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Release Resolved Community Contributions
28 Feb 2014
6 bugs This is a bug-fix release containing fixes that did not make the 2.2 release.
10 Dec 2013
27 bugs Minor release containing SystemTap graphing upgrades, LTTng upgrades, making OPerf the default tool for OProfile profiling, plus the addition of comparison editor support for perf stat data files, in addition to bug fixes.

New in Linux Tools 2.2

OProfile Profiling

OPerf support as the default

The OPerf tool provided by OProfile (0.9.8+) is now the default option when profiling using the standard OProfile launch shortcut.

RPM Stubby

Eclipse template uses tycho if possible

The previous RPM Stubby feature.xml template has been improved upon to use tycho if possible. Depending on whether or not RPM Stubby detects a parent pom.xml will determine how the template will be made. A pom-less project will have RPM Stubby generate a dummy parent pom.xml for feclipse-maven-plugin to use.

More information on the guidelines for this procedure can be viewed at Java Packaging Guidelines

Information on feclipse-maven-plugin can also be viewed at feclipse-maven-plugin

An example of an eclipse template being created

RPM .spec Editor

Improved hyperlinking

Hyperlink options (shown by Ctrl + hovering over certain .spec file elements, such as URLs) have been cleaned up.

In addition, improvements have been made to accomodate proper use of URLs in SOURCE and PATCH defines.

For more information on how to use the Specfile Editor, see the User Guide.

URL handling for SOURCE and PATCH defines

Before Options Cleanup
Before hyperlink options

After Options Cleanup
After hyperlink options

New RPM Menu and Toolbar

RPM has improved its menu to be more easily navigatable and to also give the user the option to build RPMs. A user can now use the menu's build commands as opposed to having to go through the export wizard (now deprecated) to build the RPMs.

In addition, a toolbar has been added to give the user easy access to the build commands without having to go through the context menu.

RPM Menu

RPM Toolbar

SystemTap Integration

New Output Graphing Features

Changes have been made to the Graphing menu interface (found in Run Configurations) to provide users with greater flexibility when creating graphs that plot a script's output.

The output to capture is now specified by a complete, user-defined regular expression, with the data to plot being defined by parenthesis groups. Several of these regular expressions may be used at a time.

For added clarity, the user may also input a line of text with which to test their expression in the "Sample Output" text box.

Alt text for the image

In addition, graphs may now be edited after having been created.

Alt text for the image


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