EclipseLink1.0 - 20080707 API Reference

Package org.eclipse.persistence.sessions

Interface Summary
Connector Purpose: Define an interface for supplying TopLink with a Connection to a JDBC database.
DatabaseSession Purpose: Add login and configuration API to that of Session.
ExternalTransactionController Purpose: Interface for external transaction management.
IdentityMapAccessor PUBLIC: IdentityMapAccessor provides the public interface into all functionality associated with TopLink identity maps.
Login Purpose: Define the information required to connect to a EclipseLink session.
Record This interface defines the public interface for the EclipseLink DatabaseRecord (was Record), and the other record types XMLRecord, EISRecord.
Session Purpose: Define the EclipseLink session public interface.
SessionEventListener Purpose: Used to support session events.
SessionProfiler Purpose: This interface defines the link between the Session and the PerformanceProfiler tool.
UnitOfWork Purpose: To allow object level transactions.

Class Summary
DatabaseLogin Purpose: Hold the configuration information necessary to connect to a JDBC driver.
DatabaseRecord Purpose: Define a representation of a database row as field=>value pairs.
DatasourceLogin Purpose: Hold the configuration information necessary to connect to a datasource.
DefaultConnector Purpose:Use this Connector to build a java.sql.Connection in the "standard" fashion, via the DriverManager.
DirectConnector Purpose:Use this Connector to build a java.sql.Connection by directly instantiating the Driver, as opposed to using the DriverManager.
JNDIConnector Specifies the J2EE DataSource lookup options.
ObjectCopyingPolicy Purpose: Define how an object is to be copied.
Project Purpose: Maintain all of the EclipseLink configuration information for a system.
SessionEvent Purpose: Encapsulate the information provided with session events.
SessionEventAdapter Purpose: To provide a trivial implemetation of SessionEventListener.
SessionEventManager Purpose: Used to support session events.

EclipseLink1.0 - 20080707 API Reference