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Eclipse Web Tools Platform 2.0 RC0
New and Noteworthy


Web Services

Axis2 Web Services tools

    The Web services tools now supports the Axis2 version 1.2 Web services runtime.
    First, install the Axis2 v1.2 runtime using the Web services preference:
    Installing Axis2 runtime
    Second, create a dynamic Web project adding the Axis2 facets:
    Axis2 facets
    To choose the Axis2 Web service runtime, click the Web service runtime hyperlink. Then, you can create Axis2 bottom up Web service, top down Web service and Web service client using the existing Web services tools:
    Axis2 Web service
    Axis2 top down
    Refer to the following Axis2 Web services tutorials for details:

Web Services tools supports Axis 1.4

    The Web services tools have been updated to support Axis 1.4 instead of Axis 1.3.

Web Services Explorer supports pluggable transport and message stack

    A new extension point has been added to the Web Services Explorer:

    This extension point entry allows an extender to plug in a new factory for creating instances. The ISOAPTranport is used by the Web Services Explorer for invoking Web services operations that uses the SOAP message protocol. The factory must implement the interface.

    Other classes/interfaces which are part of this API are as follows:

    • Interfaces:
      • ISOAPMessage - This interface represents a SOAP message in a web service invocation made by the Web Services Explorer's transport stack.
      • ISerializer - The ISerializer is responsible for taking an ISOAPMessage and serializing it into an XML string.
      • IDeserializer - The IDeserializer is responsible for taking an XML string and deserializing it into values to populate an ISOAPMessage.
    • Classes:
      • MessageContext - A MessageContext object holds information about the message that is to be sent on a web service invocation.
      • SOAPMessage - This is a default implementation of the ISOAPMessage interface that extenders of the Web Services Explorer transport can use.
    • exceptions:
      • TransportException - A general purpose exception to indicate a problem has occurred when invoking a web service.
      • HttpTransportException - A type of TransportException that can be thrown when the transport protocol is HTTP.

    These classes/interfaces are found in the package.

Adding optional mergerClass attribute to the Web Services implementation type extension

    A new optional attribute "mergerClass" is introduced in the Web services implementation type extension point This mergerClass should implement the newly defined interface which contains a load() and merge() method. This class is used for the purpose of Web services skeleton file merging for the Web service implementation type. A has been defined for the Java Web service implementation type.

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