Release Resolved Community Contributions
Dec 22
Torkild Ulvøy Resheim provided a patch for Bugzilla 2.23 support. Erkki Lindpere improved web connector redirects, Willian Mitsuda provided open task dialog fixes, and Redsolo provided a fix for repository saving.
Dec 11
See the Mylar 1.0 release credits and history.
Dec 07
Willian Mitsuda and Eugene Kuleshov contributed patchess. Taivo Evard improved the user guide.
Nov 28
Eugene Kuleshov contributed additional patches to improve generic web connector and to the Task List framework, and has been voted in as a committer. Willian Mitsuda provided numerous improvements that streamline the tasks UI, including the new open repository task dialog. Meghan Allen provided improvements to the monitor. Felix Schwarz provided a prototype UI for context copy. Additional useful fixes and improvements were contributed by Erkki Lindpere, Steffen Pingel, Joseph Marques and Brian de Alwis.
Nov 12
Eugene Kuleshov contributed UI streamlining for the generic web repository connector. Willian Mitsuda provided several UI improvements. Meghan Allen and Jochen Hiller also contributed patches.
Oct 21
Eike Stepper contributed configurable commit templates. Willian Mitsuda provided several improvements for Task List layout and progress bar presentation.  Raphael Ackermann provided numerous interaction improvements for task and category creation.
Sep 29
Eugene Kuleshov streamlined adding new repositories, improved the generic web connector, and JIRA query dialog.  Willian Mitsuda provided several layout UI layout and presentation improvements.  Yuri V. Baburov improved task activity timing.  John Anvik and Nathan Hapke also contributed patches and tests.
Aug 25
Steffen Pingel provided numerous patches to the tasks framework and improvements to the Trac connector, and has been voted in as a committer. Jeff Pound improved attachment handling and spell checking. Eugene Kuleshov contributed web connector support for Google's new code hosting service. Willian Mitsuda contributed the open task dialogs.  Felix Schwarz contributed patches improving the usability of connector selection. Izzet Safer and Nathan Hapke also contributed a number of patches and tests.
July 31
Steffen Pingel contributed Trac support as well as numerous patches to the Tasks framework.  Jeff Pound contributed duplicate detection, Error Log bug reporting and streamlined context attachments. Eugene Kuleshov improved the JIRA query dialog and provided numerous patches for the sandbox web repository connector. Willian Mitsuda provided a patches for Tasks UI streamlining.  Brian de Alwis, Brock Janiczak, Izzet Safer and Nathan Hapke also contributed useful patches and tests.

Also see the New & Noteworthy for: Mylar 0.5Mylar 0.4, Mylar 0.3

Update notes:
- SVN users
    - This release requires installing updated plug-ins, instructions: Subclipse, Subversive
- Updating to 0.9.2
    - The offline data cache will be reset, so submit outgoing changes before updating.
    - JIRA users: the first synchronization may need to synchronize all tasks.
    - If updating from 0.6.0: the Preferences -> Tasks settings will be reset to their defaults due to plug-in name changes.
    - If updating from 0.5 or earlier: you must first update to 0.6.0:

misc for Mylar 2.0M1


Apply Patch from attachment
(3.3M4 only)

The Apply Patch wizard can now be invoked directly from the patch entry in the task editor's attachments table.

Task List toolbar reorganization

The Task List toolbar and view menu have been reorganized.  All manual filters are on the view menu, and are only enabled when Focus on Workweek is off.  The Synchronize All button now appears on the toolbar.  The Ctrl+F5 shortcut can also be used to synchronize. 

Highlighting of incoming changes

Incoming changes that have occurred on a task since its last viewing are highlighted in the task editor.  For example, in the screenshot below a new comment has been added, the assignee has changed, and a new comment has been added.  Also note that comments now have a Reply button, visible to the right of the comment date, which will cause the corresponding comment to be quoted.  The highlight color is configurable via Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts.

Open repository task dialog

The Open Repository Task dialog allows tasks that are not in in the Task List to be quickly opened by key or ID.  This dialog also permits adding the task to the Task List, and it replaces the Add Existing Task action.  Note the updated shortcuts for task open dialogs and task activation.

Repository proxy settings

Proxy settings can be configured on the Task Repository Properties page.  These settings are currently supported by Bugzilla and Trac.  JIRA users still need to configure proxy settings manually.  Note that the proxy server name must start with the protocol, e.g. https://...

UI Legend

A visual legend of the icons colors used in the Tasks UI can be opened by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Alt+? or via Help -> Tasks UI Legend.  The legend renders font and color theme settings according to how they are specified on the Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts page, which can be opened via the Adjust Colors and Fonts... link.

Generic web repository connector

The generic web repository connector has moved out of the sandbox and is now part of the Mylar install.  Refer to the FAQ for instructions on setting up queries to repositories that are not currently supported by a rich connector (e.g. IssueZilla, GForge, SourceForge, phpBB, VBulletin, Google Code and Mantis).  The parameter list visible below is used for configuring project properties for projects that require them.  These properties are typically derived from the query URL used to access the repository.  Matching rules can be edited under the Advanced Configuration section on both the repository settings page and the edit query page.

Progress for categories

Categories now show progress for the number of completed tasks.  The weekly progress indicates progress in terms of estimated time (by default tasks have an estimate of 1 hour), and the tooltip will indicate progress in terms of both estimated time and number of tasks completed.

Editing and open changes

The Open action on the context menu for repository queries has been replaced by Properties for the purpose of consistency with Eclipse.

The Task List now respects the workbench single vs. double-click open policy, set in Preferences -> General -> Open Mode.  If the Preferences -> Mylar -> Task List -> Activate on double-click is enabled along with single click in the workbench, single click can be used to open tasks, and double-click to activate them.

Commit Template Configuration

The template used for automatically creating the commit message from the corresponding task are now configurable.  Use Ctrl+Space to invoke content assist for choosing commit template variables. Note that the template format will be used to determine the task when the Open Corresponding Task action is used on incoming change sets and commit messages.

Weekly Progress

When in Focus on Workweek mode (right-most toolbar button), the Task List will show a JUnit-style progress bar which indicates how many of the tasks scheduled for the current week have been completed.  Completing a task or deferring to a future week will cause the progress bar to move forward.  The tooltip for the progress bar will indicate the total.

Editor Integration Improvements

Task editors are now restored on workbench start and present in the editor history.

Incoming Changes

All comments added since your last reading of a repository task will be automatically expanded when a task with incoming changes is opened.  Incoming changes are retrieved with the background synchronization to avoid waiting for the server when opening.  Note that a background synchronization is still kicked off upon opening in case changes came in since the last scheduled synchronization.  Repository tasks can now be explicitly marked as read or unread.

Task Editor Improvements

The layout of the repository task editor is continuing to improve.  The most notable change with 0.7.0 is that attributes related to people are now next to Actions section in order to make it easier to see who will be notified of the changes.

Task Repository Integration

Task repositories are easier to add, validate, and can be named via the Task Repositories view.  An icon decorated indicates the repository type.  A task repository can be associated with a project, enabling it to be used for actions such as resolving bug hyperlinks.  Note that you do not need to associate all of your projects with repositories after updating, since you will be prompted to do this if when the associate is needed.

Spell Checking

Spell checking is supported in the task editor for local tasks and for connectors that support rich editing (e.g. Bugzilla, Trac).  Please see the FAQ for how to turn on this preference:

Open/Active Task dialogs

An Open Type style dialog is available for opening tasks (Ctrl+Shift+F11) and for activating tasks (Ctrl+Shift+F12).  The list is initially populated by recently active tasks.  The active task can also be deactivated via Ctrl+Shift+F9.  This can be used as a keyboard only alternative for multi-tasking without the Task List view visible.  These actions appear in the Navigate menu.

Attachment Improvements

Repository task attachments (supported by the Bugzilla and Trac connectors) can now be attached via drag-and-drop from both within the Eclipse workspace and from outside, and from text selections, which will invoke the attachment wizard. Attachment can be opened with a browser or corresponding editor.

Task List Restore

Task and context data can be restored from a backup snapshot via File -> Import -> Mylar Task Data.  By default backup snapshots are taken daily and kept for 30 days.

Report Bugs from Error Log

Bugs can created directly from events in the Error Log view.  This will create a new repository task editor with the summary and description populated with the error event's details.  If the Connector you are using does not have a rich editor, the event details will be placed into the clipboard so that you can paste them into the web-based editor that will be opened automatically.

Automatic Duplicate Detection

The Search for Duplicates button on the New Repository Task editor encourages and facilitates finding similar bug reports before creating a new one.  Potential duplicates are displayed in the Search view which can be used to open a bug and comment or vote if a duplicate is found.  The current duplicate detection mechanism uses stack traces, either automatically inserted by the Report as Bug mechanism, or manually pasted into the Description area.  All descriptions and comments of bugs on the corresponding repository are included in the search.

Task Editor Improvements

All hyperlinks (URLs, bug/task references, Java stack traces) now work in the New Comment and Notes editors.  Note that hyperlinks need to be hovered over in order to get underlined.  Multiple undo/redo and other editor shortcuts now work, and editing actions are integrated into the context menu.  When submitting comments, contexts can be more easily attached by selecting the corresponding check-box in the Actions section.


Task Context

Copy task context

Task context can be transferred between tasks via the corresponding context menu.  Note that the target context will be overwritten, and the target task will be activated.

Hierarchical Layout in Package Explorer

The long-standing limitation of not being able to use the Package Explorer in hierarchical mode has been resolved for Eclipse 3.2.1 and later (3.3M1 and the upcoming 3.2.1 release).

Apply Mylar to Debug view

Mylar can now be applied to the Debug view, making the thread tree focusing on the task context by hiding uninteresting stack frames.

Auto Apply Mylar on Navigator Views

For navigator views (Package Explorer, Project Explorer and Navigator) the Apply Mylar button can be set to automatically toggle on with task activation and off with task deactivation.  Note that the context-related preferences including this one are now in Preferences -> Mylar -> Context.


Bugzilla Connector

Https Authentication

Http Authentication credentials can now be set for Bugzilla servers.

Votes and Links

Additional attributes that do not have rich editor components (votes, bug activity log) are now linked to remove the need to manually check the Browser tab.  Bug dependencies can be navigated with hyperlinks, and the tooltips for linked bugs are the bug descriptions.


Trac Connector

New Task Editor

A rich editor for creating new Trac tasks is now available for repositories that use XML-RPC (see the FAQ for XML-RPC configuration instructions).

Rich Editor, Attachments and Offline support

The Trac connector now supports the rich task editor.  As with the Bugzilla editor, this means that attributes and comments can be for viewed and edited offline, synchronization is done in the background, and attachments can be posted and retrieved.  Task Context attachments are supported via the context menu actions in the Task List.  This support requires the Trac XML-RPC plug-in to be enabled and the integration will fall back to the web mode if it is not, see:

Search Integration

Trac search is now integrated with the generic Task search facility.

Query Integration

The new connector for the open source Trac issue tracking system integrates Trac queries into the Task List. If you do not know your Trac repository version use the Automatic setting and click Validate Settings.


JIRA Connector

Background synchronization

Background synchronization is now supported by the JIRA Connector, and each synchronization will only query the server for the reports changed since the last synchronization.  This ensures that JIRA issues in the Task List are always showing the latest changes, whether they are matched by a query or not.  Note that the first JIRA query will run slowly as it will need to synchronize all of JIRA issues tasks in the Task List.

Rich Editor and offline editing

The JIRA connector now provides a rich editor, offline editing, and change notifications.

Search integration

Searching through JIRA repositories is now integrated with the Search dialog.

Improved JIRA Query Dialog

The JIRA query dialog has been streamlined into a single page.  Date range queries are now supported.