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Members Meeting and Marketing Symposium Agenda

Members Meeting, November 17, 2008
Schubartsaal Room, Forum am Schlosspark
Ludwigsburg, Germany
2:00pm - 6:00pm


  • Executive Director Update - Mike Milinkovich

  • The SAP Eclipse Story - Karsten Schmidt, SAP

  • Abstract:Eclipse as the basis of SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio is a central building block of SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment. With the recent decision to base SAP's next generation Java server on OSGi and Equinox, Eclipse technology will also reach into the server runtime. Karsten Schmidt, Development Project Director at SAP NetWeaver Java Tools Infrastructure, will give an overview of the history and challenges of SAP's Eclipse involvement, describe the current status, and provide an outlook for the future.

  • Project Updates

    • Eclipse RT and Equinox - Jeff McAffer
    • Eclipse 4.0 (e4) - Jochen Krause
    • SMILA - Hans-Christian Brockmann Presentation

  • Introduction to Mobile Industry Working Group
    Abstract: A new industry working group for the mobile industry is being proposed for Eclipse. This presentation will explain the purpose and vision of the Mobile Industry Working Group.

  • Architecture Council Update - Martin Oberhuber

  • Planning Council Update: Galileo Release - Bjorn Freeman-Benson
    Abstract: The next major release train is Galileo, scheduled for June 2009. This presentation will update the membership on the activities for this release.

  • New Member Introductions

    • Innovations - Stefanie Peitzker

  • European Update - Ralph Mueller

  • Marketing Update - Ian Skerrett

  • Reception

Marketing Symposium
November 18, 2008, 8:30am - 12:00pm
Film- und Medienzentrum
Ludwigsburg GmbH
Königsallee 43
71638 Ludwigsburg


Business opportunities found in the active participation with open source organizations
Sylvain Wallez, Co-founder Anyware Technologies and past Vice President of Apache Software Foundation

Abstract: The rise of open source has heavily changed the sofware industry, as lots of high quality software is now available for free, and this has challenged the traditional business of many software publishing companies. But new opportunities have also emerged, and active participation with open source organizations can be a key asset in a company in many areas: technical, business and marketing. The talk will introduce the various members of an open source project's ecosystem, and how each of them can benefit in having an active role in the community.

Short Talks and Case Studies from the Community
Members of the Eclipse marketing community will give short presentations that reflect their experiences of marketing in the Eclipse community.

  • How to Get Good Press - Manuela Duft - compeople
  • Tips for doing successful webinars - Stefanie Peitzker, Innovations Presentation
  • Organizing an Eclipse events in France - Jocya Leroy, Anyware Technologies
  • Experiences from the first Eclipse Banking Day - Joern Weigle, Weigle Wilczek

Leveraging the Web Site - Ian Skerrett, Eclipse Foundation
In this presentation, Ian will describe the different ways Eclipse member companies can promote their products and services on the web site.

Roundtable Discussion: Selling Eclipse to Senior Executives
Eclipse is well known and understood in the developer and engineering community. However, senior executives at large corporations are typically less informed of the benefits Eclipse to their organizations. In this session, we will have a round table discussion to brainstorm different benefits, messages and tactics that can be used to sell Eclipse and Eclipse-based products to senior executives.

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