EclipseLink 1.2.0, build 'v20091016-r5565' API Reference

Class SDOPropertyType

  extended by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOType
      extended by org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.types.SDOPropertyType
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SDOPropertyType
extends SDOType
implements Type

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOType
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOType
aHelperContext, isDataType, xmlDescriptor
Constructor Summary
SDOPropertyType(SDOTypeHelper sdoTypeHelper, SDOType typeType)
Method Summary
 java.util.List getAliasNames()
          Return a list of alias names for this Type.
 java.util.List getBaseTypes()
          Returns the List of base Types for this Type.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name of the type.
 java.lang.String getURI()
          Returns the namespace URI of the type or null if the type has no URI (for example it was generated from a Schema with no target namespace).
 void initializeMappings()
 boolean isAbstract()
          Indicates if this Type is abstract.
 boolean isDataType()
          Indicates if this Type specifies DataTypes (true) or DataObjects (false).
 boolean isInitialized()
 boolean isOpen()
          Indicates if this Type allows any form of open content.
 boolean isSequenced()
          Indicates if this Type specifies Sequenced DataObjects.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOType
addAliasName, addBaseType, addDeclaredProperty, addDeclaredProperty, addDeclaredProperty, addDeclaredProperty, equals, get, getAppInfoElements, getAppInfoMap, getChangeSummaryProperty, getDeclaredProperties, getDeclaredPropertiesMap, getHelperContext, getImplClass, getImplClassName, getInstanceClass, getInstanceClassName, getInstanceProperties, getNonFinalizedMappingURIs, getNonFinalizedReferencingProps, getProperties, getPropertiesArray, getProperty, getPropertyValues, getPseudoDefault, getQName, getSubTypes, getXmlDescriptor, getXsdLocalName, getXsdType, initializeNamespaces, isChangeSummaryType, isDataObjectType, isFinalized, isInstance, isOpenSequencedType, isSubType, isTypeType, isWrapperType, isXsd, isXsdList, postInitialize, preInitialize, removeDeclaredProperties, setAbstract, setAliasNames, setAppInfoElements, setBaseTypes, setDataType, setFinalized, setImplClassName, setInstanceClass, setInstanceClassName, setInstanceProperty, setMixed, setNonFinalizedMappingURIs, setNonFinalizedReferencingProps, setOpen, setPropertyValues, setPseudoDefault, setQName, setSequenced, setSubTypes, setupInheritance, setXmlDescriptor, setXsd, setXsdList, setXsdLocalName, setXsdType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface commonj.sdo.Type
get, getDeclaredProperties, getInstanceClass, getInstanceProperties, getProperties, getProperty, isInstance

Constructor Detail


public SDOPropertyType(SDOTypeHelper sdoTypeHelper,
                       SDOType typeType)
Method Detail


public java.util.List getAliasNames()
Description copied from interface: Type
Return a list of alias names for this Type.

Specified by:
getAliasNames in interface Type
getAliasNames in class SDOType
a list of alias names for this Type.


public java.util.List getBaseTypes()
Description copied from interface: Type
Returns the List of base Types for this Type. The List is empty if there are no base Types. XSD , , and Java extends keyword are mapped to this list.

Specified by:
getBaseTypes in interface Type
getBaseTypes in class SDOType
the List of base Types for this Type.


public java.lang.String getName()
Description copied from interface: Type
Returns the name of the type.

Specified by:
getName in interface Type
getName in class SDOType
the type name.


public java.lang.String getURI()
Description copied from interface: Type
Returns the namespace URI of the type or null if the type has no URI (for example it was generated from a Schema with no target namespace).

Specified by:
getURI in interface Type
getURI in class SDOType
the namespace URI.


public boolean isAbstract()
Description copied from interface: Type
Indicates if this Type is abstract. If true, this Type cannot be instantiated. Abstract types cannot be used in DataObject or DataFactory create methods.

Specified by:
isAbstract in interface Type
isAbstract in class SDOType
true if this Type is abstract.


public boolean isDataType()
Description copied from interface: Type
Indicates if this Type specifies DataTypes (true) or DataObjects (false). When false, any object that is an instance of this type also implements the DataObject interface. True for simple types such as Strings and numbers. For any object:
   isInstance(object) && !isDataType() implies
   DataObject.class.isInstance(object) returns true. 

Specified by:
isDataType in interface Type
isDataType in class SDOType
true if Type specifies DataTypes, false for DataObjects.


public boolean isOpen()
Description copied from interface: Type
Indicates if this Type allows any form of open content. If false, dataObject.getInstanceProperties() must be the same as dataObject.getType().getProperties() for any DataObject dataObject of this Type.

Specified by:
isOpen in interface Type
isOpen in class SDOType
true if this Type allows open content.


public boolean isSequenced()
Description copied from interface: Type
Indicates if this Type specifies Sequenced DataObjects. Sequenced DataObjects are used when the order of values between Properties must be preserved. When true, a DataObject will return a Sequence. For example,
  Sequence elements = dataObject.getSequence();

Specified by:
isSequenced in interface Type
isSequenced in class SDOType
true if this Type specifies Sequenced DataObjects.


public void initializeMappings()


public boolean isInitialized()

EclipseLink 1.2.0, build 'v20091016-r5565' API Reference