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    Update Site

    EcoreTools is pre-installed in the Modeling Package.

    Update Sites

    Add this URL to your Eclipse Installation to reach this Solution's Update Site.

    3.4.0 based on Sirius 7.0
    3.3.4 based on Sirius 5.0
    3.3.3 based on Sirius 5.0
    3.3.2 based on Sirius 5.0
    3.3.1 based on Sirius 5.0
    3.3.0 based on Sirius 5.0
    3.2.1 based on Sirius 4.1
    3.2.0 based on Sirius 4.1
    3.1.0 based on Sirius 4.0
    3.4 Nightly

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