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Home » Language IDEs » C / C++ IDE (CDT) » Can't configure user to mqtt broker using C funtions(Programming auto connect to user)
Can't configure user to mqtt broker using C funtions [message #1836287] Mon, 28 December 2020 11:31
leon chen is currently offline leon chenFriend
Messages: 1
Registered: December 2020
Junior Member
Hi all,

I have an issue with setting the MQTT User Configuration using the Basys MX3 in combination with an ESP32 wifi module
Everytime when I try to run my program it shows this message as error
the errorcode is 0x010a6002 and from what I found on this site
it means that it is not in a configured state. The strange thing is when I try to manually type in the configuration in teraterm I get don't get this problem and I can connect just fine to the broker. This is the broker I am using right now I am kind of stuck for a few days now and I couldn't really find a concrete solution for this. I would like some help with it.

This is the set-up us when typing manually:

And I use teraterm to type in the AT commands

This is the set-up when trying to run the programm automatically:

It connects to the network protocol just fine, but when executing the function to set usercfg I get the errorcode you see in the first png.
This is the code I use to run the whole programm:

#include <xc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "./mcc_generated_files/mcc.h"
#include "ESP32.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "lcd.h"

#define Baudrate  115200 //baudrate in which data needs to be sent to esp32

void alternateLEDS();
void blinkLEDS();
void blinkLED(int ledNum);
// for connection with wifi
char conectionName[] = "Synology";
char password[] = "Keizergarden1994/";

//for serverconnection
char  ntpServer[] = "";
unsigned int enable = 1, timezone = 2;

//MQTT userconnection information
unsigned int linkID = 0 , scheme = 7, cert_key_ID = 0, CA_ID = 0;
char ClientId[] = "ZYBOESP32";
char username[] = "Jeedella";
char MQTTpassword[] = "Jeedella";
char path[] = "wss";

//connections to broker
char host[] = "";

unsigned int reconnect = 1, port = 443;

//subscribe and publish
char topic[] = "hello";
char topic2[] = "hello_2";
unsigned int qos = 1;
char data[] = "I am here";
char retain = 0;

//const char dummy_sens_data[] = "25volts"; //dummy data from a sensor    
//char macAdress[] = {0x30, 0xAE, 0xA4, 0x92, 0x74, 0xD8}; // mac adress of the wifi module

void main(void) {
    unsigned char cch;
    char strTxtp[cchRxMax];   
   // UART_InitPoll(Baudrate);
    LCD_Init(); //initialize LCD screen
    LCD_WriteStringAtPos(" UART Data test", 0, 0);

   // shell_init(Baudrate); //initialise baudrate for sending over to esp32    

    printString("checking AT status: \n\r");

    printString("setting wifi mode: \n\r");
    printString("getting wifi mode:\n\r");
    printString("setting AP \n\r");
    setCurrentAP(&conectionName[0], &password[0], NULL);
    printString("getting AP connection \n\r");
//    void setCurrentAP(char * ssid, char * pwd, char * bssid) {
    int i;
    for(i = 1; i <= 0xF0; i = i << 1) {
        LATA = i;
        LATA = 0;
     //write to the LCD as well
    //enable errorlog first to show all errors
    printString("connecting to timeserver \n\r");      
    esp_to_ntp(enable, timezone, &ntpServer[0]);
    printString ("check time configuration \n\r");
    printString("configure user for MQTT connection \n\r");
    config_user(linkID, scheme, &ClientId[0], &username[0], &MQTTpassword[0], cert_key_ID, CA_ID, &path[0]);
//    printString(" show queury mqtt broker connections\n\r");
//    MQTT_brokerConnections();
//    delayMS(100);
//    printString("connect user to broker \n\r");
//    Connect_to_broker(linkID, &host[0], port, reconnect);
//    delayMS(100);
////    printString(" show queury mqtt broker connections again\n\r");
////    MQTT_brokerConnections();
////    delayMS(100);
//    printString("subscribing to a topic \n\r");
//    Sub_to_topic(linkID, &topic[0], qos);
//    delayMS(100);
//    printString("publish to a topic \n\r");
//    Pub_to_topic(linkID, &topic2[0], &data[0], qos, retain);

    while(1) {

//        if(-1 == establishSSLConnection("", 4443)) {
//            delayMS(1000);
//        } else {
//            uint8_t status = getServerStatus("", 4443);
//            switch(status) {
//                case 0: 
//                    delayMS(1000);
//                    break;
//                case 1: 
//                    blinkLED(0);
//                    break;
//                case 2: 
//                    blinkLEDS();
//                    break;
//                case 3: 
//                    break;
//                default:
//                    delayMS(1000);
//                    break;
//            }
//        }
           printString("rdy to sent to esp32 \n\r");

            cch = UART_GetCharPoll();
           //use the LCD display to visualize the received chars
            printf(strTxtp, " Received %c", cch);
            printString("chars received on lcd \n\r");

            LCD_WriteStringAtPos(strTxtp, 1, 0);
            //send the char back to UART
            printString("show sent char:\n\r");
            printString("chars sent to uart\n\r");
            printString("rdy to receive data:\n\r");


This is the function where I try to setting the userconfig:
//configure user settings for MQTT connection
void config_user(unsigned int linkID, unsigned int scheme, char *ClientId, char *username, char *password, unsigned  int cert_key_ID, unsigned int CA_ID, char *path) {
    printString("Configure user settings for MQTT connection...\r\n");
    char tx[0];
    sprintf(tx, "at+mqttusercfg=%d,%d,\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",%d,%d,\"%s\"\r\n", linkID, scheme, ClientId, username, password, cert_key_ID, CA_ID, path);
    while(!(UART1_StatusGet() & UART1_RECEIVER_IDLE )) {
           // Wait for the data to fill the RX buffer
    char rx[RX_BUF_SIZE];
    char * cur = rx;
    while(UART1_ReceiveBufferSizeGet() < 512) {
        *cur++ = UART1_Read();
    *cur = '\0';

I'd really appreciated if someone could help me with this. I personally think it has to do with login creditentials but i am not sure about this.

Also since I am a new user I cannot include links to external sites, so sorry in advance for that I have to show it like this.
  • Attachment: picture1.png
    (Size: 33.01KB, Downloaded 323 times)
  • Attachment: picture2.png
    (Size: 221.92KB, Downloaded 390 times)
  • Attachment: picture3.png
    (Size: 2.12MB, Downloaded 357 times)
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