Crosstab page break down and across [message #631561] |
Thu, 07 October 2010 20:29  |
Eclipse User |
I want to create a crosstab which will page break both across the table as well as down.
I have followed the crosstab tutorial and created 2 crosstabs on the same report, the first with portrait master page and the second with landscape master page.
The problem is that the report is only 2 pages long, one for each crosstab. However the second one has squashed all the columns onto one landscape page. How can I set it up so that it keeps all the columns as reasonable minimum width, and page breaks as required with the left most column repeating on each page?
Thanks for you help.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<xml-property name="queryText"><![CDATA[SELECT Customers.state,
FROM Customers
ON Customers.customerNumber = Orders.customerNumber
INNER JOIN Orderdetails
ON Orders.orderNumber = Orderdetails.orderNumber
ON Orderdetails.productCode = Products.productCode
WHERE = 'USA']]></xml-property>
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<property name="columnName">PRODUCTCODE</property>
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<property name="columnName">SHIPPEDDATE</property>
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<xml-property name="queryText"><![CDATA[select CLASSICMODELS.ORDERDETAILS.PRODUCTCODE,
and CLASSICMODELS.ORDERS.STATUS = 'Shipped']]></xml-property>
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<xml-property name="queryText"><![CDATA[select CLASSICMODELS.PRODUCTS.PRODUCTLINE,
from CLASSICMODELS.PRODUCTS]]></xml-property>
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<design:ResultSets derivedMetaData="true">
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<expression name="measureExpression">dataSetRow["Extended_Price"]</expression >
<property name="dataType">float</property>
<property name="dataSet">Sales</property>
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<property name="columnName">PRODUCTCODE</property>
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<property name="measures">
<tabular-measure name="EXTENDED_PRICE" id="80">
<expression name="measureExpression">dataSetRow["EXTENDED_PRICE"]</expression >
<property name="dataType">float</property>
<property name="dataSet">Sales Total</property>
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<list-property name="joinConditions">
<property name="cubeKey">PRODUCTCODE</property>
<property name="hierarchyKey">PRODUCTCODE</property>
<property name="hierarchy">NewTabularHierarchy3</property>
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<text-property name="content"><![CDATA[<value-of>new Date()</value-of>]]></text-property>
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<property name="fontSize">14pt</property>
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<property name="textAlign">center</property>
<text-property name="text">Cross Tab</text-property>
<extended-item extensionName="Crosstab" extensionVersion="2.5.0" id="40">
<property name="measures">
<extended-item extensionName="MeasureView" id="52">
<property name="measure">Extended_Price</property>
<property name="detail">
<extended-item extensionName="AggregationCell" id="53">
<property name="aggregationOnRow">Group/STATE</property>
<property name="aggregationOnColumn">Group1/PRODUCTLINE</property>
<property name="content">
<data id="54">
<structure name="numberFormat">
<property name="category">Currency</property>
<property name="pattern">$###0.00</property>
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<property name="resultSetColumn">Extended_Price_Group/STATE_Group1/PRODUCTLINE </property>
<property name="aggregations">
<extended-item extensionName="AggregationCell" id="58">
<property name="aggregationOnColumn">Group1/PRODUCTLINE</property>
<property name="content">
<data id="59">
<structure name="numberFormat">
<property name="category">Currency</property>
<property name="pattern">$###0.00</property>
<property name="textAlign">right</property>
<property name="resultSetColumn">Extended_Price_Group1/PRODUCTLINE</property >
<extended-item extensionName="AggregationCell" id="62">
<property name="aggregationOnRow">Group/STATE</property>
<property name="content">
<data id="63">
<structure name="numberFormat">
<property name="category">Currency</property>
<property name="pattern">$###0.00</property>
<property name="textAlign">right</property>
<property name="resultSetColumn">Extended_Price_Group/STATE</property >
<extended-item extensionName="AggregationCell" id="64">
<property name="content">
<data id="65">
<structure name="numberFormat">
<property name="category">Currency</property>
<property name="pattern">$###0.00</property>
<property name="textAlign">right</property>
<property name="resultSetColumn">Extended_Price</property>
<property name="header">
<extended-item extensionName="CrosstabCell" id="55">
<property name="content">
<label id="56">
<property name="textAlign">right</property>
<text-property name="text">Order Total</text-property>
<extended-item extensionName="CrosstabCell" id="66">
<property name="content">
<label id="67">
<property name="textAlign">right</property>
<text-property name="text">Total</text-property>
<property name="rows">
<extended-item extensionName="CrosstabView" id="42">
<property name="grandTotal">
<extended-item extensionName="CrosstabCell" id="57">
<property name="content">
<label id="60">
<text-property name="text">Grand Total</text-property>
<property name="views">
<extended-item extensionName="DimensionView" id="43">
<property name="dimension">Group</property>
<property name="levels">
<extended-item extensionName="LevelView" name="NewLevel View" id="44">
<property name="level">Group/STATE</property>
<property name="member">
<extended-item extensionName="CrosstabCell" id="45">
<property name="content">
<data name="STATE" id="46">
<property name="resultSetColumn">STATE</property>
<property name="columns">
<extended-item extensionName="CrosstabView" id="47">
<property name="grandTotal">
<extended-item extensionName="CrosstabCell" id="61">
<property name="content">
<label id="68">
<property name="textAlign">right</property>
<text-property name="text">Grand Total</text-property>
<property name="views">
<extended-item extensionName="DimensionView" id="48">
<property name="dimension">Group1</property>
<property name="levels">
<extended-item extensionName="LevelView" name="NewLevel View1" id="49">
<property name="level">Group1/PRODUCTLINE</property>
<property name="member">
<extended-item extensionName="CrosstabCell" id="50">
<property name="content">
<data name="PRODUCTLINE" id="51">
<property name="textAlign">right</property>
<property name="resultSetColumn">PRODUCTLINE</property>
<property name="header">
<extended-item extensionName="CrosstabCell" id="41"/>
<property name="masterPage">Simple MasterPage</property>
<property name="pageBreakAfter">always</property>
<property name="cube">Sales Cube</property>
<list-property name="boundDataColumns">
<property name="name">STATE</property>
<expression name="expression">dimension["Group"]["STATE"]</expression >
<property name="dataType">string</property>
<property name="name">PRODUCTLINE</property>
<expression name="expression">dimension["Group1"]["PRODUCTLINE"]</expression >
<property name="dataType">string</property>
<property name="name">Extended_Price_Group/STATE_Group1/PRODUCTLINE</property >
<expression name="expression">measure["Extended_Price"]</expression >
<property name="dataType">float</property>
<simple-property-list name="aggregateOn">
<property name="aggregateFunction">SUM</property>
<property name="name">Extended_Price_Group1/PRODUCTLINE</property>
<expression name="expression">measure["Extended_Price"]</expression >
<property name="dataType">float</property>
<simple-property-list name="aggregateOn">
<property name="aggregateFunction">sum</property>
<property name="name">Extended_Price_Group/STATE</property>
<expression name="expression">measure["Extended_Price"]</expression >
<property name="dataType">float</property>
<simple-property-list name="aggregateOn">
<property name="aggregateFunction">sum</property>
<property name="name">Extended_Price</property>
<expression name="expression">measure["Extended_Price"]</expression >
<property name="dataType">float</property>
<property name="aggregateFunction">sum</property>
<extended-item extensionName="Crosstab" extensionVersion="2.5.0" id="81">
<property name="measures">
<extended-item extensionName="MeasureView" id="83">
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868374 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868375 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868376 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868377 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868379 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868380 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868381 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868382 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868384 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868386 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868388 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868390 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868391 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868392 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868393 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868395 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868397 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868398 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868401 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868402 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868405 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868408 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868409 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868411 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868412 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868413 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868414 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868416 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868417 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868418 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868420 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868421 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868422 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868423 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868424 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868425 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868426 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868427 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868428 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868429 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868430 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868431 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868433 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868434 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868436 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868437 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868438 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868439 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868440 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868443 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868444 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868445 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868446 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868447 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868448 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868449 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868450 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868451 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868452 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868453 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868454 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868455 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868457 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868458 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868459 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868460 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868462 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868463 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868464 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868465 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868466 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868467 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868468 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868469 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868470 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868471 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868472 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868473 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868474 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868475 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868478 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868479 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868480 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868481 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868482 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868483 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868484 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868485 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868486 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868487 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868488 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868489 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868490 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868491 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868492 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868493 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868494 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868495 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868496 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868498 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868500 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868501 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868503 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868504 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868505 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868507 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868508 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868509 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868511 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868513 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868514 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868515 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868516 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868518 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868520 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868523 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868524 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868526 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868528 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868529 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868531 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868532 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868534 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868535 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868538 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868539 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868541 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868543 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868544 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868545 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868546 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868549 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868551 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868553 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868554 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868555 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868559 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868560 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868565 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868567 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868568 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868571 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868574 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868577 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868581 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868583 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868587 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868591 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868594 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868598 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868601 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868604 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868607 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868609 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868612 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868615 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868621 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868625 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868628 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868630 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868633 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868635 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868637 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868640 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868643 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868645 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868648 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868652 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868655 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868658 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868660 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868663 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868665 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868667 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868669 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868671 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868673 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868675 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868678 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868681 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868683 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868685 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868687 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868690 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868692 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868694 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868699 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868703 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868708 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868712 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868716 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868718 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868722 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868724 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868727 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868730 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!
Re: Crosstab page break down and across [message #868733 is a reply to message #868151] |
Tue, 01 May 2012 16:52  |
Eclipse User |
I am not sure this is the same example, but using the page break on the
column level, you can set the number of columns before a page break
happens. See attached example.
On 5/1/2012 1:18 PM, Lane Davis-Coury wrote:
> Would love to see this solution! But there is no link to the
> crosstabpagebreak.rptdesign file and I cannot find it on the Forum.
> Thanks for the help!