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Epsilon Debugger

All Epsilon languages include interactive Eclipse-based debuggers. The debugger for the Epsilon Object Language is demonstrated in the screencast below.

Since 2.6.0, you can debug Epsilon scripts which run from outside an Eclipse launch configuration (e.g. embedded in a Java program or executed from the command line), using the Epsilon Debug Adapter Protocol server and a DAP client.

The examples.eol.dap project on GitHub shows several examples of how to do this, and further information on various use cases is listed below.

Debugging Epsilon scripts embedded in Java programs

If you are running your Epsilon script from a Java program, you can wrap your module in an EpsilonDebugServer class provided by Epsilon and debug it through a DAP client of your choice.

Importing the EpsilonDebugServer into your program

If you are developing a regular Java program, you will need to add a dependency to the org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dap Maven artifact of your chosen Epsilon release. More information on the stable and interim Epsilon Maven artifacts is available from our download page.

If you are developing an Eclipse plug-in, you will need to declare a dependency on the org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.dap plugin.

Wrapping your module with the EpsilonDebugServer

The next step is to replace your regular module.execute() call with this code:

new EpsilonDebugServer(module, 4040).run();

The first line wraps the module with Epsilon's DAP server and indicates that it will listen on TCP port 4040. The second line starts the server and blocks until the script has completed its execution. The server will automatically shut down once the script has completed its execution.

The script will not start its execution until a DAP client connects to it, to allow you to set any necessary breakpoints.

The next step is to connect to the DAP server with your DAP client of choice. Several options are discussed in the DAP client section.

Mapping module URIs to your IDE files

If your Epsilon scripts are being loaded from URIs rather than regular files, you will need to tell the EpsilonDebugServer how to map those module URIs to the files with your breakpoints. Here is a simplified excerpt from the DebugClasspathBasedEOL example, which shows how to do this:

EolModule module = new EolModule();
URI classpathUri = DebugClasspathBasedEOL.class.getResource("your.eol").toURI();

EpsilonDebugServer server = new EpsilonDebugServer(module, 4040);

A debugging session would work like this:

  • From your DAP client, you would set some breakpoints in your.eol.
  • Run the above code, leaving the script waiting for a DAP connection.
  • Connect with your DAP client, which will send the breakpoints in src/path/to/your.eol file.
  • The DAP server will map the src/path/to/your.eol breakpoints to your parsed module.
  • The DAP server will start the execution of your script.
  • The script will reach one of the breakpoints and stop execution.
  • The server will map the location that we stopped in to src/path/to/your.eol file and report it to your DAP client.
  • Your DAP client will then highlight the relevant line and allow you to inspect variables and control execution.

Debugging Epsilon scripts running from Ant workflows

If you need to debug your Epsilon script that you are running from the command line (e.g. Ant or Gradle), you will need to use the Debug Adapter Protocol support available from Epsilon 2.6.0. To do so, set the debug and debugPort attributes in your Ant task, like this:

<epsilon.eol ... debug="true" debugPort="4040"/>

When executed, this task will start a DAP server listening on TCP port 4040. It wait for a connection from a DAP client, and then start the script.

Epsilon includes an example of an Ant buildfile that uses DAP for debugging. There is also an example of a Gradle script.

Debug Adapter Protocol clients tested with Epsilon

After the EpsilonDebugServer has started and is waiting for a DAP connection, you should be able to connect to it with a DAP client of your choice. This section details two DAP clients that have been tested with the Epsilon DAP server.

Eclipse LSP4E

To use this client, install it from its official repository. You will need the "Debug Adapter client for Eclipse IDE" feature.

Set your breakpoints as usual. Once the DAP server is running and waiting for connections (as shown in the terminal with the "Started Epsilon debug server" text), start an LSP4E debug configuration that attaches to the relevant port in

DAP LSP4E debug configuration attaching to port 4040

Once LSP4E connects to the DAP server, the script will start running. After hitting a breakpoint, you will be prompted to switch to the Debug perspective, as usual:

LSP4E debugger stopped on an EOL breakpoint

Microsoft Visual Studio Code

Recent versions of the VS Code support in Epsilon include support for the Epsilon DAP server. Epsilon includes an example Gradle project with VS Code configuration files that you can use as a starting point. The rest of the section breaks down some of these details.

Starting the DAP server

First, you will need to add the debug and debugPort attributes to the Ant tasks being executed from your Gradle script:

task runHello {
  dependsOn tasks.setupEpsilonTasks
  doLast {
    ant.'epsilon.eol'(src: '01-hello.eol', debug: true, debugPort: 4040)

Note how the Epsilon task is wrapped in a doLast block, to ensure it only runs when we explicitly run the task, and not on Gradle's configure phase. When the task is run, execution will suspend until a DAP client (VS Code in this case) connects to the DAP server.

Creating and launching a debug configuration

You will then need to add a launch configuration to your launch.json file. Based on the above example, you would need something like:

    "type": "epsilon",
    "request": "attach",
    "name": "Debug 01-hello",
    "port": 4040

Set breakpoints as usual. Launch the above configuration, and you should be able to hit breakpoints, control execution, and inspect variables as usual:

VS Code debugger stopped on an EOL breakpoint

Single-click launching and debugging

The above approach requires separately launching your Gradle task, and your debug configuration. You can configure VS Code to launch the Gradle task for you, by using a preLaunchTask.

First, open the Command Palette as usual (Ctrl+Shift+P in Windows/Linux, or "View - Command Palette..." from the menus), and select "Tasks: Configure Task":

VS Code Command Palette showing Configure Task

Select the "Gradle: ..." task corresponding to the Gradle task to be executed:

VS Code Command Palette showing the Gradle task to be configured

This add a rather verbose block to your tasks.json file:

    "type": "gradle",
    "id": "...",
    "script": "runHello",
    "description": "",
    "group": "other",
    "project": "org.eclipse.epsilon.examples.eol.dap",
    "buildFile": ".../org.eclipse.epsilon/examples/org.eclipse.epsilon.examples.eol.dap/epsilon/build.gradle",
    "rootProject": "org.eclipse.epsilon.examples.eol.dap",
    "projectFolder": ".../org.eclipse.epsilon/examples/org.eclipse.epsilon.examples.eol.dap/epsilon",
    "workspaceFolder": ".../org.eclipse.epsilon/examples/org.eclipse.epsilon.examples.eol.dap/epsilon",
    "args": "",
    "javaDebug": false,
    "problemMatcher": [
    "label": "gradle: runHello"

This JSON block needs a number of changes before it can be used:

  • Remove the unnecessary id, description, project, and rootProject fields.
  • Use ${workspaceFolder} to shorten the values of buildFile, projectFolder, and workspaceFolder.
  • Change args to "--info": we need the INFO log messages to detect when the DAP server has started.
  • Add the "$epsilon-debug" problem matcher, which will detect when the DAP server has started.
  • Optionally, change the label to "epsilonDebug: runHello", to distinguish it from a normal Gradle task execution.
  • Add an "isBackground": true setting, to mark it as a background task. Otherwise, debugging will never start as VS Code will indefinitely wait for this task to complete, rather than read the INFO messages to detect when the DAP server has started.

You should end up with something like the following:

    "type": "gradle",
    "script": "runHello",
    "group": "other",
    "buildFile": "${workspaceFolder}/build.gradle",
    "workspaceFolder": "${workspaceFolder}",
    "projectFolder": "${workspaceFolder}",
    "args": "--info",
    "problemMatcher": [
    "label": "epsilonDebug: hello",
    "isBackground": true

Now that the task has been set up, you can return to your launch.json file, and use the task as your preLaunchTask:

    "type": "epsilon",
    "request": "attach",
    "name": "Debug 01-hello",
    "port": 4040,
    "preLaunchTask": "epsilonDebug: hello"

After these steps, launching Debug 01-hello should run the Gradle task, wait until the DAP server is started, and then start the debugging session as usual.