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[XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #930173] Tue, 02 October 2012 00:39 Go to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi everyone,
I'm new to oAW and xpand, I'm trying to apply workflow to my xpand project, can you please to help me this issue?
Here is my xpand code:
«FILE "Hello.h" -»
Number = «this.Example.parameter.value»

Here is my workflow:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<property name="baseDir" value="./"/>
 	<property name='src-gen' value="${baseDir}/gen" />
 	<!-- load model and store it in slot 'model' -->
    <component class="org.openarchitectureware.xsd.XMLReader">
    	<uri value="./default.arxml"/>
    	<modelSlot value="EPC" />
		<metaModel id="mm" class="org.openarchitectureware.xsd.XSDMetaModel">
            <schemaFile value="${baseDir}/autosar_4-0-3.xsd"/>
    <component class="org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator">
    	<metaModel idRef="mm" />
		<expand value="src::mytemplate::main FOR EPC"/>
		<outlet path="${src-gen}" >
			<postprocessor class="org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.output.JavaBeautifier" />


My problem:
7218 INFO  CompositeComponent - Generator: generating 'src::mytemplate::main FOR EPC' => .//gen
7410 ERROR AbstractExpressionsUsingWorkflowComponent - Error in Component  of type org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator: 
	EvaluationException : No Definition 'src::mytemplate::main for autosar403::Autosar' found!
	[23,36] on line 1 'EXPAND src::mytemplate::main FOR EPC'

7410 ERROR WorkflowRunner     - Workflow interrupted. Reason: EvaluationException : No Definition 'src::mytemplate::main for autosar403::Autosar' found!
	[23,36] on line 1 'EXPAND src::mytemplate::main FOR EPC'

7411 ERROR WorkflowRunner     - ERROR in Component of type org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator
	No Definition 'src::mytemplate::main for autosar403::Autosar' found! [EXPAND src::mytemplate::main FOR EPC]  in workflow: Generator: generating 'src::mytemplate::main FOR EPC' => .//gen

I think my input at expand tab has problem, but I don't have any ideas to fix it. My model file has 2 parts:
+ BMD: template of parameters
+ EPC: value of parameters
Can you please give a brief direction with this problem?
Thank you
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #930231 is a reply to message #930173] Tue, 02 October 2012 01:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi you have to define the entry rule for the root node of your model.
And the paths have to fit: path::file::definition

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Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #930235 is a reply to message #930173] Tue, 02 October 2012 02:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
The qualified value of "expand" must be read as follows: The last segment is the definition within the Xpand file ("main"), obviously correct. The segment before is the name of the template file ("mytemplate" => "mytemplate.xpt"). All segments in front of that are the path to that Xpand file relative to classpath root. And I think here is your problem. I guess that "src" is actually your source folder, and thus the classpath root itself. The template thus lies directly in the classpath root, and the value for "expand" must be "mytemplate::main FOR EPC".

Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #930268 is a reply to message #930235] Tue, 02 October 2012 02:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Thanks for all your helps
@Christian Dietrich: How can I define the entry rule for the root node of my model? can you please explain more clearly?
@Karsten Thoms: I changed but it doesn't work, the same issue above
7448 ERROR AbstractExpressionsUsingWorkflowComponent - Error in Component  of type org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator: 
	EvaluationException : No Definition 'mytemplate::main for autosar403::Autosar' found!
	[23,31] on line 1 'EXPAND mytemplate::main FOR EPC'

I also try to change classpath in MANIFEST.MF
Bundle-ClassPath: .
with src::mytemplate::main and
Bundle-ClassPath: src/
with mytemplate::main but it doesn't work too

Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #930310 is a reply to message #930268] Tue, 02 October 2012 03:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
The error message says of what type the root definition has to be for

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Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #930399 is a reply to message #930310] Tue, 02 October 2012 05:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Sorry, I don't know how to do as your direction Sad , can you please help me? Here is my model.
  • Attachment:
    (Size: 0.75KB, Downloaded 434 times)
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #930413 is a reply to message #930399] Tue, 02 October 2012 05:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Sorry cant look into your code right no but the error says,

<<DEFINE main FOR autosar403::Autosar>> is missing

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Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #930447 is a reply to message #930413] Tue, 02 October 2012 06:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Thanks for your suggest, I try some ways to add <<DEFINE main FOR autosar403::Autosar>> to my xpand code but not effect, it doesn't find 'autosar403::Autosar', I think 'autosar403::Autosar' is just a kind of template for 'main' to follow and it's not in model, and I think I need to connect my model to 'autosar403::Autosar', but I don't know where, sorry because I'm newbie for these, can you give me a more more clearly direction, thanks for your time
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #930458 is a reply to message #930447] Tue, 02 October 2012 06:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
..make sure you select the right metamodel kind in your projects
expand/Xtend properties

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Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #931220 is a reply to message #930458] Tue, 02 October 2012 22:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Christian, the current metamodel kind of my project is working because I can generate code with it, but oAW doesn't work Sad, beside when I try to other metamodel kind, I can't generate code anymore, it seem hopeless Sad
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #931396 is a reply to message #931220] Wed, 03 October 2012 02:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend

what do you mean with "i can generate"? i still do not get your point.
the root node of your xml file is an AUTOSAR node and not an BMD root.
so i think you mix up some metalevels here.

so where can i find everything to reproduce the problem.
btw why do you still use good old oaw? and not eclipse xpand.

Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #931484 is a reply to message #931396] Wed, 03 October 2012 04:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
I'm using Artop, that bases on eclipse and work with AUTOSAR model, xpand, and generate code, sorry for missing information. I can normally generate code with my xpand code and arxml model file above on Artop, I want to apply workflow to my project for fast generating code. I found homepage of oaw and install ver 4.3.1 for my Artop, do you mean it's better to use ver 5.x? In my project properties xtend/xpand has
+ ECU Configuration Typesystem (checked)
+ EMF Metamodels (checked)
+ oAW-Classic Metamodel
+ Sphinx-managed EMF Metamodel
+ JavaBean Metamodel
My project also has openArchitectureWare properties with
+ EMF Metamodels (checked)
+ oAW-Classic Metamodel (checked)
+ XSD Metamodels (checked)
+ JavaBeans Metamodel
+ RSA/RSM profiles
+ UML2 profile
By the way, I just install all model plugin on
Thanks for your time
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #931502 is a reply to message #931484] Wed, 03 October 2012 05:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi I do not know atop but if they come with an own type system you
should maybe use this one instead of xsd. Maybe they do an internal
model2model transformation too. Therefore you should ask the artop
guys what they internally do and which kind of metamodel to use and
how to read the model.

I mean you should use eclipse xpand instead of law xpand.

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Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #931571 is a reply to message #931502] Wed, 03 October 2012 06:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Christian, thanks for you help I found that they use autosar_4-0-3.xsd to read metamodel and xml.xsd to read model file .arxml, maybe in xtend/xpand properties, I don't have XSD Metamodels so it doesn't work, how can I add it to xtend/xpand properties. Thanks you very much
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #931612 is a reply to message #931571] Wed, 03 October 2012 06:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Did you try to install xpand from eclipse/m2t (juno update site)
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #932354 is a reply to message #931612] Wed, 03 October 2012 23:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
It works, thanks you very much Very Happy
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #932423 is a reply to message #932354] Thu, 04 October 2012 01:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Christian, I changed to <<DEFINE main FOR autosar403::Autosar>> and workflow worked, but I face other issue that I can't access parameters in my modelwith 'this' pointer, example with «this.Example.parameter.value» it can't see 'Example', I try «this.ARRoot.EPC.Example.parameter.value» but it can't access too, can you give me suggestion? Thanks
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #932533 is a reply to message #932423] Thu, 04 October 2012 03:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend

if i have a look at the xsd i can only see that an Autosar elementment contains AR-Packages

Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #932552 is a reply to message #932533] Thu, 04 October 2012 03:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Maybe I haven't connect right between my model and the file to read the model. Anyway workflow worked, here is my xpand code
«DEFINE main FOR autosar403::Autosar»
«FILE "Hello.h" -»
this = «this»

Here is my output
this = org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.DynamicEObjectImpl@1e36c93 (eClass: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EClassImpl@14b93f (name: Autosar) (instanceClassName: null) (abstract: false, interface: false))

My other problem is code completion disappeared, I find solution by check javabean metamodel in xpand/xtend properties but it doesn't work, can you please suggest me some solutions for these issues?
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #932613 is a reply to message #932552] Thu, 04 October 2012 05:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend

you have to select XSD Metamodel in the properties.
(you may have to add the xsd to a source folder too)

Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #932674 is a reply to message #932613] Thu, 04 October 2012 06:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi, I also copy autosar403.xsd and xml.xsd to my source, check XSD metamodel in the project xpand/xtend properties, here is my xpand/xtend properties:
+ECU Configuration Typesystem (checked)
+EMF Metamodels (checked)
+Sphinx-managed EMF metamodels (checked)
+XSD metamodels (checked)
+oAW-Classic Metamodel
+UML2 profiles
+Javabeans Metamodel
Maybe my problem that I have 2 .xsd files to read model file arxml, so the way to access parameters in my model is different from the normal way
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #932688 is a reply to message #932674] Thu, 04 October 2012 06:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend

i fear i cannot answer your question since i dont know how this stuff internal worked.
i will try to download artop sdk and have a look at this this weekend if i find the time.

Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #932708 is a reply to message #932688] Thu, 04 October 2012 06:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
I afraid that this tool is internal for automotive companies, I will try to understand how .xsd file can read my model, I will ask you if I have more clearly results, thanks for your informative and useful help
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #932825 is a reply to message #932708] Thu, 04 October 2012 09:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend

my company is Autosar member so getting the code should be no problem

Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #933764 is a reply to message #932825] Fri, 05 October 2012 06:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Christian,
I think my problem is xsd schema cannot read model, it just see the root one. Follow output of root node above
this = org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.DynamicEObjectImpl@1e36c93 (eClass: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EClassImpl@14b93f (name: Autosar) (instanceClassName: null) (abstract: false, interface: false))

Beside, I find some other schema like autosar40.ecore and autosar40.genmodel, maybe I have to use emf metamodel to load autosar40.ecore and read my model, but my model is xml, so I just don't know to solve this issue.
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #934074 is a reply to message #933764] Fri, 05 October 2012 12:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend

i just gave it a try:
the problem is. autosar.xsd has notthing todo with *.arxml

here is what works
(use javabeans metamodel in xpand and required deps to the project.


	<bean class="org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.StandaloneSetup" platformUri="..">
		<registerGeneratedEPackage value="autosar40.util.Autosar40Package" />
			<from value="arxml" />
			<to value="autosar40.util.Autosar40ResourceFactoryImpl" />
	<component class="org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.Reader">
		<modelSlot value="model" />
		<uri value="platform:/resource/test/default.arxml" />
	<component class="org.eclipse.xpand2.Generator">
		<expand value="test::main FOR model" />
		<outlet path="src-gen" />
		<metaModel class="" />


«DEFINE main FOR autosar40::autosartoplevelstructure::AUTOSAR»
«FILE "test.txt"»

Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #936670 is a reply to message #934074] Mon, 08 October 2012 04:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Can you show me your configuration in dependencies, and xpand/xtend properties or some references, I try to configure follow warning of console, but it seems not effective.
Beside, can you access other members in model file by xpand code?
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #936701 is a reply to message #936670] Mon, 08 October 2012 04:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
I choose javabeansmetamodel in the props and add the jar containing
the package class used in the workflow to the plugin dependencies of
the manifest.MF file sorry have no access to the code for the next 5

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Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #936744 is a reply to message #936701] Mon, 08 October 2012 05:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
I found my problem, I forgot to change my workflow .oaw to .mwe, so the console warning all about oAW class.
After fixing, my consult is follow
SEVERE: org.eclipse.emf.mwe.core.ConfigurationException: Couldn't find an interface autosar40.util.Autosar40Package
java.lang.RuntimeException: org.eclipse.emf.mwe.core.ConfigurationException: Couldn't find an interface autosar40.util.Autosar40Package
	at org.eclipse.emf.mwe.internal.core.ast.util.InjectorSimple.setValue(
	at org.eclipse.emf.mwe.internal.core.ast.util.VisitorCreator.visitSimpleParamAST(

Where do you place autosar40, is it autosar40.ecore?
Thanks much
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #936791 is a reply to message #936744] Mon, 08 October 2012 06:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Not the ecore!!! There is a plugin that contains the java class

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Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #937548 is a reply to message #936791] Mon, 08 October 2012 23:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi, it worked, but I can't still access to members in my model. Maybe I need to find more how artop work internally, here is output
autosar40.autosartoplevelstructure.impl.AUTOSARImpl@a37c6a (mixed: [])

Thanks much
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #937629 is a reply to message #937548] Tue, 09 October 2012 01:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
What do you mean with members in my model?

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Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #937674 is a reply to message #937629] Tue, 09 October 2012 03:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
I need generate header .h, and need access parameters in my model, get its value and its name, ex: In my model haves 2 part BMD and EPC, BMD contains definition of 'parameter'(name; type int, enum, string..; range; description), EPC map and set value for it. This model is result when I create by AUTOSAR project in Artop
In my opinion, model is structure of some things insist of its definition and its value and xpand or acceleo is template that can access to these things and organize them follow the way we want(header file, html file ...). Do I misunderstand any important point?
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #937690 is a reply to message #937674] Tue, 09 October 2012 03:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
The point you miss is that you have to walk over the model according
to the metamodels structure

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Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #937708 is a reply to message #937690] Tue, 09 October 2012 03:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Thanks, I will see the way I create follow metamodel structure or not, maybe my model is simply created and not follow metamodel so metamodel can't read my model. Thanks for your helpful suggestion Very Happy
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #956116 is a reply to message #937708] Wed, 24 October 2012 04:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Christian,
Can you give me a brief direction or some details reference source for your above code
<bean class="org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.StandaloneSetup" platformUri="..">
		<registerGeneratedEPackage value="autosar40.util.Autosar40Package" />
			<from value="arxml" />
			<to value="autosar40.util.Autosar40ResourceFactoryImpl" />

I don't understand all tab in <bean> like: registerGeneratedEPackage, extensionMap tab
Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #956338 is a reply to message #956116] Wed, 24 October 2012 08:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi it should be covered in the mwe docs. Never the less it basically
maps to a setXXX or an addXXX method in the class that will be called

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Re: [XPand] Apply oaw to xpand project error [message #1127988 is a reply to message #956116] Mon, 07 October 2013 04:02 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hello Jack

I am also new to Xpand and also needing to generate what you were trying.Did you manage to generate code by accessing the values from .arxml file ? Do you have a more complete project now that you can share ?
Thanks in advance
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