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RAC vs IAC [message #63603] Mon, 03 April 2006 16:59 Go to next message
Eclipse UserFriend

If I want to run 2 instances of the Eclipse workbench on my XP box--one
doing the profiling, one being profiled--, can I use the RAC for that or
do I have to use the IAC? If I can use the RAC, how do I make that work?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Re: RAC vs IAC [message #63649 is a reply to message #63603] Tue, 04 April 2006 00:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
I would use the RAC in this scenario. Just ensure the RAC is started
before starting any Eclipse workbench.

Re: RAC vs IAC [message #63925 is a reply to message #63649] Tue, 04 April 2006 11:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
So, the RAC is started because when I test the "Local Direct Connection",
I get the following message:

"The Remote Agent Controller (RAC) is currently running.
You need to stop the Remote Agent Controller before activating the local
connection. To stop the Remote Agent Controller user the system service

But when I test the connection to "localhost:10002", the test fails and I
get the following error:

IWAT0284E The agent controller is not available on host localhost.
Make sure that:
* the agent controller is installed.
* the agent controller is configured to communicate with your machine.
* you have the correct host name and port number for the agent controller.

I'm obviously missing something, but I'm not sure what. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

Re: RAC vs IAC [message #64061 is a reply to message #63925] Tue, 04 April 2006 17:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Lisa Davis wrote:
> So, the RAC is started because when I test the "Local Direct
> Connection", I get the following message:
> "The Remote Agent Controller (RAC) is currently running.
> You need to stop the Remote Agent Controller before activating the local
> connection. To stop the Remote Agent Controller user the system service
> utility."
> But when I test the connection to "localhost:10002", the test fails and
> I get the following error:
> IWAT0284E The agent controller is not available on host localhost.
> Make sure that:
> * the agent controller is installed.
> * the agent controller is configured to communicate with your machine.
> * you have the correct host name and port number for the agent controller.
> I'm obviously missing something, but I'm not sure what. Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance for any help on this.
> Lisa


Looked back at some of our last conversations, and the last relevant one
you were running on Linux then with /usr/bin/java... is that still the
case? Or are we back on XP?

If in Linux land, (1) you have your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH set, right?
or you started with, (2) You have things everything
pointing at the "right Java" (not gcj in /usr/bin, but a Sun/IBM/other
Java), right?, (3) You started up the RAC prior to starting up your
workbenches, right? and (4) we're dealing with the right combination of
versions? (Sorry, it's my stock thing to check of late until I'm sure
that our documentation gives the right information.)


Randy D. Smith randy (dot) d (dot) smith (at) intel (dot) com
Eclipse TPTP Committer, Platform Proj (data collection/agent controller)
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #64126 is a reply to message #64061] Tue, 04 April 2006 18:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Randy,

I was able to profile an Eclipse workbench on my XP machine using the IAC,
but have still not been able to get the RAC to work on Linux or XP. On my
XP box I'm hoping the RAC is started when I start Eclipse from the command
line (eclipse -vmargs -XrunpiAgent:server=enabled.) But, when I test the
localhost:10002 connection, I get a message that says the RAC can't be
started because the IAC is started. When I start the RAC from the command
line with RAServer.exe, then start profiling and profiled instances of the
Eclipse workbench, and try to test the localhost:10002 connection again, I
get an error. So, I'm clearly doing something wrong on both machines, and
it may very well be a setting in the serviceconfig.xml file. As far as I
can tell though, the serviceconfig.xml file is set like is should be
according to the docs. So I'm not sure what else to do. Any thoughts?

Linux serviceconfig.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AgentControllerConfiguration activeConfiguration="default"
loggingDetail="LOW" loggingLevel="INFORMATION" port="10002"
securedPort="10003" version="4.1.0" filePort="10005" processPolling="tru
e" isDataMultiplexed="false"
<AgentControllerEnvironment configuration="default">
<Variable name="JAVA_PATH"
value="/opt/j2sdk1.4.2_11/jre/bin/java" position="replace"/>
<Variable name="RASERVER_HOME"
value="/opt/eclipse/agentcontroller" position="replace"/>
<Variable name="PLUGINS_HOME"
value="%RASERVER_HOME%/plugins" position="replace"/>
<Variable name="LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
value="%RASERVER_HOME%/lib" position="prepend"/>
<Variable name="SYS_TEMP_DIR" value="/tmp"
<Variable name="LOCAL_AGENT_TEMP_DIR"
value="%SYS_TEMP_DIR%" position="replace"/>
value=" %PLUGINS_HOME%/org.apache.jakarta_commons_logging_1.0.3/comm ons-logging.jar "
value="%PLUGINS_HOME%/org.eclipse.core.runtime_3.1.0.jar"/ >
value="%PLUGINS_HOME%/org.eclipse.emf.common_2.1.0.jar" position="append"/>
value="%PLUGINS_HOME%/org.eclipse.emf.ecore_2.1.0.jar" position="append"/>
value="%PLUGINS_HOME%/org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi_2.1.0.jar"/ >
value=" %PLUGINS_HOME%/org.eclipse.tptp.platform.models_4.1.0/tptp-m odels.jar "/>
value=" %PLUGINS_HOME%/org.eclipse.tptp.platform.models.nl1_4.1.0/or g.eclipse.tptp.platform.models.
<Variable name="CLASSPATH_ORG_JUNIT" position="append"
value="%PLUGINS_HOME%/org.eclipse.core.commands_3.1.0.jar"/ >
position="append" value="%PLUGINS_HOME%/org.eclipse.jface_3.1.0.jar"/>
position="append" value="%PLUGINS_HOME%/swt.jar"/>
<Variable name="CLASSPATH"
value="%CLASSPATH_ORG_ECLIPSE_CORE_RUNTIME%" position="append"/>
<Application configuration="default" executable="java.exe"
path="%JAVA_PATH%" location="%SYS_TEMP_DIR%"/>
<Hosts configuration="default">
<Allow host="LOCAL"/>
<Plugin path="%PLUGINS_HOME%"/>
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #64149 is a reply to message #64126] Tue, 04 April 2006 20:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Lisa Davis wrote:
> Hi Randy,
> I was able to profile an Eclipse workbench on my XP machine using the
> IAC, but have still not been able to get the RAC to work on Linux or
> XP. On my XP box I'm hoping the RAC is started when I start Eclipse
> from the command line (eclipse -vmargs -XrunpiAgent:server=enabled.)
> But, when I test the localhost:10002 connection, I get a message that
> says the RAC can't be started because the IAC is started. When I start
> the RAC from the command line with RAServer.exe, then start profiling
> and profiled instances of the Eclipse workbench, and try to test the
> localhost:10002 connection again, I get an error. So, I'm clearly doing
> something wrong on both machines, and it may very well be a setting in
> the serviceconfig.xml file. As far as I can tell though, the
> serviceconfig.xml file is set like is should be according to the docs.
> So I'm not sure what else to do. Any thoughts?
> Linux serviceconfig.xml:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> ...

Things look right there... usually if SetConfig generates it, it's correct.

I think the key is that the RAC isn't started automatically (unless on
Windows and you following the "Starting as service" instructions). You
have to start the RAC manually (RAServer.exe on Windows, on
Linux) *before* you start your workbench... once you start the workbench
and are in TPTP-land, you've already had the IAC test the waters to see
if the RAC is around... if it isn't the IAC takes over that port.

So, (1) start the RAC, (2) start your workbench, (3) test connection
localhost:10002 ... make sure (1) and (2) are in order.


Randy D. Smith randy (dot) d (dot) smith (at) intel (dot) com
Eclipse TPTP Committer, Platform Proj (data collection/agent controller)
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #64458 is a reply to message #64149] Wed, 05 April 2006 13:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Randy--

I have the RAC running on my XP box as a service instead of just an
application now, but it still doesn't seem to make any difference. I know
it's running because I can't test the Local Direct Connection as long as
it is, but still no success in testing the localhost:10002 conncetion.

I've been reading about the pluginconfig.xml file though, and am wondering
if I'm supposed to have one of those, and if that might be the problem. I
installed the RE instead of the SDK because the SDK doesn't install most
of the files and directories I need. But, with install of the RE I also
don't see any of the \plugins\ sub directories the docs say should be
there (ie, C:\AgentController\plugins\config.) Do I need to manually
create and configure the pluginsconfig.xml file?

I apologise for asking so many questions because I know this is
troublesome. But, I need to get this working--once it is stable on my
system, it will be deployed org wide to literally hundreds of other

As always, I really appreciate your help on this.

Re: RAC vs IAC [message #64551 is a reply to message #64458] Thu, 06 April 2006 01:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Lisa Davis wrote:
> Hi Randy--
> I have the RAC running on my XP box as a service instead of just an
> application now, but it still doesn't seem to make any difference. I
> know it's running because I can't test the Local Direct Connection as
> long as it is, but still no success in testing the localhost:10002
> conncetion.
> I've been reading about the pluginconfig.xml file though, and am
> wondering if I'm supposed to have one of those, and if that might be the
> problem. I installed the RE instead of the SDK because the SDK doesn't
> install most of the files and directories I need. But, with install of
> the RE I also don't see any of the \plugins\ sub directories the docs
> say should be there (ie, C:\AgentController\plugins\config.) Do I need
> to manually create and configure the pluginsconfig.xml file?
> I apologise for asking so many questions because I know this is
> troublesome. But, I need to get this working--once it is stable on my
> system, it will be deployed org wide to literally hundreds of other
> developers.
> As always, I really appreciate your help on this.
> Thanks!
> Lisa

No apologies necessary. Helping people getting TPTP working is part of
my job, and it's a part I enjoy doing, even if I'm not that good at it
occasionally (often due to having come at TPTP "bottom up", data
collection via tha agent controller first rather than top down, as a user).

Okay, I take it RE is "runtime environment"? I'm not used to that
terminology for it, and it confuses me a little. To me, the TPTP runtime
environment is that first part on the download page, the client side
that goes into Eclipse (and is tptp.runtime...). "The RAC" is what I
call the third section in the download page, the Agent Controller
(tptpdc.win_ia32-<timestamp>). If you've installed that, you should see
<Install-Dir>\plugins. Now the actual pluginconfig.xml files you would
find in there on installation are probably all going to be empty...
until you run SetConfig.bat... that generated
<Install-Dir>\config\serviceconfig.xml (the main configuration file),
but then it traverses the plugins directory invoking SetConfig on every
config.jar it finds there. That's how the pluginconfig.xml files are
supposed to be generated.

Give me the timestamp on the tptpdc file the RAC came from and I'll see
if I can understand why the plugins directory is missing. If instead of
tptpdc, you got an agntctrl download (the fourth section, the "new
technology AC"... that's the stuff I work with), then unless you're
getting stuff from *this week*, it's not going to do things the way the
documentation says the RAC works. And even then, the best I can say is
"we're working on it!"

Something just occurred to me... you're wanting to run two
workbenches... you do start the service before *either* workbench is
started, correct?? Because, again, first one to get to port 10002 gets
it. It's possible workbench#2 thinks the RAC is running because port
10002 is taken, but it's taken by workbench#1's IAC if workbench#1 is
run before the RAC, even if the RAC is run before workbench#2.

Let's see if the RAC can give us some help here. Look in
<Install-Dir>\config\serviceconfig.xml... up towards the top you'll see
loggingLevel="INFORMATION"; change INFORMATION to DEBUG, restart the
RAC, and when it doesn't do what you want/expect, post the
<Install-Dir>\config\servicelog.log file... that has info that can help
us see what's going wrong.

Randy D. Smith randy (dot) d (dot) smith (at) intel (dot) com
Eclipse TPTP Committer, Platform Proj (data collection/agent controller)
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #64574 is a reply to message #64551] Thu, 06 April 2006 02:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Do anyone try Rac in IBM JDK 5.0 environment
"Randy D. Smith" <>
> Lisa Davis wrote:
>> Hi Randy--
>> I have the RAC running on my XP box as a service instead of just an
>> application now, but it still doesn't seem to make any difference. I
>> know it's running because I can't test the Local Direct Connection as
>> long as it is, but still no success in testing the localhost:10002
>> conncetion. I've been reading about the pluginconfig.xml file though, and
>> am wondering if I'm supposed to have one of those, and if that might be
>> the problem. I installed the RE instead of the SDK because the SDK
>> doesn't install most of the files and directories I need. But, with
>> install of the RE I also don't see any of the \plugins\ sub directories
>> the docs say should be there (ie, C:\AgentController\plugins\config.) Do
>> I need to manually create and configure the pluginsconfig.xml file?
>> I apologise for asking so many questions because I know this is
>> troublesome. But, I need to get this working--once it is stable on my
>> system, it will be deployed org wide to literally hundreds of other
>> developers. As always, I really appreciate your help on this.
>> Thanks!
>> Lisa
> No apologies necessary. Helping people getting TPTP working is part of my
> job, and it's a part I enjoy doing, even if I'm not that good at it
> occasionally (often due to having come at TPTP "bottom up", data
> collection via tha agent controller first rather than top down, as a
> user).
> Okay, I take it RE is "runtime environment"? I'm not used to that
> terminology for it, and it confuses me a little. To me, the TPTP runtime
> environment is that first part on the download page, the client side that
> goes into Eclipse (and is tptp.runtime...). "The RAC" is what I call the
> third section in the download page, the Agent Controller
> (tptpdc.win_ia32-<timestamp>). If you've installed that, you should see
> <Install-Dir>\plugins. Now the actual pluginconfig.xml files you would
> find in there on installation are probably all going to be empty... until
> you run SetConfig.bat... that generated
> <Install-Dir>\config\serviceconfig.xml (the main configuration file), but
> then it traverses the plugins directory invoking SetConfig on every
> config.jar it finds there. That's how the pluginconfig.xml files are
> supposed to be generated.
> Give me the timestamp on the tptpdc file the RAC came from and I'll see if
> I can understand why the plugins directory is missing. If instead of
> tptpdc, you got an agntctrl download (the fourth section, the "new
> technology AC"... that's the stuff I work with), then unless you're
> getting stuff from *this week*, it's not going to do things the way the
> documentation says the RAC works. And even then, the best I can say is
> "we're working on it!"
> Something just occurred to me... you're wanting to run two workbenches...
> you do start the service before *either* workbench is started, correct??
> Because, again, first one to get to port 10002 gets it. It's possible
> workbench#2 thinks the RAC is running because port 10002 is taken, but
> it's taken by workbench#1's IAC if workbench#1 is run before the RAC, even
> if the RAC is run before workbench#2.
> Let's see if the RAC can give us some help here. Look in
> <Install-Dir>\config\serviceconfig.xml... up towards the top you'll see
> loggingLevel="INFORMATION"; change INFORMATION to DEBUG, restart the RAC,
> and when it doesn't do what you want/expect, post the
> <Install-Dir>\config\servicelog.log file... that has info that can help us
> see what's going wrong.
> --
> --
> Randy D. Smith randy (dot) d (dot) smith (at) intel (dot) com
> Eclipse TPTP Committer, Platform Proj (data collection/agent controller)
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #64741 is a reply to message #64574] Thu, 06 April 2006 10:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
simoom wrote:
> Do anyone try Rac in IBM JDK 5.0 environment

I'm not everyone, so I can't speak for "anyone", but I'd guess there are
people out there using IBM JDK 5. Most of the IBMers I know use the IBM
JDKs, though most that I know (I think) are using the 1.4.2 equivalent.
We build TPTP with 1.4.2, but I like to work with it using (Sun's) Java 5.

What's behind the question?


Randy D. Smith randy (dot) d (dot) smith (at) intel (dot) com
Eclipse TPTP Committer, Platform Proj (data collection/agent controller)
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #64932 is a reply to message #64551] Thu, 06 April 2006 14:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Randy,

Yes, Lisa's shorthand, RE is runtime environment. :) The tptpdc I
installed was this: The plugins file
exists under the "C:\AgentController" directory. I've also ran
SetConfig.bat, and all the config files seem to be in place with nothing
clearly identifying a problem. I think my confusion came from what I was
seeing on my machine vs what the docs told me I should be seeing. Tyler
tells me I should submit that issue to bugzilla to have it resolved.

When I run the RAServer or RAService, I always start it before starting
either of my workbench instances. Inside either of the workbenches then,
either under preferences or profiling (attaching), I should be able to
test the localhost:10002 connection with success. But, no such luck. So
I thought maybe the port was being blocked by our internal firewall or
proxy. I scanned my ports before and after starting the
RAServer/RAService, and the port is wide open and should be accessible.
So I'm at a loss as to what the problem could be. When I test the IAC, I
get a failure there too because Eclipse tells me that the RAC has been
started and that I need to stop it if I want the IAC to use port 10002.

On a side note though, both the RAServer and the RAService have 99% CPU
usage when they are running--not all of the time, but sometimes. Not sure
why or if it's related to the other problems I'm having.

Anyway, below is the output to servicelog.log. Please let me know if you
need any other info to help diagnose the problem. Thanks again for your
help on this Randy!

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------

<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.365000Z"
globalInstanceId="A5A6D149405143988F784F7DE8B6BF1E" msg="Service starting"
severity="10" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A93A6DC5FD5144FDB14A9699A996BCF9" msg="Using plugin
directory C:\Program Files\Eclipse\AgentController\plugins" severity="5"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A30AA891AC7D4BF3B305507AF1953E7A" msg="Adding
org.apache.jakarta_commons_logging_1.0.3 to the available list of loadable
plugins" severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A38276223D1545139FCEE6B3CC748EC4" msg="Adding
org.eclipse.hyades.execution_4.1.0.1 to the available list of loadable
plugins" severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A224EF0A29374E6BA71269DBACA7FF99" msg="Adding
org.eclipse.hyades.logging.adapter_4.1.0 to the available list of loadable
plugins" severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A0AE7F05900E43E08EDCC71D3BDE6A4A" msg="Adding
org.eclipse.hyades.logging.core_4.1.0.1 to the available list of loadable
plugins" severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A5101467D1D14107BA83B2FCA31307C4" msg="Adding
org.eclipse.hyades.logging.parsers_4.1.0 to the available list of loadable
plugins" severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A5B439972D6943998E0ADC4DF7193C62" msg="Adding
org.eclipse.hyades.perfmon.agents_4.0.0 to the available list of loadable
plugins" severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A848D017D5604F78A7E5E041A3634B79" msg="Adding
org.eclipse.hyades.test.core_4.1.0 to the available list of loadable
plugins" severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A34731A29D3E4864AEC4AF534663440E" msg="Adding to the available list of loadable
plugins" severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A0CD2BEC43224D1FA29A88E539224D2C" msg="Adding
org.eclipse.tptp.platform.collection.framework_4.1.0 to the available list
of loadable plugins" severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="AF544048F81947BDACF30D6D7D7930A4" msg="Adding
org.eclipse.tptp.platform.models_4.1.0.1 to the available list of loadable
plugins" severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="AF474F5346D3465EBBCAEF4C3B515EB4" msg="Adding
org.junit_3.8.1 to the available list of loadable plugins" severity="5"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A46624D0E4A6470F916F3109922262A3" msg="Start processing
plugin: org.apache.jakarta_commons_logging_1.0.3" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="A99AB92079704B01B48926E9B6F4B168" msg="Plugin loader:
Config file for plugin: org.apache.jakarta_commons_logging_1.0.3 not
found" severity="30" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="AC1B750F3336410C952BF214E9662C8D" msg="Finished
processing plugin: org.apache.jakarta_commons_logging_1.0.3" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="AEA6A228DD4F45219A980BD923D12DC8" msg="Start processing
plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.execution_4.1.0.1" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.425000Z"
globalInstanceId="AEBCB35DB59E4AAEBC6813E34E54B5C5" msg="Started
processing Configuration C:\Program
Files\Eclipse\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.hyades.exe cution_4.1.0.1\config\pluginconfig.xml "
severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="AC7048199DF04E10A648177CED610F15" msg="Completed
processing Configuration C:\Program
Files\Eclipse\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.hyades.exe cution_4.1.0.1\config\pluginconfig.xml "
severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A31094856950473A9FC0591DE09A736A" msg="Plugin loader:
Config file for plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.execution_4.1.0.1 loaded
successfully" severity="10" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="AFE2F7BCB67D45D38B255327D0AB94B6" msg="Finished
processing plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.execution_4.1.0.1" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A13A20E37D404B86954D8B3446D1ABB0" msg="Start processing
plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.adapter_4.1.0" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="AA48639B1A06424AAB79FBBF0E461882" msg="Started
processing Configuration C:\Program
Files\Eclipse\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.hyades.log ging.adapter_4.1.0\config\pluginconfig.xml "
severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="AC37FD09EC024471A73AA8D722E42E3B" msg="Completed
processing Configuration C:\Program
Files\Eclipse\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.hyades.log ging.adapter_4.1.0\config\pluginconfig.xml "
severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A2451BA0E6E240759EA0E7404C4EF19C" msg="Plugin loader:
Config file for plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.adapter_4.1.0 loaded
successfully" severity="10" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A3E4005B85E8459FB0A9C3C86D2E90C7" msg="Finished
processing plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.adapter_4.1.0" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A1C3B503929D4153AAF2E8F651FEA98F" msg="Start processing
plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.core_4.1.0.1" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A37320C5AAF843AEBE9302EAA79E9D63" msg="Started
processing Configuration C:\Program
Files\Eclipse\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.hyades.log ging.core_4.1.0.1\config\pluginconfig.xml "
severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A907CAA0EB6C4A6C8948785C0993CEAE" msg="This plugin is
dependent on org.eclipse.hyades.execution" severity="10" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="AC15A7E013804AA987FAF44CE2F69E1F" msg="Plugin loader:
Plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.execution not found" severity="30"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="AED873966DB14E3BABB5AA83D06880CC" msg="Recovery: since
there is no version requirement, trying to load plugin instead:
org.eclipse.hyades.execution_4.1.0.1" severity="30" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A3CF9DCD351A4957A99E3EB1CA0CD10A" msg="Plugin
org.eclipse.hyades.execution_4.1.0.1 already loaded" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A84A3D4B693F4A1694CC4CE6E81B76BF" msg="Completed
processing Configuration C:\Program
Files\Eclipse\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.hyades.log ging.core_4.1.0.1\config\pluginconfig.xml "
severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A4B114200B9B4C23BF5437FEA64B6885" msg="Plugin loader:
Config file for plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.core_4.1.0.1 loaded
successfully" severity="10" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A8702C212B654C7BA84E8108B1CE6D64" msg="Finished
processing plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.core_4.1.0.1" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.435000Z"
globalInstanceId="A1C9C0979D944691AE1F91F0F266C4A8" msg="Start processing
plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.parsers_4.1.0" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="AE652D3010464475828CCE00100657ED" msg="Started
processing Configuration C:\Program
Files\Eclipse\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.hyades.log ging.parsers_4.1.0\config\pluginconfig.xml "
severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="AB6EC2CC49814ECB91ED907D61E19FC0" msg="This plugin is
dependent on org.eclipse.hyades.logging.core" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="AC6606E7E2F64FB9AE6835A3F5A4C299" msg="Plugin loader:
Plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.core not found" severity="30"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A2AA9661B7AC437CAF198662150639B2" msg="Recovery: since
there is no version requirement, trying to load plugin instead:
org.eclipse.hyades.logging.core_4.1.0.1" severity="30" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A1B5BABCF0EF4047922B24AF1397C76D" msg="Plugin
org.eclipse.hyades.logging.core_4.1.0.1 already loaded" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A6E6DECA9DF14D11B252DD3C1FEC15E5" msg="This plugin is
dependent on org.eclipse.hyades.logging.adapter" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A4F094342A764AA4AE11EE27660E7EC3" msg="Plugin loader:
Plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.adapter not found" severity="30"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="AB1DE16E0B584FF4BBA78AE705ABCB6D" msg="Recovery: since
there is no version requirement, trying to load plugin instead:
org.eclipse.hyades.logging.adapter_4.1.0" severity="30" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="AEFA87F656B94368A78888FD2AB191EC" msg="Plugin
org.eclipse.hyades.logging.adapter_4.1.0 already loaded" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A27AE65AA3A44E42AB2455DE5ADE488C" msg="Completed
processing Configuration C:\Program
Files\Eclipse\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.hyades.log ging.parsers_4.1.0\config\pluginconfig.xml "
severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A572770A32F94D67B5A03CB1AD357F2E" msg="Plugin loader:
Config file for plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.parsers_4.1.0 loaded
successfully" severity="10" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A06A2397B0C84365A4AEEF968D25A7DA" msg="Finished
processing plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.parsers_4.1.0" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A949CCE109BC4A1986918B40F37D9EF0" msg="Start processing
plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.perfmon.agents_4.0.0" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A65100BA834A482FB4B0EA6F70DDA3BE" msg="Started
processing Configuration C:\Program
Files\Eclipse\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.hyades.per fmon.agents_4.0.0\config\pluginconfig.xml "
severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A363967B27474F5D95FF0442696C675F" msg="This plugin is
dependent on org.eclipse.tptp.platform.collection.framework" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A5E422E0CDDC4BF196516B0E511ABE77" msg="Plugin loader:
Plugin: org.eclipse.tptp.platform.collection.framework not found"
severity="30" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A8850FEE171948A8A899CC7674FA2EDC" msg="Recovery: since
there is no version requirement, trying to load plugin instead:
org.eclipse.tptp.platform.collection.framework_4.1.0" severity="30"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.445000Z"
globalInstanceId="A981A4EA93514A3D8A610B4EEFFAFA9C" msg="Started
processing Configuration C:\Program
Files\Eclipse\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.tptp.platf orm.collection.framework_4.1.0\config\pluginconfig.xml "
severity="5" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.455000Z"
globalInstanceId="A0080729442D4633B66718676E3963A5" msg="This plugin is
dependent on org.eclipse.hyades.execution" severity="10" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.455000Z"
globalInstanceId="AA29DE422AD245E8BCA7F19E4570A1B6" msg="Plugin loader:
Plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.execution not found" severity="30"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.455000Z"
globalInstanceId="A51D43B3EF32432E9667B1A671AF3150" msg="Recovery: since
there is no version requirement, trying to load plugin instead:
org.eclipse.hyades.execution_4.1.0.1" severity="30" version="1.0.1">
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.455000Z"
globalInstanceId="AF73897BD6474A09822E7BB6A2B922FD" msg="Plugin
org.eclipse.hyades.execution_4.1.0.1 already loaded" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
<situation categoryName="ReportSituation">
<situationType xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:type="ReportSituation" reasoningScope="INTERNAL" reportCategory="LOG"/>
<CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:41:26.455000Z"
globalInstanceId="A842067A155C402F865B46B016900784" msg="This plugin is
dependent on org.eclipse.hyades.logging.core" severity="10"
<sourceComponentId component="Data Collection Engine"
componentIdType="Application" location="" locationType="IPV4"
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #65061 is a reply to message #64741] Thu, 06 April 2006 21:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
I'm just using IBM JDK.
But remote machine which use IBM and Sun JDK can not communicate well.

"Randy D. Smith" <>
> simoom wrote:
>> Do anyone try Rac in IBM JDK 5.0 environment
> I'm not everyone, so I can't speak for "anyone", but I'd guess there are
> people out there using IBM JDK 5. Most of the IBMers I know use the IBM
> JDKs, though most that I know (I think) are using the 1.4.2 equivalent. We
> build TPTP with 1.4.2, but I like to work with it using (Sun's) Java 5.
> What's behind the question?
> --
> Randy D. Smith randy (dot) d (dot) smith (at) intel (dot) com
> Eclipse TPTP Committer, Platform Proj (data collection/agent controller)
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #65205 is a reply to message #64932] Fri, 07 April 2006 16:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Lisa,

Try to locate the temp directory on your XP box, and see if there is a
file called ramaster. If the file exist's please remove it and your IAC
will no longer complain that RAC is running when it is not running.

This issue is mentioned in the Release Notes for 4.1.0
-> Documenation
--> Installation and Getting Started Guides
---> Release Notes 4.1.0
----> Cause 2: The /tmp/IBMRAC/ramaster file needs to be deleted

I have also opened a bug for this:

but for the now the work around is to remove the ramaster file.

Re: RAC vs IAC [message #65413 is a reply to message #65061] Mon, 10 April 2006 17:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
simoom wrote:
> I'm just using IBM JDK.
> But remote machine which use IBM and Sun JDK can not communicate well.

How does the bad communication manifest itself? What is the symptom??


Randy D. Smith randy (dot) d (dot) smith (at) intel (dot) com
Eclipse TPTP Committer, Platform Proj (data collection/agent controller)
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #65434 is a reply to message #64932] Mon, 10 April 2006 18:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Lisa Davis wrote:
> Hi Randy,
> Yes, Lisa's shorthand, RE is runtime environment. :) The tptpdc I
> installed was this: The plugins file
> exists under the "C:\AgentController" directory. I've also ran
> SetConfig.bat, and all the config files seem to be in place with nothing
> clearly identifying a problem. I think my confusion came from what I
> was seeing on my machine vs what the docs told me I should be seeing.
> Tyler tells me I should submit that issue to bugzilla to have it resolved.
> When I run the RAServer or RAService, I always start it before starting
> either of my workbench instances. Inside either of the workbenches
> then, either under preferences or profiling (attaching), I should be
> able to test the localhost:10002 connection with success. But, no such
> luck. So I thought maybe the port was being blocked by our internal
> firewall or proxy. I scanned my ports before and after starting the
> RAServer/RAService, and the port is wide open and should be accessible.
> So I'm at a loss as to what the problem could be. When I test the IAC,
> I get a failure there too because Eclipse tells me that the RAC has been
> started and that I need to stop it if I want the IAC to use port 10002.
> On a side note though, both the RAServer and the RAService have 99% CPU
> usage when they are running--not all of the time, but sometimes. Not
> sure why or if it's related to the other problems I'm having.
> Anyway, below is the output to servicelog.log. Please let me know if
> you need any other info to help diagnose the problem. Thanks again for
> your help on this Randy!
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
> ...

> <CommonBaseEvent creationTime="2006-04-06T16:43:36.502000Z"
> globalInstanceId="AF9D61AE30DC4CCE85462C2AAF588EEA" msg="Entering
> processing thread for client on socket 1120" severity="5" version="1.0.1">
> ...

Sorry for the delay... we're all scrambling trying to wrap up 4.2i2
these days.

I really didn't have a good answer for you, but the above snippet jogged
something in my memory, based on the environment you've described. I
take it security is an issue where you're at, and firewalls/proxies are
the norm? If so, I have a possibility in mind... I started to just pick
up the phone and bug Samson to see if my suspicions are well-founded or
not, but with the time zone differences it's too late for the ;-)

I'm wondering if the "Test Connection" tests out the connection as the
RAC expects to see it. What I mean is that in a normal situation, the
RAC deals with port 10002 incoming for setting up the connection, but
then your actual data connection is via a separate socket *back* to the
client to an ephemeral port on the client side. This often is blocked by
firewalls/proxies. (That's the RAC approach, something "fixed" in the AC.)

So one thing to try is whether setting the isDataMultiplexed to true
(it's false by default; this is the RAC approach to fixing the firewall
issue) in the serviceconfig.xml file fixes your problem or not. That's
the only thing that leaps out at me for now (other than the point Thay
mentioned about the possibilities of left-around named pipes blocking

I could be out in left field on this one... I'll try to follow up on it
and get back to you if I am.


Randy D. Smith randy (dot) d (dot) smith (at) intel (dot) com
Eclipse TPTP Committer, Platform Proj (data collection/agent controller)
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #65518 is a reply to message #65434] Tue, 11 April 2006 09:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Randy D. Smith wrote:
> I'm wondering if the "Test Connection" tests out the connection as the
> RAC expects to see it. What I mean is that in a normal situation, the
> RAC deals with port 10002 incoming for setting up the connection, but
> then your actual data connection is via a separate socket *back* to the
> client to an ephemeral port on the client side. This often is blocked by
> firewalls/proxies. (That's the RAC approach, something "fixed" in the AC.)

So much for that idea. I'm told the "Test Connection" only tests whether
the control channel connection can be established or not. So that's not it.

You've taken Tyler's advice and filed the bugzilla, right?

And when you talk about "RAServer or RAService" you mean each
exclusively, right? What I mean is that you start it one way or the
other, but you don't try both approaches at the same time, right? You're
just trying to rule out whether the manner of starting (standalone or as
a service) matters, right?


Randy D. Smith randy (dot) d (dot) smith (at) intel (dot) com
Eclipse TPTP Committer, Platform Proj (data collection/agent controller)
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #65561 is a reply to message #65518] Tue, 11 April 2006 10:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Randy--

I start either the RAServer or RAService--not both at the same time. I'm
going to look into Thay's suggestion and I'll let you know how that turns

Re: RAC vs IAC [message #65625 is a reply to message #65561] Tue, 11 April 2006 12:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
OK, no ramaster file anywhere on my machine. I deleted all IBM stuff a
number of weeks ago. Any other suggestions?
Re: RAC vs IAC [message #65817 is a reply to message #65518] Tue, 11 April 2006 15:40 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Hi Randy--

OK, finally I have success on my Linux machine. I can now attach multiple
workbench instances to the RAServer/Eclipse instance to be profiled. The
RAC is behaving swimmingly. However, still no-go on my XP machine, or
remote profiling from either machine to the other.

By the way, the Linux fix was under the Release Notes 4.1.0, 1.2.4 (Agent
controller), Cause 1.

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