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[4diac-dev] Antw: Antw: Re: Standardize process of electing/retiring committers

Dear 4diac community,

my name is Michael and I work at the University of Linz.
With my research on refactoring and type management in IEC 61499, I want to improve the usability and reliability of the 4diac IDE.
In the last two years as a 4diac IDE developer I know what to expect from a comitter.

I think Bianca's criterias are a good idea and I would definitely follow it.

The most important for me as a developer it is important to get quick feedback from a committer to avoid waiting times and unnecessary rebasing.
So I think interaction is very important for a committer, which currently works very well.

Even though it's hard to define, I think programming skills should also be a criterion, because as a developer I always want to improve the quality of my code.
In addition, 4diac involves a lot of programming language engineering features (e.g,. type system, code generation,..), so a future comitter should be expected to have knowledge of these sophisticated techniques.
This should be checked in a personal meeting with the project lead and other comitters.

Kind Regards,


DI Michael Oberlehner, BSc
Research Assistant
LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab
Altenberger Straße 69
LIT Open Innovation Center (EG)
4040 Linz, Österreich

>>> "Bianca Wiesmayr" <bianca.wiesmayr@xxxxxx> 27.12.2022 17:11 >>>
Dear 4diac community,

I would like to resurrect this discussion because more and more people contribute to Eclipse 4diac, but we did not nominate any committers in the past years.

I do like your past suggestions regarding a personal meeting to discuss the implications for both electing and retiring a committer. In addition to the significant contribution, I think that also the expected future contributions should play an important role. For instance, we have had contributors who submitted a large amount of code as part of a university project or internship. However, they do not become long-time contributors, rather the contributions are limited to a period of max. 1 year.

To summarize and answer my own questions from long ago with some statements to hopefully initiate a discussion....:

--> Which criteria should a contributor fulfil before we initiate a committer election?
  • Amount: Significant contribution to Eclipse 4diac over a period of at least six months.
  • Timeframe: Expected contributions also in the future, i.e., the contributions are not part of a time-limited project.
  • Culture: A certain level of knowledge of the Eclipse contributing process is required
  • Independence: The code quality of the contributions is usually sufficient for merging without extensive interactions with other committers.
  • Community: I would suggest at least minimal interaction with the community as a requirement (e.g., post to the mailing list to introduce yourself, participate in the community chat, community events, or the like)
  • Personal contact: After a meeting, an existing contributor is convinced that the requirements are fulfilled.
Programmer: I think that contributions should also be valid if they are not code-related. This is probably anyway not a common case (e.g., very extensive documentation rewriting without code contributions).

--> Which criteria should a contributor fulfil before we ask a committer to retire?
  • Amount: Even small contributions are sufficient to retain the committer status.
  • Timeframe: A period of one year without any known reasons and without any contributions could be the minimum waiting period before retiring a committer.
  • Community: Significant interactions with the community count as contributions to the project. Such interactions could be reviewing code, helping newer committers with the old code, supporting new adopters of the tool, ...
  • Personal contact: After a meeting, an existing contributor is convinced that future contributions are unlikely. OR The committer is unwilling to have a meeting without providing reasoning. OR The committer cannot be contacted successfully.

Based on these criteria, we would probably need to nominate quite a few people as committers.

I am looking forward to discussions on the presented examples! Please feel free to add new criteria if you can come up with any.

Kind regards,


-- DI Bianca Wiesmayr, BSc
University Assistant
LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab
Altenberger Straße 69
LIT Open Innovation Center (EG)
4040 Linz, Österreich
T +43 732 2468 9485

& Hi Bianca,
& thanks a lot for starting this discussion. Especially as project lead I
& would be happy if we can come up with some numbers and more detailed rules.
& I think the numbers should somehow reflect that the contributor did a
& significant contribution, as stated in the Eclipse project handbook. Also I
& think the
& committer who wants to nominate a contributor should have a personal meeting
& upfront of a nomination. This allows to discuss the implications of the
& committer
& nomination as well as the willingness of the nominee.
& For me the retiring process is more critical and hard. I think the numbers
& can only serve as guideline and in all cases a personal meeting with the
& inaktive
& committer should be done. This could only be with the project lead but I'm
& also happy if other committers join that session.
& As you started the discussion do you have already some numbers and or
& process in mind?
& Cheers,
& Alois
& On Tue, 2021-03-09 at 21:31 +0100, Bianca Wiesmayr wrote:
&> Hi all,
&> an increasingly diverse community uses and develops Eclipse 4diac. We
&> welcome all kinds of contributions - from bug reports to submitted code.
&> Currently, there are seven committers, see

&> As the number of code submissions is rising, especially for 4diac IDE,
&> also new committers will certainly be elected in the future. What does a
&> committer do? As a committer, you have write access to the git
&> repository. 4diac contributions are typically uploaded to the Gerrit
&> code review. Here, the acceptance of the code by a committer is required
&> before the code can be merged into the repository. Furthermore, only
&> committers can elect other committers on the project.
&> In order to create a fair and inclusive environment for (potential)
&> contributors, I suggest to discuss formal criteria for selecting
&> committers. Of course, these criteria would only complement the election
&> procedure from the Eclipse foundation and not result in any automatism.
&> Information on becoming a committer can be found on the webpage, e.g.

&> --> Which criteria should a contributer fulfil before we initiate a
&> committer election?
&> --> How long should the person have been contributing?
&> --> Which minimum requirements should the contributions fulfil?
&> --> Should we consider whether we expect the person to provide
&> contributions also in the future?
&> --> Which other criteria can you come up with?
&> Of course, during our lives many things change: we may stop
&> contributing due to a lack of free time, due to shifted interests or
&> simply because of our career path. I'd therefore also suggest to
&> initiate a default procedure for retiring committers after a certain
&> period of time.
&> --> A certain period of inactivity is certainly normal. After which
&> period of time should we retire committers?
&> --> Should an inactivity involve only times without contributions, or
&> does also a low number of contributions count as inactivity?
&> --> Should we consider whether we expect contributions from this
&> committer in the future?
&> --> Which other criteria can you come up with?
&> While formal voting rights for committer elections are given only to
&> other committers, I hope to open a broader discussion on this process. I
&> therefore strongly encourage everyone on the mailing list to share their
&> opinions and ideas.
&> Looking forward to your answers,
&> Bianca
&> --
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