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Supported Script Engines

Language Engine Debug Support Details
JavaScript Mozilla Rhino
JavaScript Nashorn Available from Java 8 - Java 14 as part of the JRE
Python Py4J Bridges JDK and an external Python interpreter
Python Jython Supports Python up to Python 2.7 only. No 3.x support
Ruby JRuby Proof of concept implementation. Not actively maintained.
Groovy Groovy Proof of concept implementation. Not actively maintained.

Meta Engines

We further support engines that actually do not really interpret script code, but use the same EASE scripting interface.

Engine Purpose
TestSuite Executes *.suite files to run unit tests written in script languages.
Archive Runs scripts contained in a *.sar archive (similar to *.jar files).
JDK Runs *.java files from the current workspace.

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