PDE Test Scenarios

The following set of scenarios are designed to assist the Eclipse user community explore and test the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE).

Note that the different scenarios are independent of each other and can be executed in any sequence.

If you find a problem with a scenario step:

  1. Open a Bugzilla defect against the PDE/UI component.
  2. Include the build number (e.g. 3.1RC1, 3.1RC2 etc.).
  3. Always prefix the Summary of the defect with the step number.


Scenario A: Your first plug-in in less than 10 minutes

Objective:  This is the out-of-the-box experience scenario. We will create a new plug-in, test it and deploy it in less than 10 minutes.

A0. Start the clock

A1. Creating a new plug-in project

A2. Testing the Plug-in

A3. Exporting the Plug-in

A4. Stop the clock

Scenario B:  Variations in Plug-in Project creation

B1. Creating a plug-in with a special encoding

B2. Creating an old-style plug-in

B3.  Manifest files on demand

B4. Converting a Java project to a plug-in project

B5. The Bundlizer - Part I

B6.  The Bundlizer - Part II

Scenario C: Plug-in Export

C1.  Exporting plug-ins en masse as a directory structure

C2.  Exporting plug-ins en masse as a ZIP

Scenario D: RCP Product Export

D1.  RCP Mail

Scenario E: Control over runtime classpath

E1.  Selectively excluding output folders

Scenario F:  Features and Update Sites

F1.  Feature Creation

F2.  Update Site Creation