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Problems with Duplicate action [message #219293] Thu, 19 February 2009 11:19 Go to next message
Eclipse UserFriend

I've noticed in my graphical editor that I can only duplicate elements that
are contained in the canvas element but not in compartments. I'd like to be
able to duplicate all elements. Does anyone know how to do this? I've seen
that the Duplicate action is contributed in the plug-in
"org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.providers" so I can't modify those

Thanks in advance.

Re: Problems with Duplicate action [message #219349 is a reply to message #219293] Thu, 19 February 2009 12:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

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Hi Mario,

my solution below:

1. Create a new class called DuplicateAnythingCommand (see attached file).

2. In your generated XXXBaseItemSemanticEditPolicy, add the following
lines to your generated <getCommand>-method as follows:
public Command getCommand(Request request) {
Command result = super.getCommand(request);
if (request instanceof EditCommandRequestWrapper) {
IEditCommandRequest ier = ((EditCommandRequestWrapper)
if (ier instanceof DuplicateElementsRequest && result == null) {
//call your new DuplicateCommand
return new ICommandProxy(new
DuplicateAnythingCommand(getEditingDomain(), (DuplicateElementsRequest)
return result;

Does the trick for me.

Regards, Thomas

Mario Cervera schrieb:
> Hello,
> I've noticed in my graphical editor that I can only duplicate elements that
> are contained in the canvas element but not in compartments. I'd like to be
> able to duplicate all elements. Does anyone know how to do this? I've seen
> that the Duplicate action is contributed in the plug-in
> "org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.providers" so I can't modify those
> classes.
> Thanks in advance.
> Mario

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Re: Problems with Duplicate action [message #219380 is a reply to message #219349] Fri, 20 February 2009 04:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
I can actually duplicate elements contained in the canvas so I've got
something similar done in my editor, but my problem is that I can't
duplicate elements contained in comparments (the item "Duplicate" doesn't
even appear in the pop-up menu) and I don't see how that code can solve the
problem :-(



"Thomas Beyer" <> escribi
Re: Problems with Duplicate action [message #219474 is a reply to message #219380] Fri, 20 February 2009 06:27 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

Hi Mario,

my editors hide the "Duplicate"-action in generel.
However, with the approach described below, the drap-copy method invokes
the command as well.
To my understanding, this is a more native and ergonomic method of
cloning resp. duplicating objects, than right-clicking and explicitely
invoking an action.
While draggin an element (of course also inside a compartment) and
pushing the <ctrl>-Button, the Duplicate-command described below is
I am pretty sure, you can adopt the default <Duplicate>-action provided
by GMF to work on any GraphicalEditPart.
I haven't had the time to check which EditPolicy exactly implements this
behavior, but there should be one that ould be modified as well, not
having to modify the generated XXXBaseItemSemanticEditPolicy.
The only tricky thing is when duplicating Connections and assigning
existing elements as source and target.

Regards Thomas

Mario Cervera schrieb:
> I can actually duplicate elements contained in the canvas so I've got
> something similar done in my editor, but my problem is that I can't
> duplicate elements contained in comparments (the item "Duplicate" doesn't
> even appear in the pop-up menu) and I don't see how that code can solve the
> problem :-(
> Thanks
> Mario
> "Thomas Beyer" <> escribió en el mensaje
> news:gnk6l5$oea$
>> Hi Mario,
>> my solution below:
>> 1. Create a new class called DuplicateAnythingCommand (see attached file).
>> 2. In your generated XXXBaseItemSemanticEditPolicy, add the following
>> lines to your generated <getCommand>-method as follows:
>> public Command getCommand(Request request) {
>> [...]
>> Command result = super.getCommand(request);
>> if (request instanceof EditCommandRequestWrapper) {
>> IEditCommandRequest ier = ((EditCommandRequestWrapper)
>> request).getEditCommandRequest();
>> if (ier instanceof DuplicateElementsRequest && result == null) {
>> //call your new DuplicateCommand
>> return new ICommandProxy(new
>> DuplicateAnythingCommand(getEditingDomain(), (DuplicateElementsRequest)
>> ier));
>> }
>> }
>> [...]
>> return result;
>> }
>> Does the trick for me.
>> HTH
>> Regards, Thomas
>> Mario Cervera schrieb:
>>> Hello,
>>> I've noticed in my graphical editor that I can only duplicate elements
>>> that
>>> are contained in the canvas element but not in compartments. I'd like to
>>> be
>>> able to duplicate all elements. Does anyone know how to do this? I've
>>> seen
>>> that the Duplicate action is contributed in the plug-in
>>> "org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.providers" so I can't modify those
>>> classes.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Mario
> ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------
>> package XXX.diagram.custom.command;
>> import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
>> import
>> org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.commands.core.commands.Duplicate EObjectsCommand;
>> import
>> org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.type.core.requests.DuplicateElem entsRequest;
>> /**
>> * Command that allows the duplication of any notational element with its
>> * underlying domain model element.
>> *
>> */
>> public class DuplicateAnythingCommand extends DuplicateEObjectsCommand {
>> /**
>> * Constructor
>> *
>> * @param editingDomain
>> * @param req
>> */
>> public DuplicateAnythingCommand(TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain,
>> DuplicateElementsRequest req) {
>> super(editingDomain, req.getLabel(), req.getElementsToBeDuplicated(),
>> req.getAllDuplicatedElementsMap());
>> }
>> }
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