
Integers are whole numbers, numbers without a fractional part. Examples include -123 and 5. The default value of integers (int type) is 0. Several standard arithmetic operators and functions are available to work with integers, including the following:

+9          // 9
--9         // 9

9 + 4       // 13
9 - 4       // 5
9 * 4       // 36
9 / 4       // 2.25 (result is a real number, not an integer number)

9 div 4     // 2    (9 / 4 = 2.25, so 4 fits at most two whole times in 9)
9 mod 4     // 1    (the remainder of 9 div 4)

pow(2, 4)   // 16   (2 to the power of 4, or 2 * 2 * 2 * 2)
abs(-9)     // 9    (absolute value)
min(9, 4)   // 4    (minimum value)
max(9, 4)   // 9    (maximum value)

Integer values can be compared to other integer values:

x < y       // less than
x <= y      // less than or equal to
x = y       // equal to
x != y      // not equal to
x >= y      // larger than or equal to
x > y       // larger than

The next lesson explains how to define ranged integers.