Short Takes

IoT Adopter Survey Needs Your Input

Your input is needed to gain a deeper understanding of the IoT industry landscape!

The 2019 IoT Commercial Adoption Survey is live and ready for input by organizations that use IoT platforms.

Launched by the Eclipse IoT Working Group, the 2019 IoT Commercial Adoption Survey will help IoT industry stakeholders get a better understanding of the IoT ecosystem, the state of commercial solutions, and insights into the requirements, priorities, and challenges faced by organizations who are implementing and using commercial IoT solutions and services.

If your organization uses an IoT platform, your input is needed and we want to hear from you. Take just a few minutes to complete the survey.

Survey responses will be collected until Monday, October 28 and the results will be published in early December. 

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Take the survey now!

IoT Adopter Logo Campaign Launched

We need your help to identify IoT adopters; companies that have purchased commercial IoT solutions from our members.

One of the biggest challenges in the open source software world is identifying who is using the technologies contributed by the development community. The Eclipse Foundation’s IoT Working Group has launched a campaign to identify the adopters of Eclipse IoT open source projects. Companies who have adopted commercial IoT solutions — whether or not they are working group members — can be listed as adopters, here: 

We are hoping your customers will be interested in showing their support for open source. All they have to do to add their organization’s logo to the list of adopters is create a GitHub issue and the Eclipse Foundation’s team will take it from there.

Your support of this initiative will help demonstrate the commercial relevance of open source IoT projects. And your customer’s logo on the Eclipse IoT adopters page will show their support for open source innovation.

About the Author

Thabang Mashologu

Thabang Mashologu

Vice President, Marketing
Eclipse Foundation