Short Takes

A curated collection of some of the most relevant and timely blogs and tutorials by Eclipse community members.

Hot Topic: Jakarta EE Package Naming

When it was announced in May 2019 that the javax package namespace can’t be modified by the Eclipse Foundation community, the great debate about how to handle this very challenging constraint started in earnest.

Here are two very interesting blogs on this hot topic:

  • Alasdair Nottingham advocates investing in a “zero migration” approach to package renaming based on four necessary, but not always easy, requirements. Read Alasdair’s blog.
  • BJ Hargrave explains how a rules-based tool he has prototyped can be used to rename Jakarta EE packages in binaries. Read BJ’s blog.

Tutorials and Technical Overviews

With their dedication to open source collaboration, it’s no surprise that Jakarta EE community members are quick to share their technical expertise for the greater good of the broader community.

Here are three technical explanations we think you’ll find extremely helpful as you delve deeper into programming with Jakarta EE:

  • Philip Rieck explains how to bootstrap a Jakarta EE Maven project with Java 11 in seconds. Learn more.
  • Hayri Cicek demonstrates how to deploy a Jakarta EE application on Google Cloud Platform with Kubernetes. Learn more.
  • Adam Bien provides an overview of MicroProfile runtimes. Learn more.

Great Reads: Our Free Cloud Native Java E-Book

If you haven’t already downloaded our free e-book, Fulfilling the Vision for Open Source, Cloud Native Java, take a minute to do that now.

This e-book includes insights from some of the leading voices in enterprise Java and the Jakarta EE Working Group. It explores all aspects of cloud native Java, from the many benefits it gives developers today to the vision and priorities for its long-term evolution.

Download the e-book today.

About the Author

Shabnam Mayel

Shabnam Mayel

Senior Marketing Manager
Eclipse Foundation