Foundation Updates in This Issue
Getting Ready for EclipseCon France
EclipseCon France registration is open,
the submissions
are all in, and the program committee will be announcing the full schedule in a
couple of weeks. Early June is a beautiful time in Toulouse, so make your plans now.
The conference now includes a full day of workshops on Tuesday (7 June), two days of keynotes and sessions on
Wednesday and Thursday (8-9 June), and an Unconference on Friday (10 June).
Board Election Results
Community members recently elected these Committer and Sustaining Member representatives to the
Eclipse Foundation Board of Directors. Thanks to all the canidates, and to everyone who participated in the election.
Committer Reps
- Chris Aniszyzck
- Dani Megert
- Ed Merks
Sustaining Member Reps
- Chris Holmes
- Mik Kersten
- Matthias Zimmermann
Congratulations, Community Award Winners!
These winners of the Eclipse Community Awards were announced at the closing ceremony for
EclipseCon North America.
- Top Committer: Mickael Istria
- Top Newcomer Evangelist: Jay Jay Billings
- Most Innovative Project: Eclipse Advanced Scripting Environment (EASE)
- Most Open Project: Platform UI
Plan a Neon DemoCamp
The Neon Simultaneous Release will arrive in June, so it's time to plan a DemoCamp to mark the annual event. Check
the DemoCamp wiki to see what has been organized already, and think about attending — or organizing — an
event in your location.
Recent Project Proposals
PolarSys Rover
The PolarSys Rover Project provides educational material including models, code and documentation to demonstrate the usage of PolarSys solutions for the architecture, design, development and test of a simple rover system inspired by both Mars exploration and crisis management missions.
The Open Standard Business Platform (OSBP) comprises a model-based software factory composed of extensible frameworks, tools and runtime environments for building, deploying and managing business applications across their lifecycles.
Apogy provides a software framework and components to quickly assemble the required operators tools used to plan, validate, execute and monitor integrated operations of physical systems.
This project provides all the tools necessary to implement OPC Unified Architecture (UA) client and/or server functionality in any JVM-based project.
Whiskers is an OGC SensorThings API framework consisting of a JavaScript client and a light-weight server for IoT gateways. As the OGC SensorThings API standard specification continues to evolve, Whiskers will evolve with it.
Email us to take advantage of the opportunity to
promote your Eclipse training or other Eclipse event on the Events Map!
See the Events map for DemoCamps, Training Series, and Working Group activities.
Eclipse Day Eindhoven
April 11, 2016
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Eclipse Day Grenoble
April 27, 2016
Grenoble, France
Devoxx France
April 20 - 22, 2016
Paris, France
FOSS4G NA 2016
May 2 - 5, 2016
Raleigh, North Carolina, US
EclipseCon France 2016
June 7 - 9, 2016
Toulouse, France
Eclipse Summit India
August 25 - 27, 2016
Bangalore, India
EclipseCon Europe 2016
October 25 - 27, 2016
Ludwigsburg, Germany
Free Testing Support
Use ANCIT Team in India to test your Eclipse product or project for free.
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