public interface

Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Represents an abstract collection of related classes and resources.


Public Methods
abstract DeferredClass<?> deferLoadClass(String name)
Defers loading of the named class from the surrounding class space.
abstract Enumeration<URL> findEntries(String path, String glob, boolean recurse)
Queries local class space content for entries matching the given pattern.
abstract URL getResource(String name)
Queries the surrounding class space for the resource with the given name.
abstract Enumeration<URL> getResources(String name)
Queries the surrounding class space for all resources with the given name.
abstract Class<?> loadClass(String name)
Loads the named class from the surrounding class space.

Public Methods

public abstract DeferredClass<?> deferLoadClass (String name)

Defers loading of the named class from the surrounding class space.

name The class name
  • Deferred class

public abstract Enumeration<URL> findEntries (String path, String glob, boolean recurse)

Queries local class space content for entries matching the given pattern.

path The initial search directory; for example "META-INF"
glob The filename glob pattern; for example "*.xml"
recurse If true recurse into sub-directories; otherwise only search initial directory
  • Sequence of URLs, one for each matching entry

public abstract URL getResource (String name)

Queries the surrounding class space for the resource with the given name.

name The resource name
  • URL pointing to the resource; null if it wasn't found

public abstract Enumeration<URL> getResources (String name)

Queries the surrounding class space for all resources with the given name.

name The resource name
  • Sequence of URLs, one for each matching resource

public abstract Class<?> loadClass (String name)

Loads the named class from the surrounding class space.

name The class name
  • Class instance