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Plugin loading fails in 3.3/3.4 [message #334418] Sat, 07 February 2009 15:45 Go to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

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This is a post I put up in the newbie section, but got no response. I
subsequently saw several posts about invalid activators on this list (though
none were entirely relevant to my case). The odd thing about this is that
it is absolutely due to some change in classloaders from 3.2 to 3.3. I'm
still working on it, but if anyone can make any suggestions, I would be

TIA, Ric

I've gotten a little farther. I turned on the debugging in the launch tab
and I found:

!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2009-02-06 16:28:48.779
!MESSAGE The activator
com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The activator
com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is invalid

org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.load BundleActivator(
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl.s tart(BundleConte
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWor ker(BundleHost.j

Not clear what change between 3.2 and 3.3 would have produced this error.
Some spelunking suggests it might have something to do with the third party
(e.g. Jogl) that I use but no further clues. But a JOGL view works fine
only plugins fail. Any suggestions or tips welcome.

TIA, Ric

On 2/6/09 2:43 PM, in article, "Ric
Wright" <> wrote:

> I have a plugin that I wrote a while ago. It's a normal Eclipse plugin.
> It's main class is com.geofx.opengl.OpenGLView. The plugin loads and runs
> without problems in Eclipse 3.2 but fails in 3.3 and 3.4 with the message
> "Could not create the view: Plug-in com.geofx.opengl.view was unable to load
> class com.geofx.opengl.view.OpenGLView."
> At a guess, classloading changed in some way from 3.2 to 3.3 and 3.4. To be
> honest, classloaders are a black art to me (and wouldn't mind keeping it
> that way). I don't really know how to start figuring this out.
> I posted a question here once before about this but didn't get any pointers.
> I am happy (or at least resigned) to dig into this, but frankly not sure
> where to start. Any pointers would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ric

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Re: Plugin loading fails in 3.3/3.4 [message #334422 is a reply to message #334418] Sat, 07 February 2009 18:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

I think it more likely that your activator isn't a valid activator for
3.3. Have you tried opening the source in a 3.3 PDE and see what it
complains about?

Have you looked at the 3.3 Migration Guide? platform.doc.isv/porting/eclipse_3_3_porting_guide.html

Ric Wright wrote:
> This is a post I put up in the newbie section, but got no response. I
> subsequently saw several posts about invalid activators on this list (though
> none were entirely relevant to my case). The odd thing about this is that
> it is absolutely due to some change in classloaders from 3.2 to 3.3. I'm
> still working on it, but if anyone can make any suggestions, I would be
> appreciative.
> TIA, Ric
> --------------------------------------------------
> I've gotten a little farther. I turned on the debugging in the launch tab
> and I found:
> !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2009-02-06 16:28:48.779
> !MESSAGE The activator
> com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is
> invalid
> !STACK 0
> org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The activator
> com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is invalid
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.load BundleActivator(
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl.s tart(BundleConte
> at
> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWor ker(BundleHost.j
> ava:346)
> Not clear what change between 3.2 and 3.3 would have produced this error.
> Some spelunking suggests it might have something to do with the third party
> jars
> (e.g. Jogl) that I use but no further clues. But a JOGL view works fine
> only plugins fail. Any suggestions or tips welcome.
> TIA, Ric
> On 2/6/09 2:43 PM, in article, "Ric
> Wright" <> wrote:
>> I have a plugin that I wrote a while ago. It's a normal Eclipse plugin.
>> It's main class is com.geofx.opengl.OpenGLView. The plugin loads and runs
>> without problems in Eclipse 3.2 but fails in 3.3 and 3.4 with the message
>> "Could not create the view: Plug-in com.geofx.opengl.view was unable to load
>> class com.geofx.opengl.view.OpenGLView."
>> At a guess, classloading changed in some way from 3.2 to 3.3 and 3.4. To be
>> honest, classloaders are a black art to me (and wouldn't mind keeping it
>> that way). I don't really know how to start figuring this out.
>> I posted a question here once before about this but didn't get any pointers.
>> I am happy (or at least resigned) to dig into this, but frankly not sure
>> where to start. Any pointers would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Ric

Re: Plugin loading fails in 3.3/3.4 [message #334425 is a reply to message #334422] Sat, 07 February 2009 20:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

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Thanks for responding, Derek.

AFAIK, the activator is valid (attached). When brought up in Eclipse, there
is only a warning about a raw iterator (that I will fix once I get past

I did read through the migration and the only thing that seemed relevant was
the boot delegation order. I tried the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=*
in the config.ini, but it made no difference, so that doesn't seem to be it.

The execution never gets to the Activator BTW, neither ctor nor start()
methods are ever called. My suspicion is that one of the dependencies (e.g.
The JOGL or Java3D jars can't be resolved so the message is a little bogus.
But I don't know how to find out WHICH class it thinks it can't find. It
says com.geofx.opengl.view.OpenGLView but I think that is misleading since
that file IS in the exported package, etc. But I could be missing

I included the plugin.xml, manifest.xml etc. in the previous post on this

Thanks, Ric

On 2/7/09 10:54 AM, in article gmkld3$9h$, "Derek"
<> wrote:

> I think it more likely that your activator isn't a valid activator for
> 3.3. Have you tried opening the source in a 3.3 PDE and see what it
> complains about?
> Have you looked at the 3.3 Migration Guide?
> platform.doc.isv/p
> orting/eclipse_3_3_porting_guide.html
> Ric Wright wrote:
>> This is a post I put up in the newbie section, but got no response. I
>> subsequently saw several posts about invalid activators on this list (though
>> none were entirely relevant to my case). The odd thing about this is that
>> it is absolutely due to some change in classloaders from 3.2 to 3.3. I'm
>> still working on it, but if anyone can make any suggestions, I would be
>> appreciative.
>> TIA, Ric
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> I've gotten a little farther. I turned on the debugging in the launch tab
>> and I found:
>> !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2009-02-06 16:28:48.779
>> !MESSAGE The activator
>> com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is
>> invalid
>> !STACK 0
>> org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The activator
>> com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is invalid
>> at
>> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.load BundleActivator(
>> at
>> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl.s tart(BundleConte
>> at
>> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWor ker(BundleHost.j
>> ava:346)
>> Not clear what change between 3.2 and 3.3 would have produced this error.
>> Some spelunking suggests it might have something to do with the third party
>> jars
>> (e.g. Jogl) that I use but no further clues. But a JOGL view works fine
>> only plugins fail. Any suggestions or tips welcome.
>> TIA, Ric
>> On 2/6/09 2:43 PM, in article, "Ric
>> Wright" <> wrote:
>>> I have a plugin that I wrote a while ago. It's a normal Eclipse plugin.
>>> It's main class is com.geofx.opengl.OpenGLView. The plugin loads and runs
>>> without problems in Eclipse 3.2 but fails in 3.3 and 3.4 with the message
>>> "Could not create the view: Plug-in com.geofx.opengl.view was unable to load
>>> class com.geofx.opengl.view.OpenGLView."
>>> At a guess, classloading changed in some way from 3.2 to 3.3 and 3.4. To be
>>> honest, classloaders are a black art to me (and wouldn't mind keeping it
>>> that way). I don't really know how to start figuring this out.
>>> I posted a question here once before about this but didn't get any pointers.
>>> I am happy (or at least resigned) to dig into this, but frankly not sure
>>> where to start. Any pointers would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ric

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LyoqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioq KioqKioqKioq
KioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioqKioNCiAqIENvcHlyaWdodCAoYykg MjAwOCBSaWMg
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aGUgdGVybXMgb2YgdGhlIEVjbGlwc2UgUHVibGljIExpY2Vuc2UgdjEuMA0K ICogd2hpY2gg
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Y2xhc3NlLmdldENvbnN0cnVjdG9yKHR5cGVzKS5uZXdJbnN0YW5jZSgpOw0K CQl9DQoJCWNh
YWNlKCk7DQoJCX0NCgkJY2F0Y2ggKElsbGVnYWxBcmd1bWVudEV4Y2VwdGlv biBlKQ0KCQl7
cmludFN0YWNrVHJhY2UoKTsNCgkJfQ0KCQljYXRjaCAoSW52b2NhdGlvblRh cmdldEV4Y2Vw
b1N1Y2hNZXRob2RFeGNlcHRpb24gZSkNCgkJew0KCQkJZS5wcmludFN0YWNr VHJhY2UoKTsN
IHNpbXBsZSBob2xkZXIgZm9yIG91ciBDbGFzc0luZm8NCgkgKg0KCSAqLw0K CXB1YmxpYyBj
bGFzcyBDbGFzc0luZm8gDQoJew0KCQlwdWJsaWMgU3RyaW5nCW5hbWU7DQoJ CXB1YmxpYyBT
dHJpbmcJZGVzY3JpcHRpb247DQoJCXB1YmxpYyBTdHJpbmcgCWxhYmVsOw0K CQkNCgkJcHVi
bGljIENsYXNzSW5mbyAoIFN0cmluZyBuLCBTdHJpbmcgZCwgU3RyaW5nIGwg KQ0KCQl7DQoJ
CQluYW1lID0gbjsNCgkJCWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uID0gZDsNCgkJCWxhYmVsID0g bDsNCgkJfQ0K
Re: Plugin loading fails in 3.3/3.4 [message #334432 is a reply to message #334425] Mon, 09 February 2009 00:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

OK. After a little digging I found a few more things. First, I had a raw
Iterator, which Eclipse warned me about, but which worked fine in 3.2. But
apparently not in 3.4. It also caused another weird behaviour in that there
were no local variables shown.

So I fixed the Iterator and suddenly I had local variables and got more info
back in the stack trace. Turns out that Eclipse is apparently complaining
that it cannot instantiate one of my classes. I call Class.forName() with
the name of one of my classes. Since I am using JOGL, that class extends
GLEventListener, which at base is a native class accessed via JNI. All the
proper JARs and JNILibs are in /Library/Java/Extensions and the
java.library.path points to it. This all seems correct to me. The build
path for the project shows the JOGL libs under the JRE System libs in the
build path dialog. Again, this all seems correct.

I'm still digging, but if this suggests anything to anybody, I'd appreciate

TIA, Ric

On 2/7/09 12:32 PM, in article, "Ric
Wright" <> wrote:

> Thanks for responding, Derek.
> AFAIK, the activator is valid (attached). When brought up in Eclipse, there
> is only a warning about a raw iterator (that I will fix once I get past
> this).
> I did read through the migration and the only thing that seemed relevant was
> the boot delegation order. I tried the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=*
> in the config.ini, but it made no difference, so that doesn't seem to be it.
> The execution never gets to the Activator BTW, neither ctor nor start()
> methods are ever called. My suspicion is that one of the dependencies (e.g.
> The JOGL or Java3D jars can't be resolved so the message is a little bogus.
> But I don't know how to find out WHICH class it thinks it can't find. It
> says com.geofx.opengl.view.OpenGLView but I think that is misleading since
> that file IS in the exported package, etc. But I could be missing
> something.
> I included the plugin.xml, manifest.xml etc. in the previous post on this
> thread.
> Thanks, Ric
> On 2/7/09 10:54 AM, in article gmkld3$9h$, "Derek"
> <> wrote:
>> I think it more likely that your activator isn't a valid activator for
>> 3.3. Have you tried opening the source in a 3.3 PDE and see what it
>> complains about?
>> Have you looked at the 3.3 Migration Guide?
>> platform.doc.isv/>>
>> orting/eclipse_3_3_porting_guide.html
>> Ric Wright wrote:
>>> This is a post I put up in the newbie section, but got no response. I
>>> subsequently saw several posts about invalid activators on this list (though
>>> none were entirely relevant to my case). The odd thing about this is that
>>> it is absolutely due to some change in classloaders from 3.2 to 3.3. I'm
>>> still working on it, but if anyone can make any suggestions, I would be
>>> appreciative.
>>> TIA, Ric
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> I've gotten a little farther. I turned on the debugging in the launch tab
>>> and I found:
>>> !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2009-02-06 16:28:48.779
>>> !MESSAGE The activator
>>> com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is
>>> invalid
>>> !STACK 0
>>> org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The activator
>>> com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is invalid
>>> at
>>> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.load BundleActivator(
>>> at
>>> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl.s tart(BundleConte
>>> at
>>> org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWor ker(BundleHost.j
>>> ava:346)
>>> Not clear what change between 3.2 and 3.3 would have produced this error.
>>> Some spelunking suggests it might have something to do with the third party
>>> jars
>>> (e.g. Jogl) that I use but no further clues. But a JOGL view works fine
>>> only plugins fail. Any suggestions or tips welcome.
>>> TIA, Ric
>>> On 2/6/09 2:43 PM, in article, "Ric
>>> Wright" <> wrote:
>>>> I have a plugin that I wrote a while ago. It's a normal Eclipse plugin.
>>>> It's main class is com.geofx.opengl.OpenGLView. The plugin loads and runs
>>>> without problems in Eclipse 3.2 but fails in 3.3 and 3.4 with the message
>>>> "Could not create the view: Plug-in com.geofx.opengl.view was unable to
>>>> load
>>>> class com.geofx.opengl.view.OpenGLView."
>>>> At a guess, classloading changed in some way from 3.2 to 3.3 and 3.4. To
>>>> be
>>>> honest, classloaders are a black art to me (and wouldn't mind keeping it
>>>> that way). I don't really know how to start figuring this out.
>>>> I posted a question here once before about this but didn't get any
>>>> pointers.
>>>> I am happy (or at least resigned) to dig into this, but frankly not sure
>>>> where to start. Any pointers would be appreciated.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ric
Loading Native Libraries (was Re: Plugin loading fails in 3.3/3.4) [message #334449 is a reply to message #334432] Mon, 09 February 2009 23:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

I poked at this a little more during lunch and I am still puzzled.
Previously, on Windows, I would point at the JOGL jar, and then set the
native library location field. However, since Eclipse found the jars on its
own and placed them in JRE System Library section of the build path dialog,
I thought I would just set the native location there. But no soap. Eclipse
lets me set it, but immediately it clears it again - read-only perhaps? I
suppose I could move the JOGL jars somewhere else and explicitly add them
and set their native library attributes, etc. But since Eclipse and the Mac
have done 90% of the task seamlessly, that seems like a shame.

Does anyone know the right way to do this?

TIA, Ric

On 2/8/09 4:30 PM, in article, "Ric
Wright" <> wrote:

> OK. After a little digging I found a few more things. First, I had a raw
> Iterator, which Eclipse warned me about, but which worked fine in 3.2. But
> apparently not in 3.4. It also caused another weird behaviour in that there
> were no local variables shown.
> So I fixed the Iterator and suddenly I had local variables and got more info
> back in the stack trace. Turns out that Eclipse is apparently complaining
> that it cannot instantiate one of my classes. I call Class.forName() with
> the name of one of my classes. Since I am using JOGL, that class extends
> GLEventListener, which at base is a native class accessed via JNI. All the
> proper JARs and JNILibs are in /Library/Java/Extensions and the
> java.library.path points to it. This all seems correct to me. The build
> path for the project shows the JOGL libs under the JRE System libs in the
> build path dialog. Again, this all seems correct.
> I'm still digging, but if this suggests anything to anybody, I'd appreciate
> it.
> TIA, Ric
> On 2/7/09 12:32 PM, in article, "Ric
> Wright" <> wrote:
>> Thanks for responding, Derek.
>> AFAIK, the activator is valid (attached). When brought up in Eclipse, there
>> is only a warning about a raw iterator (that I will fix once I get past
>> this).
>> I did read through the migration and the only thing that seemed relevant was
>> the boot delegation order. I tried the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=*
>> in the config.ini, but it made no difference, so that doesn't seem to be it.
>> The execution never gets to the Activator BTW, neither ctor nor start()
>> methods are ever called. My suspicion is that one of the dependencies (e.g.
>> The JOGL or Java3D jars can't be resolved so the message is a little bogus.
>> But I don't know how to find out WHICH class it thinks it can't find. It
>> says com.geofx.opengl.view.OpenGLView but I think that is misleading since
>> that file IS in the exported package, etc. But I could be missing
>> something.
>> I included the plugin.xml, manifest.xml etc. in the previous post on this
>> thread.
>> Thanks, Ric
>> On 2/7/09 10:54 AM, in article gmkld3$9h$, "Derek"
>> <> wrote:
>>> I think it more likely that your activator isn't a valid activator for
>>> 3.3. Have you tried opening the source in a 3.3 PDE and see what it
>>> complains about?
>>> Have you looked at the 3.3 Migration Guide?
> platform.doc.isv/>>
> p
>>> orting/eclipse_3_3_porting_guide.html
>>> Ric Wright wrote:
>>>> This is a post I put up in the newbie section, but got no response. I
>>>> subsequently saw several posts about invalid activators on this list
>>>> (though
>>>> none were entirely relevant to my case). The odd thing about this is that
>>>> it is absolutely due to some change in classloaders from 3.2 to 3.3. I'm
>>>> still working on it, but if anyone can make any suggestions, I would be
>>>> appreciative.
>>>> TIA, Ric
>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>> I've gotten a little farther. I turned on the debugging in the launch tab
>>>> and I found:
>>>> !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2009-02-06 16:28:48.779
>>>> !MESSAGE The activator
>>>> com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is
>>>> invalid
>>>> !STACK 0
>>>> org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The activator
>>>> com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is invalid
>>>> at
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.load BundleActivator >>>>
>>>> at
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl.s tart(BundleCont >>>>
>>>> at
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWor ker(BundleHost. >>>>
>>>> ava:346)
>>>> Not clear what change between 3.2 and 3.3 would have produced this error.
>>>> Some spelunking suggests it might have something to do with the third party
>>>> jars
>>>> (e.g. Jogl) that I use but no further clues. But a JOGL view works fine
>>>> only plugins fail. Any suggestions or tips welcome.
>>>> TIA, Ric
>>>> On 2/6/09 2:43 PM, in article, "Ric
>>>> Wright" <> wrote:
>>>>> I have a plugin that I wrote a while ago. It's a normal Eclipse plugin.
>>>>> It's main class is com.geofx.opengl.OpenGLView. The plugin loads and runs
>>>>> without problems in Eclipse 3.2 but fails in 3.3 and 3.4 with the message
>>>>> "Could not create the view: Plug-in com.geofx.opengl.view was unable to
>>>>> load
>>>>> class com.geofx.opengl.view.OpenGLView."
>>>>> At a guess, classloading changed in some way from 3.2 to 3.3 and 3.4. To
>>>>> be
>>>>> honest, classloaders are a black art to me (and wouldn't mind keeping it
>>>>> that way). I don't really know how to start figuring this out.
>>>>> I posted a question here once before about this but didn't get any
>>>>> pointers.
>>>>> I am happy (or at least resigned) to dig into this, but frankly not sure
>>>>> where to start. Any pointers would be appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Ric
Re: Loading Native Libraries (was Re: Plugin loading fails in 3.3/3.4) [message #334496 is a reply to message #334449] Thu, 12 February 2009 17:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

I guess nobody knows the answer (or is willing to say ;-). I have now
reproduced the same problem on Windows, so it is not a Mac issue. And I set
up the jars like I always do, with the jar in an external folder and the
native library beside it and the build path points to both. But I still get
an error that it cannot find a public class in the native library. But it
compiles fine - it is just at runtime it fails. This strongly suggests to
me that Eclipse is not loading the native library. The exact same code and
procedures work fine in Eclipse 3.2.

I found this: platform.doc.isv
And section 3 talks about boot delegation changes in class loading, but
frankly that is out of my ken.

Can some classloading maven suggest what I might do next? Could this be
some manifest/buddy-loading issue? I'll look at that next, but any
suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks, Ric

On 2/9/09 3:07 PM, in article, "Ric
Wright" <> wrote:

> I poked at this a little more during lunch and I am still puzzled.
> Previously, on Windows, I would point at the JOGL jar, and then set the
> native library location field. However, since Eclipse found the jars on its
> own and placed them in JRE System Library section of the build path dialog,
> I thought I would just set the native location there. But no soap. Eclipse
> lets me set it, but immediately it clears it again - read-only perhaps? I
> suppose I could move the JOGL jars somewhere else and explicitly add them
> and set their native library attributes, etc. But since Eclipse and the Mac
> have done 90% of the task seamlessly, that seems like a shame.
> Does anyone know the right way to do this?
> TIA, Ric
> On 2/8/09 4:30 PM, in article, "Ric
> Wright" <> wrote:
>> OK. After a little digging I found a few more things. First, I had a raw
>> Iterator, which Eclipse warned me about, but which worked fine in 3.2. But
>> apparently not in 3.4. It also caused another weird behaviour in that there
>> were no local variables shown.
>> So I fixed the Iterator and suddenly I had local variables and got more info
>> back in the stack trace. Turns out that Eclipse is apparently complaining
>> that it cannot instantiate one of my classes. I call Class.forName() with
>> the name of one of my classes. Since I am using JOGL, that class extends
>> GLEventListener, which at base is a native class accessed via JNI. All the
>> proper JARs and JNILibs are in /Library/Java/Extensions and the
>> java.library.path points to it. This all seems correct to me. The build
>> path for the project shows the JOGL libs under the JRE System libs in the
>> build path dialog. Again, this all seems correct.
>> I'm still digging, but if this suggests anything to anybody, I'd appreciate
>> it.
>> TIA, Ric
>> On 2/7/09 12:32 PM, in article, "Ric
>> Wright" <> wrote:
>>> Thanks for responding, Derek.
>>> AFAIK, the activator is valid (attached). When brought up in Eclipse, there
>>> is only a warning about a raw iterator (that I will fix once I get past
>>> this).
>>> I did read through the migration and the only thing that seemed relevant was
>>> the boot delegation order. I tried the org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=*
>>> in the config.ini, but it made no difference, so that doesn't seem to be it.
>>> The execution never gets to the Activator BTW, neither ctor nor start()
>>> methods are ever called. My suspicion is that one of the dependencies (e.g.
>>> The JOGL or Java3D jars can't be resolved so the message is a little bogus.
>>> But I don't know how to find out WHICH class it thinks it can't find. It
>>> says com.geofx.opengl.view.OpenGLView but I think that is misleading since
>>> that file IS in the exported package, etc. But I could be missing
>>> something.
>>> I included the plugin.xml, manifest.xml etc. in the previous post on this
>>> thread.
>>> Thanks, Ric
>>> On 2/7/09 10:54 AM, in article gmkld3$9h$, "Derek"
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I think it more likely that your activator isn't a valid activator for
>>>> 3.3. Have you tried opening the source in a 3.3 PDE and see what it
>>>> complains about?
>>>> Have you looked at the 3.3 Migration Guide?
> platform.doc.isv/>>
>> p
>>>> orting/eclipse_3_3_porting_guide.html
>>>> Ric Wright wrote:
>>>>> This is a post I put up in the newbie section, but got no response. I
>>>>> subsequently saw several posts about invalid activators on this list
>>>>> (though
>>>>> none were entirely relevant to my case). The odd thing about this is that
>>>>> it is absolutely due to some change in classloaders from 3.2 to 3.3. I'm
>>>>> still working on it, but if anyone can make any suggestions, I would be
>>>>> appreciative.
>>>>> TIA, Ric
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>> I've gotten a little farther. I turned on the debugging in the launch tab
>>>>> and I found:
>>>>> !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2009-02-06 16:28:48.779
>>>>> !MESSAGE The activator
>>>>> com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is
>>>>> invalid
>>>>> !STACK 0
>>>>> org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The activator
>>>>> com.geofx.opengl.view.Activator for bundle com.geofx.opengl.view is
>>>>> invalid
>>>>> at
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.load BundleActivator >>>>
> (
>>>>> at
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl.s tart(BundleCont >>>>
> e
>>>>> at
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost.startWor ker(BundleHost. >>>>
> j
>>>>> ava:346)
>>>>> Not clear what change between 3.2 and 3.3 would have produced this error.
>>>>> Some spelunking suggests it might have something to do with the third
>>>>> party
>>>>> jars
>>>>> (e.g. Jogl) that I use but no further clues. But a JOGL view works fine
>>>>> only plugins fail. Any suggestions or tips welcome.
>>>>> TIA, Ric
>>>>> On 2/6/09 2:43 PM, in article, "Ric
>>>>> Wright" <> wrote:
>>>>>> I have a plugin that I wrote a while ago. It's a normal Eclipse plugin.
>>>>>> It's main class is com.geofx.opengl.OpenGLView. The plugin loads and
>>>>>> runs
>>>>>> without problems in Eclipse 3.2 but fails in 3.3 and 3.4 with the
>>>>>> message
>>>>>> "Could not create the view: Plug-in com.geofx.opengl.view was unable to
>>>>>> load
>>>>>> class com.geofx.opengl.view.OpenGLView."
>>>>>> At a guess, classloading changed in some way from 3.2 to 3.3 and 3.4. To
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> honest, classloaders are a black art to me (and wouldn't mind keeping it
>>>>>> that way). I don't really know how to start figuring this out.
>>>>>> I posted a question here once before about this but didn't get any
>>>>>> pointers.
>>>>>> I am happy (or at least resigned) to dig into this, but frankly not sure
>>>>>> where to start. Any pointers would be appreciated.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Ric
Re: Loading Native Libraries (was Re: Plugin loading fails in 3.3/3.4) [message #334499 is a reply to message #334496] Thu, 12 February 2009 20:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Walter Harley is currently offline Walter HarleyFriend
Messages: 847
Registered: July 2009
Senior Member
"Ric Wright" <> wrote in message
> Can some classloading maven suggest what I might do next? Could this be
> some manifest/buddy-loading issue? I'll look at that next, but any
> suggestions would be appreciated.

I suspect it's got more to do with execution environment definitions,
because it sounds like you're talking about libraries that are optional JRE
components and that aren't getting picked up at runtime.

I don't know the answer, but at least maybe that gives you another search
term to work with.
Re: Loading Native Libraries (was Re: Plugin loading fails in 3.3/3.4) [message #334503 is a reply to message #334499] Thu, 12 February 2009 21:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Messages: 10
Registered: July 2009
Location: USA
Junior Member
I haven't been following this thread. This is the first post I have
seen. If you are talking about loading native code within a plug-in, you
could use the Bundle-NativeCode entry in manifest and provide a plug-in
relative path to the libraries.


Walter Harley wrote:
> "Ric Wright" <> wrote in message
>> Can some classloading maven suggest what I might do next? Could this be
>> some manifest/buddy-loading issue? I'll look at that next, but any
>> suggestions would be appreciated.
> I suspect it's got more to do with execution environment definitions,
> because it sounds like you're talking about libraries that are optional JRE
> components and that aren't getting picked up at runtime.
> I don't know the answer, but at least maybe that gives you another search
> term to work with.
Re: Loading Native Libraries (was Re: Plugin loading fails in 3.3/3.4) [message #334519 is a reply to message #334499] Fri, 13 February 2009 19:39 Go to previous message
Eclipse UserFriend
Originally posted by:

Walter and I conversed offline and converged on giving up on my other
approach and I simply created a new JOGL plugin by importing the jars.
Worked great on Windows. On the Mac I haven't been able to test due to
another problem. I'll post about that in a minute. When I get this working
on both platforms I'll try to write it up somewhere so others may profit
from my errors.

My thanks to Harley for his advice!

On 2/12/09 12:02 PM, in article gn1v87$lh9$, "Walter
Harley" <> wrote:

> "Ric Wright" <> wrote in message
>> Can some classloading maven suggest what I might do next? Could this be
>> some manifest/buddy-loading issue? I'll look at that next, but any
>> suggestions would be appreciated.
> I suspect it's got more to do with execution environment definitions,
> because it sounds like you're talking about libraries that are optional JRE
> components and that aren't getting picked up at runtime.
> I don't know the answer, but at least maybe that gives you another search
> term to work with.
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