Release Resolved Community Contributions
November 6, 2013
Community contributions were provided by Jeremie Bresson, Krzysztof Daniel, Steve Elsemore, Lily Guo, Marc-Andre Laperle, Benjamin Muskalla, and Casey Thompson.
Includes: Mylyn 3.10, Mylyn Builds 1.2, Mylyn Commons 3.10, Mylyn Context 3.10, Mylyn Docs 1.9, Mylyn Reviews 2.1. Mylyn Tasks 3.10, Mylyn Versions 1.2.

Also see the New & Noteworthy for previous releases

New in Mylyn 3.10

NOTE: Mylyn 3.10 requires Java 1.6 or later and supports Eclipse 3.8, 4.3 or 4.4. Eclipse 3.6 is now the base compilation target, so Mylyn no longer runs on Eclipse 3.5. See the download page for repository locations.


Task List

Undo/Redo Mark Tasks Read

After marking one or more tasks read or unread in the Task List or Task Editor, the operation can be undone. Mark Read/Unread operations are added to the Task List undo/redo history. They can be undone and redone using the undo/redo commands in the Edit menu when the Task List view is active.

Indicate Private Notes

The Task List indicates which tasks have private notes with a yellow pencil icon.

Improved Tooltips

When hovering over a query, category, or date container in the Task List, the tooltip displays the number of tasks with incoming and outgoing changes.


Task Editor

Display Last Commented Date

The date of the last comment is displayed at the top of the Task Editor next to the created and modified dates.

Open Attachments with System Editor

On Windows, attachments are opened with the system editor by default instead of the browser.



Generate Textile/Confluence/etc.

File context menus have a Generate action for each markup language that supports generating content via a markup-specific DocumentBuilder.

Definition Lists

WikiText supports Textile and Mediawiki definition lists.


Markdown now has content assist and a cheat sheet.


Bugzilla Connector

Edit Query URL

The Bugzilla URL-based query page now uses a mult-line text field for the query URL to make edting long URLs easier.


Gerrit Connector

New Icon

The icon has been updated to Diffy The Kung Fu Review Cuckoo.

Gerrit 2.7

Gerrit 2.7 is now supported.

Gerrit 2.6

Gerrit 2.6 is now supported.

Non-modal Inline Comments Dialog

The inline comment dialog is non-modal, allowing users to copy and paste text from the compare editor. The dialog is also resizable to make it easy to write longer comments.


Hudson/Jenkins Connector

Download Builds in the Background

When clicking a link to a build, the build editor opens immediately while the build is downloaded in the background. This allows users wanting to open the build in the web UI to do so without waiting for it to be downloaded first.

Hudson 3.1

Hudson 3.1 is now supported.


Framework and API

See porting guide for additional notes on API changes.

Tasks: Repository Connector Extensions in Core

Repository connector extensions are now declared in tasks.core so that implementors are not required to depend on tasks.ui: bug 386117

Tasks: Support Custom Attributes in Initialization Data

The TaskInitializationData class is provided to allow connectors to include custom attributes in initialization data: bug 386764.

Tasks: Dynamic Contribution of Connectors

Declaration of connectors in plugin.xml is not required. Connectors can be declared through alternative means and contributed at runtime: bug 408511.

Tasks: Improved Task Activty API

Clients can determine the first and last dates that a task was active: bug 409758.

Context: Parameterized Commit Template Variables

Integrators can define commit template variables that take arguments: bug 415013.