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WTP 3.2

eclipse web tools platform release 3.2

Status as of 2010-06-23

The Web Tools Platform's 3.2 release is now available, coinciding with the Helios Simultaneous Release. WTP 3.2 adds support for creating, running, and debugging applications using Java EE 6, including Servlet 3.0, JPA 2.0, JSF 2.0, EJB 3.1, and JAX-RS 1.1 technologies, plus deployment to updated server runtimes, and support for XPath 2.0. Content assist in the editors has been streamlined and performance improved in numerous areas. The JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT) has gained a debugging framework, allowing it to launch and debug JavaScript using Rhino, and improved its readiness for toolkit-specific plug-ins. It is featured in the new Eclipse IDE for JavaScript Web Developers, joining the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers among the selection of Helios packages. For a full listing of what's new in this release, check out the New and Noteworthy. You'll find parts of WTP in most of the Helios packages, but you can still download WTP manually or install just the features you want by working with the Helios update site.

WTP 3.2 was officially released on 2010-06-23.

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