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Forums are now read only. After 10 years of discussion and planning[1], these forums have been declared end of life, and were replaced with a static read only copy on December 31, 2024.
[1]https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipsefdn/helpdesk/-/issues/187 |
sticky: This forum is archived By: Eclipse User on Sat, 19 May 2012 |
0 |
19734 |
Sat, 19 May 2012 22:17 By: Eclipse User  |
Connecting RP to OM2M By: Eclipse User on Tue, 29 September 2020 |
0 |
4016 |
Tue, 29 September 2020 10:48 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] Large script - editor slow By: Eclipse User on Thu, 03 May 2012 |
4 |
15765 |
Fri, 04 May 2012 09:35 By: Eclipse User  |
Model contains "definitions", Ecore specifies "Definition" By: Eclipse User on Thu, 03 May 2012 |
1 |
6297 |
Fri, 04 May 2012 06:01 By: Eclipse User  |
ATLLauncher and ATL Virtual Machine Problem launching ATL transformations from Java but not from Eclipse By: Eclipse User on Thu, 03 May 2012 |
2 |
7214 |
Fri, 04 May 2012 05:18 By: Eclipse User  |
Can a QVT script transforms a Papyrus's model ? By: Eclipse User on Thu, 03 May 2012 |
2 |
6781 |
Thu, 03 May 2012 17:00 By: Eclipse User  |
M2M is moving to MMT By: Eclipse User on Tue, 24 April 2012 |
1 |
6930 |
Thu, 03 May 2012 16:53 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Using XSD as Metamodel By: Eclipse User on Thu, 03 May 2012 |
5 |
8081 |
Thu, 03 May 2012 12:32 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Access qName local part By: Eclipse User on Thu, 03 May 2012 |
0 |
13783 |
Thu, 03 May 2012 11:52 By: Eclipse User  |
ATL - Creating a PackagedElement within my XMI file By: Eclipse User on Thu, 03 May 2012 |
0 |
14291 |
Thu, 03 May 2012 10:00 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] No type named 'Root' in metamodel By: Eclipse User on Thu, 03 May 2012 |
0 |
15335 |
Thu, 03 May 2012 05:57 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] How to find the package owning a class ? By: Eclipse User on Wed, 02 May 2012 |
0 |
13988 |
Wed, 02 May 2012 15:12 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] Custom data types By: Eclipse User on Wed, 02 May 2012 |
1 |
5958 |
Wed, 02 May 2012 08:16 By: Eclipse User  |
Measure execution time By: Eclipse User on Wed, 02 May 2012 |
0 |
14080 |
Wed, 02 May 2012 05:57 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Transforming one hierarchy type to another hierarchy type By: Eclipse User on Fri, 09 December 2011 |
1 |
7947 |
Wed, 02 May 2012 05:51 By: Eclipse User  |
ATL interacting with Papyrus By: Eclipse User on Mon, 30 April 2012 |
0 |
14344 |
Mon, 30 April 2012 20:03 By: Eclipse User  |
Official excuses By: Eclipse User on Sun, 29 April 2012 |
5 |
8126 |
Mon, 30 April 2012 18:40 By: Eclipse User  |
Move functionality from QVTo to a library. QVTO library question. By: Eclipse User on Mon, 30 April 2012 |
0 |
13777 |
Mon, 30 April 2012 17:05 By: Eclipse User  |
Regla que cree y retorne coleccion de objetos By: Eclipse User on Mon, 30 April 2012 |
0 |
14098 |
Mon, 30 April 2012 14:21 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Feature ... is not changeable By: Eclipse User on Thu, 02 February 2012 |
8 |
15860 |
Mon, 30 April 2012 10:28 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] WSDL: Access name attribute By: Eclipse User on Mon, 30 April 2012 |
1 |
5323 |
Mon, 30 April 2012 10:02 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] wsdl -> uml transformation By: Eclipse User on Thu, 28 February 2008 |
2 |
11389 |
Sun, 29 April 2012 11:03 By: Eclipse User  |
Collections inside collections By: Eclipse User on Sat, 28 April 2012 |
0 |
13792 |
Sat, 28 April 2012 13:14 By: Eclipse User  |
ATL basic configuration problem. Please help ! By: Eclipse User on Fri, 27 April 2012 |
0 |
14075 |
Fri, 27 April 2012 20:09 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] Cloning intermediate class objects By: Eclipse User on Fri, 27 April 2012 |
1 |
6953 |
Fri, 27 April 2012 08:35 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] Resolve on disjunctive mapping By: Eclipse User on Tue, 24 April 2012 |
3 |
8659 |
Thu, 26 April 2012 08:50 By: Eclipse User  |
[qvto]how to run qvto stand-along how to run qvto stand-along By: Eclipse User on Mon, 16 April 2012 |
10 |
15937 |
Wed, 25 April 2012 19:56 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] UnitResolverFactory weiredness By: Eclipse User on Wed, 25 April 2012 |
3 |
7431 |
Wed, 25 April 2012 10:05 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] advice needed for large models By: Eclipse User on Tue, 24 April 2012 |
7 |
10728 |
Wed, 25 April 2012 04:16 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Copy sequences in Refining Mode By: Eclipse User on Tue, 24 April 2012 |
0 |
14222 |
Tue, 24 April 2012 07:51 By: Eclipse User  |
ATL from XMI files loading xmi files in ATL By: Eclipse User on Mon, 23 April 2012 |
0 |
13668 |
Mon, 23 April 2012 18:51 By: Eclipse User  |
question about "ATL/Tutorials - Create a simple ATL transformation" By: Eclipse User on Fri, 20 April 2012 |
0 |
16028 |
Fri, 20 April 2012 04:49 By: Eclipse User  |
[Solved][ATL] Inconsistencies between normal and programmatic execution mode By: Eclipse User on Thu, 19 April 2012 |
1 |
6421 |
Thu, 19 April 2012 05:45 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] and GMF By: Eclipse User on Wed, 18 April 2012 |
1 |
6851 |
Thu, 19 April 2012 03:50 By: Eclipse User  |
QVTO Transformation in a Eclipse Plugin By: Eclipse User on Tue, 17 April 2012 |
2 |
7186 |
Wed, 18 April 2012 11:52 By: Eclipse User  |
[Solved][ATL] Memory error Java heap space error while trying to lauch an ATL transformation By: Eclipse User on Thu, 05 April 2012 |
5 |
14058 |
Wed, 18 April 2012 03:47 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] programmatically launch of ATL transformation By: Eclipse User on Mon, 14 November 2011 |
1 |
7712 |
Mon, 16 April 2012 05:13 By: Eclipse User  |
[qvto]can I use an ocl operation as a model attribute By: Eclipse User on Mon, 26 March 2012 |
3 |
7031 |
Mon, 16 April 2012 04:33 By: Eclipse User  |
Transformation failure By: Eclipse User on Fri, 13 April 2012 |
0 |
14366 |
Fri, 13 April 2012 06:38 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] what about two nested "distinct..foreach" ? what about two nested "distinct..foreach" ? By: Eclipse User on Thu, 12 April 2012 |
0 |
15904 |
Thu, 12 April 2012 07:36 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Transformation failure with model references serialized with absolute paths ATL transformation fails with model references serialized with absolute paths By: Eclipse User on Fri, 30 March 2012 |
3 |
7925 |
Mon, 09 April 2012 08:13 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVT] not keyword recognized as a keyword By: Eclipse User on Sun, 08 April 2012 |
1 |
5518 |
Mon, 09 April 2012 01:43 By: Eclipse User  |
Nmodels2Nmodels transformation [qvto] in-place transformation with two input models By: Eclipse User on Sun, 01 April 2012 |
12 |
13656 |
Sat, 07 April 2012 09:58 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] Run transformation via extension point "org.eclipse.m2m.qvt.oml.runtime.qvtTransformatio By: Eclipse User on Wed, 04 April 2012 |
3 |
7343 |
Sat, 07 April 2012 07:27 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] Use metamodel mappings with nested packages By: Eclipse User on Wed, 04 April 2012 |
1 |
7327 |
Wed, 04 April 2012 16:41 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] Invoke a transformation using its XMI file Invoke in Java a QVTo transformation from its XMI file, not from the source By: Eclipse User on Tue, 03 April 2012 |
1 |
4714 |
Tue, 03 April 2012 09:20 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Problem to run ATL in JAVA By: Eclipse User on Fri, 30 March 2012 |
1 |
5696 |
Mon, 02 April 2012 16:27 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Generating an EChar during transformation Generating an EChar during transformation By: Eclipse User on Sun, 01 April 2012 |
3 |
5326 |
Sun, 01 April 2012 12:36 By: Eclipse User  |
Invoke QVT In JAVA By: Eclipse User on Fri, 16 September 2011 |
17 |
19700 |
Fri, 30 March 2012 18:35 By: Eclipse User  |
[Solved][ATL] problem running ATL programmatically By: Eclipse User on Thu, 29 March 2012 |
3 |
5883 |
Thu, 29 March 2012 07:57 By: Eclipse User  |
[Solved][ATL] string concat operation OclUndefined ??? By: Eclipse User on Tue, 27 March 2012 |
0 |
15218 |
Tue, 27 March 2012 10:33 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Transform several elements into one element By: Eclipse User on Tue, 27 March 2012 |
0 |
13658 |
Tue, 27 March 2012 07:05 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] The generate atl plugin works differently from atl configuration By: Eclipse User on Thu, 22 March 2012 |
2 |
5053 |
Mon, 26 March 2012 05:51 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Transformation to OWL2 functional-style syntax: is owl2.ecore proper for this task? Usage of owl2.ecore [2] for ATL transformations By: Eclipse User on Sun, 18 March 2012 |
2 |
6797 |
Sun, 25 March 2012 16:39 By: Eclipse User  |
Henshin how to create multiple NAC By: Eclipse User on Sat, 24 March 2012 |
0 |
13681 |
Sat, 24 March 2012 10:39 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVT] IN Model URI does not accept non XMI input QVT runtime configuration:IN Model URI does not accept non XMI input By: Eclipse User on Thu, 22 March 2012 |
1 |
4530 |
Fri, 23 March 2012 08:04 By: Eclipse User  |
Nullpointer XMLHandler#createObjectFromFeatureType - Reference internal a second metamodel By: Eclipse User on Wed, 21 March 2012 |
1 |
4650 |
Thu, 22 March 2012 02:23 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Is it possible to two classes (input) into one class (output) in a rule By: Eclipse User on Thu, 03 June 2010 |
1 |
8559 |
Mon, 19 March 2012 10:37 By: Eclipse User  |
Dependencies between Metamodels By: Eclipse User on Fri, 16 March 2012 |
0 |
13500 |
Fri, 16 March 2012 06:54 By: Eclipse User  |
QVTO Execution in Plugin By: Eclipse User on Wed, 14 March 2012 |
2 |
4699 |
Wed, 14 March 2012 09:30 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] AtlLuncher class How to use AtlLuncher class By: Eclipse User on Mon, 12 March 2012 |
3 |
4713 |
Tue, 13 March 2012 07:02 By: Eclipse User  |
Simulink M2M transformation - what is a good approach? By: Eclipse User on Tue, 14 February 2012 |
2 |
7018 |
Mon, 12 March 2012 12:53 By: Eclipse User  |
Metamodel in workspace in QVTO Problem Metamodel in workspace in QVTO Problem By: Eclipse User on Sun, 15 January 2012 |
10 |
8503 |
Sun, 11 March 2012 01:10 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Standalone execution By: Eclipse User on Mon, 27 February 2012 |
3 |
7606 |
Fri, 09 March 2012 15:05 By: Eclipse User  |
Papyrus MDT DI2ToDI By: Eclipse User on Fri, 06 May 2011 |
1 |
5610 |
Wed, 07 March 2012 15:17 By: Eclipse User  |
WSDL to UML Transformation By: Eclipse User on Fri, 02 March 2012 |
1 |
4800 |
Fri, 02 March 2012 11:50 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL]syntax source model By: Eclipse User on Mon, 26 April 2010 |
1 |
7726 |
Thu, 01 March 2012 02:48 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] [Solved] Calling a rule a fixed number of times By: Eclipse User on Mon, 27 February 2012 |
9 |
7337 |
Tue, 28 February 2012 08:39 By: Eclipse User  |
[qvto]failed to create object By: Eclipse User on Tue, 28 February 2012 |
1 |
4650 |
Tue, 28 February 2012 02:31 By: Eclipse User  |
[qvto]How to add a node in one doc to another doc By: Eclipse User on Mon, 27 February 2012 |
0 |
13826 |
Mon, 27 February 2012 22:08 By: Eclipse User  |
To be deleted By: Eclipse User on Mon, 27 February 2012 |
0 |
13221 |
Mon, 27 February 2012 12:44 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Ant Task classpath problem Plugin org.eclipse.m2m.atl.core.ant doesn't have Bundle-ClassPath set By: Eclipse User on Sat, 25 February 2012 |
0 |
13809 |
Sat, 25 February 2012 21:10 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] How to know type of a model element in condition of matched rule I need know a eCore type of an attribute of a model element By: Eclipse User on Thu, 23 February 2012 |
1 |
4185 |
Thu, 23 February 2012 12:43 By: Eclipse User  |
[qvto]how to transform undefined attributes By: Eclipse User on Thu, 16 February 2012 |
5 |
6087 |
Thu, 23 February 2012 00:54 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Compiling ATL files to ASM in build system Using Tycho headless builds By: Eclipse User on Tue, 21 February 2012 |
0 |
13987 |
Tue, 21 February 2012 09:16 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Transform to unknown target element By: Eclipse User on Mon, 13 February 2012 |
6 |
7820 |
Sat, 18 February 2012 02:02 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL]Guard condition at target element in matched rule By: Eclipse User on Fri, 17 February 2012 |
2 |
5031 |
Fri, 17 February 2012 16:59 By: Eclipse User  |
ATL too slow when transforming By: Eclipse User on Wed, 15 February 2012 |
3 |
5144 |
Fri, 17 February 2012 15:04 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Global map for caching elements By: Eclipse User on Thu, 16 February 2012 |
0 |
14249 |
Thu, 16 February 2012 04:39 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Disambiguation of black-box operations By: Eclipse User on Fri, 03 February 2012 |
4 |
7840 |
Tue, 14 February 2012 12:59 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Cannot assign the same elements/reference multiple times [on progress] By: Eclipse User on Sun, 12 February 2012 |
1 |
4038 |
Tue, 14 February 2012 09:58 By: Eclipse User  |
KM3 Validation of KM3 models By: Eclipse User on Mon, 13 February 2012 |
1 |
3793 |
Tue, 14 February 2012 00:42 By: Eclipse User  |
3rd Biannual Eclipse/OMG Workshop on March 25 By: Eclipse User on Tue, 10 January 2012 |
1 |
4310 |
Mon, 13 February 2012 01:46 By: Eclipse User  |
Bidirectional transformation By: Eclipse User on Thu, 09 February 2012 |
8 |
7029 |
Sat, 11 February 2012 05:20 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] when condition in abstract mapping By: Eclipse User on Thu, 09 February 2012 |
3 |
5909 |
Fri, 10 February 2012 06:42 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTrelational] How to use Keys to preserve graph structure ATL resolveTemp() ====> QVTr ............. ???? By: Eclipse User on Wed, 08 February 2012 |
1 |
3983 |
Wed, 08 February 2012 14:52 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] inter-model reference By: Eclipse User on Fri, 21 October 2011 |
4 |
6794 |
Wed, 08 February 2012 11:35 By: Eclipse User  |
What is the best way to merge two metamodels? By: Eclipse User on Tue, 07 February 2012 |
0 |
13986 |
Tue, 07 February 2012 11:52 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Roadmap By: Eclipse User on Fri, 23 September 2011 |
1 |
6335 |
Tue, 07 February 2012 09:40 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] composing transformations By: Eclipse User on Fri, 03 February 2012 |
2 |
4819 |
Mon, 06 February 2012 03:08 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] trace model problem with source element By: Eclipse User on Thu, 02 February 2012 |
1 |
3774 |
Fri, 03 February 2012 04:29 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Logging to file By: Eclipse User on Thu, 02 February 2012 |
0 |
13735 |
Thu, 02 February 2012 14:17 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Support for advanced mathematical operations on numerical data types, e.g. exp() and log() By: Eclipse User on Wed, 01 February 2012 |
4 |
6255 |
Wed, 01 February 2012 13:45 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Refining Mode: refine more than one element By: Eclipse User on Wed, 01 February 2012 |
0 |
14472 |
Wed, 01 February 2012 05:11 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Project status and plan By: Eclipse User on Thu, 26 January 2012 |
1 |
3934 |
Thu, 26 January 2012 13:08 By: Eclipse User  |
Bidirectional M2M Transformations using Eclipse EMF By: Eclipse User on Wed, 25 January 2012 |
1 |
4088 |
Wed, 25 January 2012 12:54 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] __xmiID__ values on output elements change after executing the transformation Problem saving ids of output elements in other output model By: Eclipse User on Mon, 23 January 2012 |
1 |
4379 |
Tue, 24 January 2012 04:52 By: Eclipse User  |
Invalid results while using minus operator in ATL By: Eclipse User on Thu, 19 January 2012 |
0 |
14104 |
Thu, 19 January 2012 15:06 By: Eclipse User  |
MicrosoftExcelInjector example error By: Eclipse User on Thu, 19 January 2012 |
0 |
14070 |
Thu, 19 January 2012 13:50 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] ATL plugin : path problem (Resolved) Problem to configure the path of ecore file By: Eclipse User on Wed, 22 June 2011 |
3 |
6618 |
Wed, 18 January 2012 08:13 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Transformation execution time My transformation seems to run endlessly By: Eclipse User on Tue, 17 January 2012 |
1 |
3885 |
Tue, 17 January 2012 09:19 By: Eclipse User  |
Qvto Trace file through Java By: Eclipse User on Wed, 11 January 2012 |
1 |
4035 |
Tue, 17 January 2012 04:18 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Error loading file: ... The feature 'DFSResource' is not a valid feature By: Eclipse User on Fri, 26 August 2011 |
2 |
5315 |
Mon, 16 January 2012 06:41 By: Eclipse User  |
Inject multiple XML records By: Eclipse User on Mon, 09 January 2012 |
4 |
6358 |
Thu, 12 January 2012 00:21 By: Eclipse User  |
Migration of new profile definition does not work By: Eclipse User on Tue, 10 January 2012 |
1 |
4774 |
Tue, 10 January 2012 06:03 By: Eclipse User  |
Namespace Problems By: Eclipse User on Tue, 10 January 2012 |
0 |
14825 |
Tue, 10 January 2012 05:24 By: Eclipse User  |
Plugin For Qvto Transformation By: Eclipse User on Tue, 03 January 2012 |
1 |
3829 |
Tue, 10 January 2012 05:07 By: Eclipse User  |
Output based on current and previous input values By: Eclipse User on Sun, 08 January 2012 |
1 |
3684 |
Sun, 08 January 2012 11:43 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Unit not found while executing qvto in own application By: Eclipse User on Wed, 21 December 2011 |
4 |
8446 |
Thu, 05 January 2012 07:23 By: Eclipse User  |
incomplete output because containment reference By: Eclipse User on Wed, 30 November 2011 |
3 |
5144 |
Thu, 05 January 2012 05:24 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] ATL life console By: Eclipse User on Thu, 05 January 2012 |
0 |
14689 |
Thu, 05 January 2012 05:12 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] ATL vs XSLT By: Eclipse User on Tue, 03 January 2012 |
0 |
14525 |
Tue, 03 January 2012 14:37 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Sequence problem By: Eclipse User on Wed, 28 December 2011 |
1 |
4482 |
Mon, 02 January 2012 03:27 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] ATL transformation in a plugin involving profiles different behaviour of ATL transformations involving profiles [plugin/run configuration] By: Eclipse User on Thu, 29 December 2011 |
2 |
5170 |
Fri, 30 December 2011 09:41 By: Eclipse User  |
Graphical ATL transformation tool By: Eclipse User on Sat, 24 December 2011 |
1 |
4313 |
Sat, 24 December 2011 11:25 By: Eclipse User  |
Check duplicates Creating target model without any duplicates By: Eclipse User on Thu, 22 December 2011 |
0 |
14489 |
Thu, 22 December 2011 20:17 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Reading XML Value How can I reference a xml element value with the ATL By: Eclipse User on Wed, 14 December 2011 |
5 |
5332 |
Thu, 15 December 2011 15:25 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] The purpose of Injector and Extractor? By: Eclipse User on Thu, 15 December 2011 |
0 |
14683 |
Thu, 15 December 2011 03:28 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] calling a lazy rule with arguments By: Eclipse User on Fri, 16 September 2011 |
1 |
5924 |
Wed, 14 December 2011 11:20 By: Eclipse User  |
Select a Component from bag By: Eclipse User on Wed, 14 December 2011 |
4 |
4980 |
Wed, 14 December 2011 10:49 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] - Create Integer set and add a new integer. By: Eclipse User on Thu, 08 December 2011 |
9 |
9444 |
Wed, 14 December 2011 03:43 By: Eclipse User  |
Re: [M2M] model2xhtml QVT problem By: Eclipse User on Mon, 12 December 2011 |
1 |
3977 |
Mon, 12 December 2011 09:56 By: Eclipse User  |
how select elements in a specific element By: Eclipse User on Wed, 07 December 2011 |
3 |
5064 |
Sat, 10 December 2011 09:53 By: Eclipse User  |
ATL transformation programmatically inter model reference By: Eclipse User on Fri, 09 December 2011 |
0 |
15025 |
Fri, 09 December 2011 05:41 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Invoking an ATL transformation on a part of a model, not on a whole model By: Eclipse User on Wed, 07 December 2011 |
0 |
14827 |
Wed, 07 December 2011 08:14 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] remove elements By: Eclipse User on Thu, 24 November 2011 |
2 |
5005 |
Thu, 24 November 2011 10:22 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Referenced part does not exist yet: org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PackageExplorer. Invoking the ATL Perspective and open an *.atl file -> errorlog + cpu increase By: Eclipse User on Fri, 16 September 2011 |
1 |
6887 |
Thu, 24 November 2011 04:00 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Running ATL programmatically By: Eclipse User on Thu, 19 August 2010 |
2 |
6272 |
Wed, 23 November 2011 07:15 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Use more than one instance By: Eclipse User on Mon, 21 November 2011 |
2 |
5365 |
Wed, 23 November 2011 04:24 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Copy entire Model without refining mode Copy entire Model without refining mode By: Eclipse User on Wed, 02 November 2011 |
3 |
5807 |
Tue, 22 November 2011 09:05 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] "Continue" Java statement Is there an ATL statement that is similar to the "continue" Java one ? By: Eclipse User on Wed, 19 October 2011 |
1 |
4316 |
Tue, 22 November 2011 08:54 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] problem with a query on EMF-specific VM By: Eclipse User on Fri, 21 October 2011 |
1 |
4324 |
Tue, 22 November 2011 08:47 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Unicode string literals in transformation By: Eclipse User on Fri, 18 November 2011 |
2 |
5728 |
Mon, 21 November 2011 17:22 By: Eclipse User  |
Incorrect output HOT By: Eclipse User on Sun, 20 November 2011 |
2 |
4637 |
Mon, 21 November 2011 10:06 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Problems with EMF-Specific VM and Regular VM By: Eclipse User on Sat, 12 December 2009 |
5 |
8336 |
Mon, 21 November 2011 03:25 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Launch UML2OWL on Helios By: Eclipse User on Sun, 13 March 2011 |
1 |
6945 |
Tue, 15 November 2011 12:25 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Cast EObject to Meta-Model Type By: Eclipse User on Sat, 12 November 2011 |
4 |
5994 |
Sat, 12 November 2011 09:19 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Same emf resource as input & output By: Eclipse User on Thu, 10 November 2011 |
0 |
15181 |
Thu, 10 November 2011 13:55 By: Eclipse User  |
Partial parsing to an EObject which contains a cross reference across grammars Partial parsing of a text to an EObject which contains a cross reference to another EObject which is defined in another grammar (cross-referencing across grammars). By: Eclipse User on Wed, 09 November 2011 |
0 |
15667 |
Wed, 09 November 2011 01:05 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Atl plugin problem ecore with referenced ecore By: Eclipse User on Sun, 06 November 2011 |
7 |
9102 |
Tue, 08 November 2011 10:37 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] EMFInjector and Resource By: Eclipse User on Tue, 08 November 2011 |
0 |
15522 |
Tue, 08 November 2011 06:07 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Inter model references By: Eclipse User on Wed, 02 November 2011 |
2 |
4890 |
Thu, 03 November 2011 07:57 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] recover the value of a "multivalued" property in a stereotype By: Eclipse User on Tue, 01 November 2011 |
0 |
7736 |
Tue, 01 November 2011 08:26 By: Eclipse User  |
Transforming to and from nested objects By: Eclipse User on Wed, 26 October 2011 |
1 |
3712 |
Mon, 31 October 2011 13:47 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTr] Is it impossible to create a profileApplication in QVT Relation Language? By: Eclipse User on Tue, 07 June 2011 |
3 |
7172 |
Fri, 28 October 2011 04:19 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Query a model element using XPATH expression By: Eclipse User on Thu, 27 October 2011 |
0 |
6829 |
Thu, 27 October 2011 20:24 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] Executing OCL queries By: Eclipse User on Tue, 01 September 2009 |
5 |
7062 |
Thu, 27 October 2011 12:21 By: Eclipse User  |
Profile with ATL By: Eclipse User on Sun, 23 October 2011 |
5 |
5642 |
Wed, 26 October 2011 16:44 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] iterate() operation By: Eclipse User on Wed, 26 October 2011 |
1 |
3645 |
Wed, 26 October 2011 09:37 By: Eclipse User  |
Error InterfaceRealization and values upper- lower By: Eclipse User on Tue, 25 October 2011 |
0 |
6779 |
Tue, 25 October 2011 07:09 By: Eclipse User  |
Error Profile ATL transformation By: Eclipse User on Sun, 23 October 2011 |
1 |
4110 |
Mon, 24 October 2011 03:55 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] how can I get an XML schema equivalent to the metamodel By: Eclipse User on Sun, 23 October 2011 |
0 |
6358 |
Sun, 23 October 2011 20:57 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Deleting elements in refing mode By: Eclipse User on Thu, 18 August 2011 |
1 |
6010 |
Sun, 23 October 2011 15:22 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Start Genmodel transformation via ant By: Eclipse User on Fri, 21 October 2011 |
0 |
6799 |
Fri, 21 October 2011 07:28 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] How to use EMF-Specific VM with ANT task By: Eclipse User on Fri, 21 October 2011 |
1 |
3282 |
Fri, 21 October 2011 07:23 By: Eclipse User  |
AML(AtlanMod Matching Language ) I am a student and I did a search on AML(AtlanMod Matching Language ) By: Eclipse User on Sat, 23 April 2011 |
2 |
16085 |
Fri, 21 October 2011 05:43 By: Eclipse User  |
Match with abstract Classes By: Eclipse User on Thu, 20 October 2011 |
0 |
6828 |
Thu, 20 October 2011 18:48 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Generate XMI with multiple namespaces By: Eclipse User on Mon, 17 October 2011 |
3 |
5952 |
Thu, 20 October 2011 11:59 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL]: a target model inconsistant with it's metamodel By: Eclipse User on Thu, 20 October 2011 |
0 |
6630 |
Thu, 20 October 2011 11:39 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Many imperative instructions inside a helper [ATL] Many imperative instructions inside a helper By: Eclipse User on Mon, 17 October 2011 |
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7610 |
Mon, 17 October 2011 04:24 By: Eclipse User  |
labrary of rules in ATL By: Eclipse User on Wed, 05 October 2011 |
3 |
5557 |
Mon, 17 October 2011 04:08 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] Any way to speed up transformation? Transformation takes too much time, unacceptable for user experience By: Eclipse User on Fri, 14 October 2011 |
9 |
7495 |
Sat, 15 October 2011 08:39 By: Eclipse User  |
how generate string from a Sequence of Tuple By: Eclipse User on Mon, 10 October 2011 |
4 |
7321 |
Thu, 13 October 2011 11:49 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Complete Documentation for the ATL Metamodel By: Eclipse User on Wed, 14 September 2011 |
1 |
4589 |
Mon, 10 October 2011 12:45 By: Eclipse User  |
Transforming Use Case Maps (jUCMNav) to Activity Diagrams (UML 2.0) using M2M By: Eclipse User on Fri, 07 October 2011 |
1 |
5378 |
Sat, 08 October 2011 01:18 By: Eclipse User  |
Transformation Lists By: Eclipse User on Fri, 07 October 2011 |
0 |
7047 |
Fri, 07 October 2011 21:33 By: Eclipse User  |
index from sequence By: Eclipse User on Thu, 06 October 2011 |
7 |
6019 |
Fri, 07 October 2011 12:43 By: Eclipse User  |
How to call a called rule.[ATL] By: Eclipse User on Wed, 05 October 2011 |
2 |
5401 |
Wed, 05 October 2011 08:37 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Iterating over collections By: Eclipse User on Wed, 28 September 2011 |
3 |
5123 |
Wed, 28 September 2011 15:05 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] MWE2 component By: Eclipse User on Sat, 24 September 2011 |
2 |
4428 |
Sat, 24 September 2011 08:51 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] Accessing Java class members from transformations By: Eclipse User on Wed, 21 September 2011 |
6 |
6446 |
Fri, 23 September 2011 05:33 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVT] result of allSubobjects on sets By: Eclipse User on Wed, 21 September 2011 |
8 |
7356 |
Thu, 22 September 2011 02:28 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Metamodels list "reloading" in QVTo plugin How to reload a list of metamodels seen by QVTo plugin ? By: Eclipse User on Mon, 12 September 2011 |
3 |
4902 |
Fri, 16 September 2011 15:52 By: Eclipse User  |
ATL launch error By: Eclipse User on Wed, 17 March 2010 |
7 |
9480 |
Fri, 16 September 2011 09:34 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTO] Calling transformation programmatically By: Eclipse User on Thu, 12 March 2009 |
12 |
11208 |
Fri, 16 September 2011 09:20 By: Eclipse User  |
ATL Development Tools By: Eclipse User on Thu, 15 September 2011 |
0 |
7172 |
Thu, 15 September 2011 18:48 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Assigning attributes to target class using HOT By: Eclipse User on Tue, 13 September 2011 |
2 |
4036 |
Wed, 14 September 2011 15:39 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] EMF VM testing By: Eclipse User on Wed, 14 September 2011 |
0 |
7461 |
Wed, 14 September 2011 10:44 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVT] undeterministic behaviour - sometimes classifiers disappear By: Eclipse User on Tue, 13 September 2011 |
1 |
5592 |
Wed, 14 September 2011 01:06 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVT] Adding element to feature By: Eclipse User on Fri, 09 September 2011 |
1 |
4795 |
Wed, 14 September 2011 00:56 By: Eclipse User  |
How to handle references? By: Eclipse User on Mon, 12 September 2011 |
0 |
7471 |
Mon, 12 September 2011 09:30 By: Eclipse User  |
Arguments with called rules By: Eclipse User on Sun, 11 September 2011 |
2 |
4684 |
Mon, 12 September 2011 04:01 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] factoryEntries in class EclipseRegistry/ interface UnitResolverFactory are empty Could not find unit ; getExtensionPoint("org.eclipse.m2m.qvt.oml.unitResolverFactory").getExtension() = null By: Eclipse User on Wed, 07 September 2011 |
1 |
5446 |
Sat, 10 September 2011 09:53 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] How to extend a model By: Eclipse User on Fri, 15 July 2011 |
3 |
7783 |
Sat, 10 September 2011 07:22 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] UML Stereotypes application not set when launching transformation from Java By: Eclipse User on Wed, 07 September 2011 |
1 |
4036 |
Thu, 08 September 2011 12:33 By: Eclipse User  |
ATL : Reference to a target class using a different rule By: Eclipse User on Wed, 07 September 2011 |
13 |
8383 |
Thu, 08 September 2011 07:35 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVT] Replacing entities in a transformation By: Eclipse User on Thu, 08 September 2011 |
0 |
7315 |
Thu, 08 September 2011 06:54 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Standalone transformation By: Eclipse User on Thu, 01 April 2010 |
4 |
6962 |
Wed, 07 September 2011 08:14 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL]: how do you debug you transformations By: Eclipse User on Tue, 06 September 2011 |
1 |
3438 |
Tue, 06 September 2011 11:19 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Exporting a plugin By: Eclipse User on Mon, 25 April 2011 |
2 |
5249 |
Tue, 06 September 2011 03:40 By: Eclipse User  |
About ATL transformations and classes in the target model By: Eclipse User on Sun, 04 September 2011 |
1 |
4197 |
Sun, 04 September 2011 15:58 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] How models from QVT conforms to models from EMF ? By: Eclipse User on Fri, 02 September 2011 |
1 |
11210 |
Sun, 04 September 2011 05:37 By: Eclipse User  |
[ATL] Check for duplicate target objects. Making sure that target metamodel (HOT) has unique classes. By: Eclipse User on Wed, 31 August 2011 |
3 |
6548 |
Thu, 01 September 2011 03:56 By: Eclipse User  |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The feature 'lass' is not a valid feature By: Eclipse User on Thu, 17 May 2007 |
9 |
11025 |
Tue, 30 August 2011 12:42 By: Eclipse User  |
How to give reference of Metamodel in workspace in QVT By: Eclipse User on Mon, 29 August 2011 |
3 |
5211 |
Mon, 29 August 2011 16:06 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] - Relationships (ATL2QVTo) - The type {2} does not conform to the type {1} of the property{0} QVTo, Relationships, ATL, SemanticUtil_8, Error By: Eclipse User on Fri, 26 August 2011 |
6 |
18444 |
Sun, 28 August 2011 14:30 By: Eclipse User  |
org.eclipse.m2m.internal.qvt.oml.emf.util.EmfException Error is occuring when i hit the run button. "org.eclipse.m2m.internal.qvt.oml.emf.util.EmfException" can anyone help me out. How to resolve this exception. By: Eclipse User on Sun, 28 August 2011 |
6 |
5493 |
Sun, 28 August 2011 13:53 By: Eclipse User  |
BPMN DIAGRAM ECORE METAMODEL Does anybody have the metamodel? By: Eclipse User on Tue, 28 June 2011 |
10 |
13244 |
Thu, 25 August 2011 19:11 By: Eclipse User  |
How to solve ATL references? ATL References By: Eclipse User on Fri, 17 September 2010 |
2 |
4840 |
Thu, 25 August 2011 18:55 By: Eclipse User  |
[QVTo] Blackbox library support in standalone mode By: Eclipse User on Mon, 11 July 2011 |
3 |
5110 |
Wed, 24 August 2011 17:03 By: Eclipse User  |