I have uml model referencing another um model via packageimport....
When I use a class from the imported uml model, M2T is not able to figure out the package of the class....
So do I have to do anything special in the mwe workflow for this package import element like we are doing uml profiles?
For ex for Profiles I have to do this
<bean id="datatype" class="org.eclipse.xtend.typesystem.uml2.profile.ProfileMetaModel">
<profile value="platform:/resource/src/main/resources/model/Datatype.profile.uml"/>
and in generator
<component id="JavaGenerator" class="org.eclipse.xpand2.Generator"
<fileEncoding value="ISO-8859-1" />
<!--metaModel idRef="EmfMM" /-->
<metaModel idRef="uml" />
<metaModel idRef="datatype" />
is something like this necessary for packageimport.
Thx for the answers...