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Re: [4diac-dev] Finally retire the deployment perspective


What do you think is this the right direction of finally letting go of the Deployment Perspective? If yes I would start to clean-up my prototype and remove the
broken parts of the deployment perspective.

I like these ideas. This can be a big improvement over the existing work, with little effort.

One thing I have noticed especially during live demos is that starting the runtime(s) is a bit clunky due to the many clicks it takes until multiple runtimes with different ports are launched. May I suggest that you add a project setting with a user-configurable list of launch commands? That would make ad-hoc management of prototypical projects so much easier -- click a "Launch all" button and all of them are started.

The separation will also make it easier to implement more advanced deployment and monitoring mechanisms, like the one I will be developing later for a research project this year. Maybe keep this in mind, that there are well-defined extension points where custom plugins can change the deployment and monitoring window.

Dipl.-Inform. Jörg Walter
Senior Researcher
R&D Group Distributed Computation and Communication

OFFIS e.V. - Institut für Informatik
FuE Bereich Produktion | R&D Division Manufacturing
Escherweg 2, 26121 Oldenburg - Germany
Phone/Fax.: +49 441 9722-729 / -282

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Oldenburg VR 1956
Vorstand: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang H. Nebel (Vorsitzender),
    Prof. Dr. techn. Susanne Boll-Westermann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hahn,
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hein, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lehnhoff

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