procedures, please visit the Wiki 
> [2].
> [1]
> [2]
> Many thanks,
> Chieko
> ---------
> Chieko Asakawa, Ph.D.
> IBM Fellow, IBM Research - Tokyo
> E-mail: chie@xxxxxxxxxx
> Tel: +81 3 6220 7200
> _______________________________________________
> actf-dev mailing list
> actf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

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