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Information about building, testing and debugging Sisu can be found in our wiki space.

Source Code

The source files of the project are stored in Git repositories. Please see the summary tab of a repository for details about the URL required to clone a repository to your local machine.

In addition to the Git repositories hosted by the Eclipse Foundation, there are also mirror repositories at GitHub. Please note that due to legal requirements, we will not accept pull requests from these repositories. Instead, contributors are asked to create a patch file and attach it to an entry in our issue tracker.

When editing sources files, please respect our existing code style. Formatter styles for some IDEs are available below:

Building the sources requires Apache Maven 3.0 or newer and a Java Developer Kit for Java 6 or higher (this is needed to compile the optional annotation processing support).

Intellectual Property Log

All Eclipse projects are required to maintain an IP log for the employed intellectual property. Committers should especially pay attention to the IP due diligence process when handling external contributions.

We use the automatic IP log tool to track code contributions and third-party dependencies.

Bug Tracker

The project uses Bugzilla to manage bugs and feature requests.

Mailing Lists

Continuous Integration

We use Jenkins for our continuous integration builds. Jenkins is configured to periodically poll our Git repositories for changes and automatically starts a new build when required. We also have a daily Sonar job to track code quality.

Besides cross-platform testing, CI is also used to automatically deploy snapshot/nightly builds. Those builds are generally not production-ready but only enable feedback from early access users. The following Maven repository can be used to access these snapshot builds:


Note: This repository contains snapshots of many projects, not just those produced by Sisu.


Committers that wish to author the contents on the project's website will find the relevant instructions in the documents listed below:

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