Home » Eclipse Projects » Buckminster dev » [buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching
[buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching [message #17010] |
Thu, 22 May 2008 11:05  |
Eclipse User |
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Let me describe the situation I have.
1) I've installed SVN repo on svn://localhost/repo/
2) In repository I've created such structure:
-- plA
-- branches
-- tags
-- trunk (here will be my plugin plA code)
-- plB
-- branches
-- tags
-- trunk (here will be my plugin plB code)
3) Then I create plugins in Eclipse and commit them to repository. I also
set that plB depends on plA with version range [1,0,0; 2,0,0] (default
versions for plugins on creation are 1.0.0)
4) I create RMAP:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<searchPath name="default">
<provider readerType="svn"
<uri format="svn://localhost/repo/{0}/trunk/">
<bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />
<locator searchPathRef="default" pattern="^.*" />
5) I create CQUERY:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
resourceMap="<PATH TO MY RMAP>">
<cq:rootRequest name="plB" componentType="osgi.bundle"/>
6) When I execute this query, everything is OK, I get plA and plB in my
7) I decide to make some major changes in plA, so I follow Eclipse
versioning conceptions:
a) I create new branch under svn://localhost/repo/plA/branches/ with name
b) Copy all plA trunk to this new branch
c) Change plA in trunk and modify it's version to 2.0.0
So the situations for now - I have two working copies of plA, one is R1.0.x
branch, other is trunk. Branch is 1.0.0 version, trunk is 2.0.0 version.
===== And now the problem occurs! =====
When i try to execute my CQUERY, I have an error (it's dumb SAX parser
error, but I understand it is because of not all dependencies can be
resolved - by the way, can anybody fix this issue to show READABLE
error-string? :) ). I understand the case of this error - my bundle plB
requieres plA of versions [1.0.0, 2.0.0), but only available plA in trunk is
2.0.0 version, which is not acceptable. So I understand, that Buckminster
cannot automatically search branches to seek for appropriate version?
I have found two workarounds for this issue:
1) I can create advisor node in my CQUERY named "plA" and set it's
"Selection Criteria -> Branch/Tag path" to "R1.0.x". This will make
Buckminster look for plA component only in this branch. This will fix the
issue, but I think is not proper solution for the problem.
2) I can add additional provider to my RMAP for each branch I want
Buckminster to include in component search:
<provider readerType="svn"
<uri format="svn://localhost/repo/{0}/branches/R1.0.x/">
<bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />
This works fine, and I think this is even logically fine (I tell Buckminster
what branches to search, and what to ignore), but it requires some handwork
to put this provider in RMAP after each release of plugin (assuming release
involves creating branch). This also has a problem: let's assume I've added
this provider to RMAP, knowing that plA has branch "R1.0.x". But this
provider will also work for all other components, trying to look at their's
branch "R1.0.x", which can even not exist. Of course I can fix this by
replacing "{0}" in URI with "plA" but... isn't it the same as listing all
available pairs component/branch in provider? Which I think is not a very
good practice.
So I wanted to know, is there any naming convention for branches to make
Buckminster automatically search components inside them without handwriting
them in RMAP?
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IEJ1Y2ttaW5zdGVyIGF1dG9tYXRpY2FsbHkgc2VhcmNoIGNvbXBvbmVudHMg aW5zaWRlIHRoZW0g
d2l0aG91dCBoYW5kd3JpdGluZyB0aGVtIGluIFJNQVA/PGJyPjxicj5UaGFu a3MuPGJyPgo=
Re: [buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching [message #17070 is a reply to message #17010] |
Thu, 22 May 2008 14:04   |
Eclipse User |
Hi Mikhail,
You need to use the URI properties moduleBeforeBranch/moduleAfterBranch.
Consider this URI declaration:
<bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component"/>
Buckminster will treat everything after 'trunk' in the URI as the module
name so it will map your component name to it's notion of the module
name. When searching branches it will expand the above URI to:
svn://localhost/repo/{0}/branches/<your branch>/{0}
The branches should not be visible in your rmap. Instead, you use an
advisory node in the CQUERY that has a branch/tag path. This is a
comma-separated path of tokens. A token starting with a '/' is a tag and
all other tokens are branches.
There's a special token 'main' that translates to the trunk so if you
want Buckminster to search your R1.0.x branch first and then, if it
doesn't find the component there, continue with trunk, you can use a
branch/tag path like 'R1.0.x,main'
Thomas Hallgren
Mikhail Kadan wrote:
> Hi.
> Let me describe the situation I have.
> 1) I've installed SVN repo on svn://localhost/repo/
> 2) In repository I've created such structure:
> -- plA
> -- branches
> -- tags
> -- trunk (here will be my plugin plA code)
> -- plB
> -- branches
> -- tags
> -- trunk (here will be my plugin plB code)
> 3) Then I create plugins in Eclipse and commit them to repository. I
> also set that plB depends on plA with version range [1,0,0; 2,0,0]
> (default versions for plugins on creation are 1.0.0)
> 4) I create RMAP:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <rmap
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
> xmlns="http://www.eclipse.org/buckminster/RMap-1.0"
> xmlns:bc="http://www.eclipse.org/buckminster/Common-1.0"
> xmlns:mp="http://www.eclipse.org/buckminster/MavenProvider-1.0"
> xmlns:pp="http://www.eclipse.org/buckminster/PDEMapProvider-1.0">
> <searchPath name="default">
> <provider readerType="svn"
> componentTypes="eclipse.feature,osgi.bundle,buckminster">
> <uri format="svn://localhost/repo/{0}/trunk/">
> <bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />
> </uri>
> </provider>
> </searchPath>
> <locator searchPathRef="default" pattern="^.*" />
> </rmap>
> 5) I create CQUERY:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <cq:componentQuery
> xmlns:cq="http://www.eclipse.org/buckminster/CQuery-1.0"
> resourceMap="<PATH TO MY RMAP>">
> <cq:rootRequest name="plB" componentType="osgi.bundle"/>
> </cq:componentQuery>
> 6) When I execute this query, everything is OK, I get plA and plB in my
> workspace.
> 7) I decide to make some major changes in plA, so I follow Eclipse
> versioning conceptions:
> a) I create new branch under svn://localhost/repo/plA/branches/ with
> name "R1.0.x"
> b) Copy all plA trunk to this new branch
> c) Change plA in trunk and modify it's version to 2.0.0
> So the situations for now - I have two working copies of plA, one is
> R1.0.x branch, other is trunk. Branch is 1.0.0 version, trunk is 2.0.0
> version.
> ===== And now the problem occurs! =====
> When i try to execute my CQUERY, I have an error (it's dumb SAX parser
> error, but I understand it is because of not all dependencies can be
> resolved - by the way, can anybody fix this issue to show READABLE
> error-string? :) ). I understand the case of this error - my bundle plB
> requieres plA of versions [1.0.0, 2.0.0), but only available plA in
> trunk is 2.0.0 version, which is not acceptable. So I understand, that
> Buckminster cannot automatically search branches to seek for appropriate
> version?
> I have found two workarounds for this issue:
> 1) I can create advisor node in my CQUERY named "plA" and set it's
> "Selection Criteria -> Branch/Tag path" to "R1.0.x". This will make
> Buckminster look for plA component only in this branch. This will fix
> the issue, but I think is not proper solution for the problem.
> 2) I can add additional provider to my RMAP for each branch I want
> Buckminster to include in component search:
> <provider readerType="svn"
> componentTypes="eclipse.feature,osgi.bundle,buckminster">
> <uri format="svn://localhost/repo/{0}/branches/R1.0.x/">
> <bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />
> </uri>
> </provider>
> This works fine, and I think this is even logically fine (I tell
> Buckminster what branches to search, and what to ignore), but it
> requires some handwork to put this provider in RMAP after each release
> of plugin (assuming release involves creating branch). This also has a
> problem: let's assume I've added this provider to RMAP, knowing that plA
> has branch "R1.0.x". But this provider will also work for all other
> components, trying to look at their's branch "R1.0.x", which can even
> not exist. Of course I can fix this by replacing "{0}" in URI with "plA"
> but... isn't it the same as listing all available pairs
> component/branch in provider? Which I think is not a very good practice.
> So I wanted to know, is there any naming convention for branches to make
> Buckminster automatically search components inside them without
> handwriting them in RMAP?
> Thanks.
Re: [buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching [message #17157 is a reply to message #17010] |
Fri, 23 May 2008 03:07   |
Eclipse User |
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Thanks for quick answer.
As I understood, I have to provide list of branch names in advisor nodes to
make Buckminster search in this branches.
For example, let's see such repo structure:
-- plA
-- branches
-- R1.0.x (<1.0 code here>)
-- tags
-- trunk (<2.0 code here>)
So to make Buckminster search for code in trunk AND in R1.0.x branch, I can
create advisor node named "plA" with "branch/tag" set to "main,R1.0.x".
Another thing I want to know: is there some naming convention for this
branches, to make Buckminster AUTOMATICALLY search code in them, without
creating advisor node for this purpose?
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Hi.<br>Thanks for quick answer.<br><br>As I understood, I have to provide list of branch names in advisor nodes to make Buckminster search in this branches.<br><br>For example, let's see such repo structure:<br><br>-- plA<br>
-- branches<br> -- R1.0.x (<1.0 code here>)<br> -- tags<br> -- trunk (<2.0 code here>)<br><br>So to make Buckminster search for code in trunk AND in R1.0.x branch, I can create advisor node named "plA" with "branch/tag" set to "main,R1.0.x".<br>
<br>Another thing I want to know: is there some naming convention for this branches, to make Buckminster AUTOMATICALLY search code in them, without creating advisor node for this purpose?<br> <br>Thanks.<br>
Re: [buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching [message #17183 is a reply to message #17010] |
Fri, 23 May 2008 04:03   |
Eclipse User |
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Not sure what you mean by automatically here. Buckminster cannot guess what
> branches you have in mind and in what order they should be searched. You
> must specify this somewhere. You don't need to do it once for each component
> of course. You can create an advisory node that matches all components using
> the pattern '.*'.
By "automatically" I mean that it may be some naming convention for branches
to "mark" them for Buckminster to search.
For example, let's assume I have three branches for plA:
If there is a naming convention saying "all branches that apply to pattern
RX.Y.x, where X and Y are numbers, must be included automatically into
search path", so the branches "R1.0.x" and "R1.1.x" (as they follow this
naming convention) will be included in search automatically, and branch
"testNewAPI" must be included manually.
As I understand, Buckminster has no such naming convention, so all branches
must be included manually. Is there a chance that such feature will be
implemented in future releases of Buckminster?
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<div><div>Hi.<br></div><br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-left: 0.80ex; border-left-color: #cccccc; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; padding-left: 1ex">
Not sure what you mean by automatically here. Buckminster cannot guess what branches you have in mind and in what order they should be searched. You must specify this somewhere. You don't need to do it once for each component of course. You can create an advisory node that matches all components using the pattern '.*'.<br>
</blockquote></div><br>By "automatically" I mean that it may be some naming convention for branches to "mark" them for Buckminster to search.<br><br>For example, let's assume I have three branches for plA:<br>
<br>R1.0.x<br>R1.1.x<br>testNewAPI<br><br>If there is a naming convention saying "all branches that apply to pattern RX.Y.x, where X and Y are numbers, must be included automatically into search path", so the branches "R1.0.x" and "R1.1.x" (as they follow this naming convention) will be included in search automatically, and branch "testNewAPI" must be included manually.<br>
<br>As I understand, Buckminster has no such naming convention, so all branches must be included manually. Is there a chance that such feature will be implemented in future releases of Buckminster?<br><br>Thanks.<br>
Re: [buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching [message #17211 is a reply to message #17010] |
Fri, 23 May 2008 04:42   |
Eclipse User |
Mikhail Kadan wrote:
> Hi.
> Not sure what you mean by automatically here. Buckminster cannot
> guess what branches you have in mind and in what order they should
> be searched. You must specify this somewhere. You don't need to do
> it once for each component of course. You can create an advisory
> node that matches all components using the pattern '.*'.
> By "automatically" I mean that it may be some naming convention for
> branches to "mark" them for Buckminster to search.
> For example, let's assume I have three branches for plA:
> R1.0.x
> R1.1.x
> testNewAPI
> If there is a naming convention saying "all branches that apply to
> pattern RX.Y.x, where X and Y are numbers, must be included
> automatically into search path", so the branches "R1.0.x" and "R1.1.x"
> (as they follow this naming convention) will be included in search
> automatically, and branch "testNewAPI" must be included manually.
Aha, yes. Buckminster can do branch/tag name to version conversion. I.e.
it can extract the component version from a branch or tag name rather
then from the meta-data of the component. You can create a provider that
uses a <versionConverter> element. It uses two regexp substitutions, one
to translate the branch to a version and one to do the opposite.
Buckminster will then make an attempt to find the highest version. When
this scheme is used, you don't use the branch/tag path and you don't use
the trunk.
You can find more information here:
http://wiki.eclipse.org/Buckminster_component_meta-data_lang uage_%28Reference%29_-_LATEST#VersionConverter_component
Thomas Hallgren
Re: [buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching [message #17270 is a reply to message #17010] |
Fri, 23 May 2008 06:02   |
Eclipse User |
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> Aha, yes. Buckminster can do branch/tag name to version conversion. I.e. it
> can extract the component version from a branch or tag name rather then from
> the meta-data of the component. You can create a provider that uses a
> <versionConverter> element. It uses two regexp substitutions, one to
> translate the branch to a version and one to do the opposite. Buckminster
> will then make an attempt to find the highest version. When this scheme is
> used, you don't use the branch/tag path and you don't use the trunk.
I've played a bit with this stuff, and made something like:
<searchPath name="default">
<provider readerType="svn"
<uri format="svn://localhost/test/{0}/trunk/">
<bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />
<versionConverter type="branch">
toReplacement="$1\.$2\.0" />
This, I think, correctly maps component version "X.Y.Z" to branch name
"RX.Y.x" (f.e. "3.2.7" to "R3.2.x") and vice versa (the third number in
version string is assumed to be 0).
And now it completely ignores my "trunk", so I have to do head development
in a branch named according to my current version (something like "R2.7.x")
:) Is there some way to teach Buckminster to look into my "trunk" also?
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<div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-left: 0.80ex; border-left-color: #cccccc; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: solid; padding-left: 1ex">
Aha, yes. Buckminster can do branch/tag name to version conversion. I.e. it can extract the component version from a branch or tag name rather then from the meta-data of the component. You can create a provider that uses a <versionConverter> element. It uses two regexp substitutions, one to translate the branch to a version and one to do the opposite. Buckminster will then make an attempt to find the highest version. When this scheme is used, you don't use the branch/tag path and you don't use the trunk.<br>
</blockquote></div><br>I've played a bit with this stuff, and made something like:<br><br> <searchPath name="default"><br> <provider readerType="svn" componentTypes="eclipse.feature,osgi.bundle,buckmin ster"> <br>
<uri format="svn://localhost/test/{0}/trunk/"><br> <bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" /><br> </uri> <br> <versionConve rter type="branch"><br>
<transform <br> fromPattern="^(\d)+\.(\d)+\..*$ " <br> fromReplacement="R$1\.$2\.x& ;quot; <br> toPattern="^R(\d)+\.(\d)+\.x$&a mp;quot; <br> toReplacement="$1\.$2\.0&qu ot; /><br>
</versionConv erter> <br> </provider><br> </searchPath><br><br>This, I think, correctly maps component version "X.Y.Z" to branch name "RX.Y.x" (f.e. "3.2.7" to "R3.2.x") and vice versa (the third number in version string is assumed to be 0).<br>
<br>And now it completely ignores my "trunk", so I have to do head development in a branch named according to my current version (something like "R2.7.x") :) Is there some way to teach Buckminster to look into my "trunk" also?<br>
Re: [buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching [message #17297 is a reply to message #17010] |
Fri, 23 May 2008 06:37   |
Eclipse User |
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Sorry, I was to fast to write previous letter.
1) I've solved a promlem with "trunk" - I've just added another provider on
top of my SearchPath with "trunk" resolution, so now it is:
<searchPath name="default">
<provider readerType="svn"
<uri format="svn://localhost/test/{0}/trunk/">
<bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />
<provider readerType="svn"
<uri format="svn://localhost/test/{0}/trunk/">
<bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />
<versionConverter type="branch">
fromPattern="^(\d)+\.(\d)+\..*$" fromReplacement="R$1\.$2\.x"
toPattern="^R(\d)+\.(\d)+\.x$" toReplacement="$1\.$2\.0" />
2) But I've found another problem. When I try to execute CQUERY without
specifying exact version of component, it resolves well. But when I specify
version of component, it failes.
For example:
My SearchPath:
<searchPath name="default">
<provider readerType="svn"
<uri format="svn://localhost/test/{0}/trunk/">
<bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />
<versionConverter type="branch">
fromPattern="^(\d)+\.(\d)+\..*$" fromReplacement="R$1\.$2\.x"
toPattern="^R(\d)+\.(\d)+\.x$" toReplacement="$1\.$2\.0" />
<cq:rootRequest name="plA" componentType="osgi.bundle"/>
It resolves perfectly to R1.0.x branch, which contains 1.0.0 version of
But when I specify in my CQUERY that I need version 1.0.0 EXPLICITLY,
resolution failes:
<cq:rootRequest name="plA" componentType="osgi.bundle"
versionDesignator="[1.0.0,1.0.0]" versionType="OSGi"/>
I've tried to provide "versionDesignator" in different forms, but none of it
worked. I've also tried to make simple version->branch replacion (w/o any
regexps, just 1.0.0 version transforms to 1.0.0 branch), I thought maybe I
have some mistake in regexps, but it didn't help. Can you help me to solve
this matter?
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Sorry, I was to fast to write previous letter.<br><br>1) I've solved a promlem with "trunk" - I've just added another provider on top of my SearchPath with "trunk" resolution, so now it is: <br>
<br> <searchPath name="default"><br><br> <provider readerType="svn" componentTypes="eclipse.feature,osgi.bundle,buckmin ster"> <br> <uri format="svn://localhost/test/{0}/trunk/"><br>
<bc:propertyR ef key="buckminster.component" /><br> </uri><br> </provider><br><br> <provider readerType="svn" componentTypes="eclipse.feature,osgi.bundle,buckmin ster"> <br>
<uri format="svn://localhost/test/{0}/trunk/"><br> <bc:propertyR ef key="buckminster.component" /><br> </uri><br> <versionConverter type="branch"><br>
<transform<br > fromPattern="^(\d)+\.(\d)+\..*$" fromReplacement="R$1\.$2\.x"<br> toPattern="^R(\d)+\.(\d)+\.x$" toReplacement="$1\.$2\.0" /><br> </versionConv erter> <br>
</provider><br><br></searchPath> <br><br><br>2) But I've found another problem. When I try to execute CQUERY without specifying exact version of component, it resolves well. But when I specify version of component, it failes.<br>
<br>For example:<br><br>My SearchPath:<br><br><searchPath name="default"><br><br><provider readerType="svn" componentTypes="eclipse.feature,osgi.bundle,buckmin ster"> <br> <uri format="svn://localhost/test/{0}/trunk/"><br>
<bc:propertyR ef key="buckminster.component" /><br> </uri><br> <versionConverter type="branch"><br> <transform<br > fromPattern="^(\d)+\.(\d)+\..*$" fromReplacement="R$1\.$2\.x"<br>
toPattern="^R(\d)+\.(\d)+\.x$" toReplacement="$1\.$2\.0" /><br> </versionConv erter> <br> </provider><br><br></searchPath> <br><br>My CQUERY:<br><br><cq:componentQuery><br>
<cq:rootRequest name="plA" componentType="osgi.bundle"/><br></cq:componentQuery> <br><br>It resolves perfectly to R1.0.x branch, which contains 1.0.0 version of component.<br><br>But when I specify in my CQUERY that I need version 1.0.0 EXPLICITLY, resolution failes:<br>
<br><cq:componentQuery><br> <cq:rootRequest name="plA" componentType="osgi.bundle" versionDesignator="[1.0.0,1.0.0]" versionType="OSGi"/><br></cq:componentQuery> <br>
<br>I've tried to provide "versionDesignator" in different forms, but none of it worked. I've also tried to make simple version->branch replacion (w/o any regexps, just 1.0.0 version transforms to 1.0.0 branch), I thought maybe I have some mistake in regexps, but it didn't help. Can you help me to solve this matter?<br>
<br>Thanks.<br><br> <br>
| |
Re: [buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching [message #17373 is a reply to message #17297] |
Fri, 23 May 2008 07:43   |
Eclipse User |
Mikhail Kadan wrote:
> Sorry, I was to fast to write previous letter.
> 1) I've solved a promlem with "trunk" - I've just added another provider
> on top of my SearchPath with "trunk" resolution, so now it is:
Of course. Why didn't I think of that :-)
> 2) But I've found another problem. When I try to execute CQUERY without
> specifying exact version of component, it resolves well. But when I
> specify version of component, it failes.
> For example:
> My SearchPath:
> <searchPath name="default">
> <provider readerType="svn"
> componentTypes="eclipse.feature,osgi.bundle,buckminster">
> <uri format="svn://localhost/test/{0}/trunk/">
> <bc:propertyRef key="buckminster.component" />
> </uri>
> <versionConverter type="branch">
> <transform
> fromPattern="^(\d)+\.(\d)+\..*$" fromReplacement="R$1\.$2\.x"
> toPattern="^R(\d)+\.(\d)+\.x$" toReplacement="$1\.$2\.0" />
> </versionConverter>
> </provider>
> </searchPath>
> <cq:componentQuery>
> <cq:rootRequest name="plA" componentType="osgi.bundle"/>
> </cq:componentQuery>
> It resolves perfectly to R1.0.x branch, which contains 1.0.0 version of
> component.
> But when I specify in my CQUERY that I need version 1.0.0 EXPLICITLY,
> resolution failes:
> <cq:componentQuery>
> <cq:rootRequest name="plA" componentType="osgi.bundle"
> versionDesignator="[1.0.0,1.0.0]" versionType="OSGi"/>
> </cq:componentQuery>
> I've tried to provide "versionDesignator" in different forms, but none
> of it worked. I've also tried to make simple version->branch replacion
> (w/o any regexps, just 1.0.0 version transforms to 1.0.0 branch), I
> thought maybe I have some mistake in regexps, but it didn't help. Can
> you help me to solve this matter?
I can't see anything wrong with what you're doing. Can you please set
the Buckminster preferences:
"Console logger level" >= DEBUG
"Maximum number of resolver threads" >= 1
and then run and let me have a look at the output? Feel free to send it
to my private email if you don't want to expose it here.
- thomas
Re: [buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching [message #17390 is a reply to message #17297] |
Fri, 23 May 2008 08:33   |
Eclipse User |
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Here it is:
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.RawJSONArraySerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.RawJSONObjectSerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.BeanSerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.ArraySerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.DictionarySerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.MapSerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.SetSerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.ListSerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.DateSerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.StringSerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.NumberSerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.BooleanSerializer
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.PrimitiveSerializer
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Using
resolver rmap
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi:
Rejecting provider eclipse.platform(plugin/${buckminster.component}): No
component match was found
blocked(class org.eclipse.core.internal.events.AutoBuildJob[Building
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Using
resource map file:/C:/Work/workspaces/bm-test/bm/default.rmap
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Using
search path default
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi:
Trying provider svn(svn://{0}/trunk/)
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi:
trunk/head will be searched
Listing remote folder svn:// /trunk#HEAD
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi:
Version 2.0.0 rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi:
Rejecting provider svn(svn://{0}/trunk/): No component
match was found
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi:
Trying provider svn(svn://{0}/trunk/)
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Using
version converter branch. trunk/head will not be considered
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi:
branches will be searched
Listing remote folder svn:// /branches#HEAD
Listing remote folder svn:// /branches/1.0.0#8295
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi:
Version 1.0.0 rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]
Listing remote folder svn:// /branches/teamwork#8295
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi:
Version teamwork rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi:
Rejecting provider svn(svn://{0}/trunk/): No component
match was found
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: No
provider was found that could resolve the request
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Using
resolver cloudsmith
Starting query...
marshall class [B
looking for serializer - java:[B json:null
direct match serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.StringSerializer
Sending: {
[" H4sIAAAAAAAAAMWTT2+bQBDFvwri2i6LIRiDQnJw1KoHN2rrqoeqh9llwCvv H7y7xPG37wZbUdz44Fs5LBLMj/fmzXB7/6xk9ITWCaObeJakcYSam1bovol/ rj+RRXx/d6vamgkpH7sVeLQCpIsCp12t2ibeeD/UlO73+wS5FIPDxNiespFv ldAuAHSFHh7AA5kEvBm+mha/BPam66qCdTOymHVA8m6OBMoFkC6DgrU55imb xxE3ajAatf82oj28cGVepGXFkNxknJG8ZBWBoqxIycuqKxibI0AQEgqdBzU0 cZamC5IWJMvXs6zOqrrIkrzMP6ThiqcGRbu3MAxoI3GtwMSdmzvlwndX5bKc mGMqFp0ZLccVBLudkFjTZU1/Gbul+3C4ATg6yhTxoadwpy12MEqfWAVDsMJ3 tTXGf8fdGAoiDQqbOJhLepPgcwhBYvJGO2EWNN8k3Fh8k/D6MATMuF6EYt3K 8O60HQ/oRK/BG9vEv4PjJP04nX9eK47s44/PIqaTn8GakKc/RFs8NPHSaGck RtL0fUhZ4hPKwIIcAzW7iKzgWahRRXpULCCmm1KSQS/yG4vQuvMP0HfzOD57 ne2FSV+1ghM36pN6+7K+58P//3nTCw7/6Z2+/4/v/gI8CmqMAgQAAA== "],
"id": 1,
"method": "resolutionService.fireBomResolution"
Query started, waiting for reply...
Sending: {
"params": [],
"id": 1,
"method": "resolutionService.getProgressInfo"
looking for serializer - java:org.eclipse.buckminster.remote.ProgressInfo
search found serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.BeanSerializer
instantiating org.eclipse.buckminster.remote.ProgressInfo
invoking setMessage(null)
looking for serializer - java:boolean json:java.lang.Boolean
direct match serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.BooleanSerializer
invoking setDone(true)
looking for serializer - java:int json:java.lang.Integer
direct match serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.PrimitiveSerializer
invoking setWorked(0)
Getting query result...
Sending: {
"params": [],
"id": 1,
"method": "resolutionService.getResolutionResult"
Sending: {
"params": [],
"id": 1,
"method": "resolutionService.logout"
I see such lines in it:
Listing remote folder svn:// /branches#HEAD
Listing remote folder svn:// /branches/1.0.0#8295
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi:
Version 1.0.0 rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]
I guess it's the place where my 1.0.0 branch is rejected, because "Version
1.0.0 rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]". Interesting :)
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Here it is:<br><br>registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.RawJSONArraySerializer<br>registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.RawJSONObjectSerializer<br>registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.BeanSerializer<br>
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.ArraySerializer<br>registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.DictionarySerializer<br>registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.MapSerializer<br>registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.SetSerializer<br>
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.ListSerializer<br>registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.DateSerializer<br>registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.StringSerializer<br>registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.NumberSerializer<br>
registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.BooleanSerializer<br>registered serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.PrimitiveSerializer<br> com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Using resolver rmap<br>
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Rejecting provider eclipse.platform(plugin/${buckminster.component}): No component match was found<br>blocked(class org.eclipse.core.internal.events.AutoBuildJob[Building workspace])<br>
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Using resource map file:/C:/Work/workspaces/bm-test/bm/default.rmap<br> com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Using search path default<br>
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Trying provider svn(svn://<a href="{0}/trunk/">{0}/trunk/</a>)<br> com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: trunk/head will be searched<br>
Listing remote folder svn://<a href=" ch.core/trunk#HEAD"> /trunk#HEAD </a><br> com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Version 2.0.0 rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]<br>
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Rejecting provider svn(svn://<a href="{0}/trunk/">{0}/trunk/</a>): No component match was found<br>
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Trying provider svn(svn://<a href="{0}/trunk/">{0}/trunk/</a>)<br> com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Using version converter branch. trunk/head will not be considered<br>
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: branches will be searched<br>Listing remote folder svn://<a href=" ch.core/branches#HEAD"> /branches#HEAD </a><br>
Listing remote folder svn://<a href=" ch.core/branches/1.0.0#8295"> /branches/1.0.0#8295 </a><br> com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Version 1.0.0 rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]<br>
Listing remote folder svn://<a href=" ch.core/branches/teamwork#8295"> /branches/teamwork#8295 </a><br> com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Version teamwork rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]<br>
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Rejecting provider svn(svn://<a href="{0}/trunk/">{0}/trunk/</a>): No component match was found<br>
com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: No provider was found that could resolve the request<br> com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Using resolver cloudsmith<br>
Starting query...<br>marshall class [B<br>looking for serializer - java:[B json:null<br>direct match serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.StringSerializer<br>Sending: {<br> "params": ["H4sIAAAAAAAAAMWTT2+bQBDFvwri2i6LIRiDQnJw1KoHN2rrq oeqh9llwCvvH7y7xPG37wZbUdz44Fs5LBLMj/fmzXB7/6xk9ITWCaObeJakc YSam1bovol/rj+RRXx/d6vamgkpH7sVeLQCpIsCp12t2ibeeD/UlO73+wS5F IPDxNiespFvldAuAHSFHh7AA5kEvBm+mha/BPam66qCdTOymHVA8m6OBMoFk C6DgrU55imbxxE3ajAatf82oj28cGVepGXFkNxknJG8ZBWBoqxIycuqKxibI 0AQEgqdBzU0cZamC5IWJMvXs6zOqrrIkrzMP6ThiqcGRbu3MAxoI3GtwMSdm zvlwndX5bKcmGMqFp0ZLccVBLudkFjTZU1/Gbul+3C4ATg6yhTxoadwpy12M EqfWAVDsMJ3tTXGf8fdGAoiDQqbOJhLepPgcwhBYvJGO2EWNN8k3Fh8k/D6M ATMuF6EYt3K8O60HQ/oRK/BG9vEv4PjJP04nX9eK47s44/PIqaTn8GakKc/R Fs8NPHSaGckRtL0fUhZ4hPKwIIcAzW7iKzgWahRRXpULCCmm1KSQS/yG4vQu vMP0HfzOD57ne2FSV+1ghM36pN6+7K+58P//3nTCw7/6Z2+/4/v/gI8CmqMA gQAAA=="], <br>
"id": 1,<br> "method": "resolutionService.fireBomResolution"<br>} <br>Query started, waiting for reply...<br>Sending: {<br> "params": [],<br> "id": 1,<br> "method": "resolutionService.getProgressInfo"<br>
}<br>looking for serializer - java:org.eclipse.buckminster.remote.ProgressInfo json:org.json.JSONObject<br>search found serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.BeanSerializer<br>instantiating org.eclipse.buckminster.remote.ProgressInfo<br>
invoking setMessage(null)<br>looking for serializer - java:boolean json:java.lang.Boolean<br>direct match serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.BooleanSerializer<br>invoking setDone(true)<br>looking for serializer - java:int json:java.lang.Integer<br>
direct match serializer org.jabsorb.serializer.impl.PrimitiveSerializer<br>invoking setWorked(0)<br>Getting query result...<br>Sending: {<br> "params": [],<br> "id": 1,<br> "method": "resolutionService.getResolutionResult"<br >
}<br>Sending: {<br> "params": [],<br> "id": 1,<br> "method": "resolutionService.logout"<br>}<br><br ><br><br>I see such lines in it:<br><br>Listing remote folder svn://<a href=" ch.core/branches#HEAD"> /branches#HEAD </a><br>
Listing remote folder svn://<a href=" ch.core/branches/1.0.0#8295"> /branches/1.0.0#8295 </a><br> com.go.example.buckminster.branch.core:osgi.bundle/[1.0.0,1. 0.0]#OSGi: Version 1.0.0 rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]<br>
<br>I guess it's the place where my 1.0.0 branch is rejected, because "Version 1.0.0 rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]". Interesting :) <br>
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Re: [buckminster-dev] Making Buckminster understand SVN branching [message #18679 is a reply to message #18656] |
Fri, 23 May 2008 10:35   |
Eclipse User |
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Thank you very much, this worked just fine.
ps I've almost reported a bug, if you would answered minute or two later...
2008/5/23, Thomas Hallgren <thomas@tada.se>:
> Hi Mikhail,
> The bug is in the documentation. Please try and add versionType="OSGi" to
> your <versionConverter> element. The type defaults to "String" and that type
> is not comparable with an OSGi version.
> Regards,
> Thomas Hallgren
> Thomas Hallgren wrote:
>> Mikhail Kadan wrote:
>>> I guess it's the place where my 1.0.0 branch is rejected, because
>>> "Version 1.0.0 rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]". Interesting :)
>> Very. I'll have to look into that. My guess is that there's some confusion
>> with version types. Would you mind entering a bugzilla on this please?
>> - thomas
> _______________________________________________
> buckminster-dev mailing list
> buckminster-dev@eclipse.org
> https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/buckminster-dev
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<div>Thank you very much, this worked just fine.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>ps I've almost reported a bug, if you would answered minute or two later... :-)<br><br> </div>
<div><span class="gmail_quote">2008/5/23, Thomas Hallgren <<a href="mailto:thomas@tada.se">thomas@tada.se</a>>:</span>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">Hi Mikhail,<br>The bug is in the documentation. Please try and add versionType="OSGi" to your <versionConverter> element. The type defaults to "String" and that type is not comparable with an OSGi version.<br>
<br>Regards,<br>Thomas Hallgren<br><br>Thomas Hallgren wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid"><span class="q">Mikhail Kadan wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid"><br>I guess it's the place where my 1.0.0 branch is rejected, because "Version 1.0.0 rejected: not designated by [1.0.0,1.0.0]". Interesting :)<br>
<br></blockquote></span>Very. I'll have to look into that. My guess is that there's some confusion with version types. Would you mind entering a bugzilla on this please?<br><br>- thomas<br><br></blockquote>
<div><span class="e" id="q_11a1626c722da71d_3"><br>_______________________________________________ <br>buckminster-dev mailing list<br><a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="mailto:buckminster-dev@eclipse.org" target="_blank">buckminster-dev@eclipse.org</a><br>
<a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/buckminster-dev" target="_blank">https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/buckminster-dev</a><br></span></div></blockquote>
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