I'm attempting to upgrade our buckminster version from 3.5 to 4.4. I'm trying to upgrade just buckminster and leave our target platform alone (for now). The target platform is built from 3.5 and it a p2 repo on the file system. If I do an import using 3.5 it works fine. If I use the 4.4 buckminster version I get errors importing. This happens for numerous org.eclipse.swt and org.eclipse.equinox.launcher bundles. The target contains the org.eclipse.rcp_3.5.2 feature which references these bundles but the target doesn't actual have them in the plugins directory. The target was created using the p2.mirror ant task. Thanks for any help.
ERROR [0033] : No suitable provider for component org.eclipse.swt.gtk.solaris.sparc:osgi.bundle/[3.5.2.v3557f,3.5.2.v3557f](&(target.arch=sparc)(target.os=solaris)(target.ws=gtk)) was found in searchPath target
ERROR [0033] : Rejecting provider p2(file:///<path>/target[file://<path>/target]): No component match was found
My rmap has the following to grab stuff from the target:
<searchPath name="target">
<provider readerType="p2" componentType="osgi.bundle,eclipse.feature" mutable="false" source="false">
<uri format="file:{0}">
<bc:propertyRef key="baseTargetPath" />
<locator searchPathRef="target" pattern=".*" />
This also occurs if I run with target.os, target.arch , and target.ws set to linux, x86_64, gtk (which is all I really care about.)
[Updated on: Thu, 18 September 2014 16:48] by Moderator
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