import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName;

import org.eclipse.vcm.provider.TeamProviderException;



 * The team provider interface defines the API that third-party providers should implement to

 * offer target management and browsing through Eclipse. Implementations should adhere to the documentation for the APIs

 * to ensure that the caller gets a consistent team experience.


public interface ITeamProvider {



        * Returns a qualified name that uniquely identifies this provider type. The qualified

        * name may include a provider version number and other provider-specific information.

        * <p>

        * The qualified name is a constant used to organize provider types, it is not displayed

        * to users.  For example:

        * <pre>

        *            new QualifedName("", "foo type provider V1.0");

        * </pre>


        * @return the provider's qualified name.

        * @see QualifiedName


       public QualifiedName getType();



        * Informs the provider that a local resource is to be the subject of further API calls that

        * require a managed resource.

        * <p>

        * Some providers may use this call to initialize data structures or prepare the repository for

        * future API calls on this local resource; others may do nothing on this call other than

        * remember that the resource has been managed.</p>

        * <p>

        * If the resource is already being managed then this call has no effect.  If the provider is

        * incapable of managing this resource it throws an exception.</p>

        * <p>

        * Note that being <i>managed</i> not the same as being <i>version-controlled</i>.  In

        * particular, providers are not required to maintain vesions of their managed resources

        * (though they may do so), and, where they do, the life-cycle of managed resources is

        * not the same as that of version-controlled resources.  A resource will be managed before

        * it is initially checked-in to the provider, and unmanaging a resource does not imply

        * removing it from version control.


        * @param resource the local resource that is to be managed.

        * @param progress a progress monitor to indicate the duration of the operation, or

        * <code>null</code> if progress reporting is not required.

        * @throws TeamProviderException if the resource cannot be managed.  Valid exception

        * status codes include:

        * <ul>

        *            <li>UNABLE</li>

        * </ul></p>

        * @see isManaged(IResource)

        * @see unmanage(IResource)


       public void manage(IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamProviderException;



        * Answers whether the local resource is being managed by the receiver.


        * @param resource the resource that is being tested.

        * @param progress a progress monitor to indicate the duration of the operation, or

        * <code>null</code> if progress reporting is not required.

        * @return <code>true</code> if the resource is being managed by this provider, or

        * <code>false</code> if it is not being managed by this provider.

        * @throws TeamProviderException if there is a problem determining the managed status of

        * the resource

        * @see manage(IResource)

        * @see unmanage(IResource)


       public boolean isManaged(IResource resource, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamProviderException;



        * Indicates to the provider that the local resource is no longer the subject of provider

        * calls that require a managed resource.

        * <p>

        * Some implementations will use this call to destroy data structures relating to the

        * local resource, others will do nothing.</p>

        * <p>

        * If the local resource is not being managed by the provider then this method has

        * no effect.</p>

        * <p>

        * <em>Note:</em> this method must not have a visible effect on the corresponding

        * remote resource, if any.  In particular, this method does not delete or un-release

        * a remote resource.</p>


        * @param resources the array of local resources that are to be unmanaged.

        * @param depth the depth to traverse the given resources, taken from <code>IResource</code>

        * constants.

        * @param progress a progress monitor to indicate the duration of the operation, or

        * <code>null</code> if progress reporting is not required.

        * @throws TeamProviderException if there is a problem unmanaging one or more of the resources.

        * The exception will contain multiple statuses, one for each resource in the <code>resources</code>

        * array.  Possible status codes include:

        * <ul>

        *            <li>UNMANAGED_RESOURCE</li>

        * </ul>

        * @see manage(IResource)

        * @see isManaged(IResource)


       public void unmanage(IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamProviderException;



        * Updates the local resource to have the same content as the corresponding remote

        * resource, and makes this new content the 'base' state for this resource.

        * <p>

        * Before making this call the local resource must have been managed.</p>

        * <p>

        * Note that it is the provider's responsibility to identify the fetched state of a resource

        * both locally (by file system last-modified timestamp) and remotely (e.g., by repository

        * timestamp, E-Tag, version identifier, etc.).  This fetched state is called the <i>base</i>

        * of this resource and is used to answer the <code>isDirty()</code> and <code>

        * isOutOfDate()</code> interrogation.</p>


        * @param resources an array of local resources to update from the corresponding remote

        * resources.

        * @param depth the depth to traverse the given resources, taken from <code>IResource</code>

        * constants.

        * @param progress a progress monitor to indicate the duration of the operation, or

        * <code>null</code> if progress reporting is not required.

        * @throws TeamProviderException if there is a problem getting one or more of the resources.  The

        * exception will contain multiple statuses, one for each resource in the <code>resources</code>

        * array.  Possible status codes include:

        * <ul>

        *            <li>UNMANAGED_RESOURCE</li>

        *            <li>NO_REMOTE_RESOURCE</li>

        * </ul>


       public void get(IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamProviderException;



        * Changes the state of the local resource from checked-out to checked-in, and commits the content

        * of the checked-in local resource.

        * <p>

        * If a remote resource does not exist this method creates a new remote resource with the same content

        * as the given local resource.  The local resource is said to <i>correspond</i> to the new remote resource.</p>

        * <p>

        * If a corresponding remote resource already exists, and it is in a checked-out state, then checkin

        * simply updates the remote resource content. It is envisaged that where the server maintains resource

        * versions, checkin creates a new version of the remote resource.</p>

        * <p>

        * The base state of the local resource becomes the state in which it was checked-in.  The committed

        * changes to the remote resource become the <i>release</i> state of that resource.</p>


        * @param resources an array of local resources to be checked-in.

        * @param the depth to traverse the given resources, taken from <code>IResource</code>

        * constants.

        * @param progress a progress monitor to indicate the duration of the operation, or

        * <code>null</code> if progress reporting is not required.

        * @throws TeamProviderException if there is a problem checking-in one or more of the resources.

        * The exception will contain multiple statuses, one for each resource in the <code>resources</code>

        * array.  Possible status codes include:

        * <ul>

        *            <li>UNMANAGED_RESOURCE</li>

        *            <li>NOT_CHECKED_OUT</li>

        * </ul>

        * @see checkout(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor)


       public void checkin(IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamProviderException;



        * Changes the state of the local resource from checked-in to checked-out.  Where the given

        * resource is a folder, all members of the resource are also checked-out.

        * <p>

        * The check-out operation is deliberately described as only effecting a state change on

        * local resources.  Implementations may optimistically flag the state change locally and rely on

        * resolving conflicts during check-in, or they may pessimistically lock the remote resource

        * during a check-out to avoid conflicts.  The provider API does not subscribe to either model

        * and supports each equally.</p>

        * <p>

        * Where checkout is applied to a resource that is already checked-out the method has no

        * effect.</p>


        * @param resources the array of local resources to be checked-out.

        * @param depth the depth to traverse the given resources, taken from <code>IResource</code>

        * constants.

        * @param progress a progress monitor to indicate the duration of the operation, or

        * <code>null</code> if progress reporting is not required.

        * @throws TeamProviderException if there is a problem checking-out one or more of the resources.

        * The exception will contain multiple statuses, one for each resource in the <code>resources</code>

        * array.  Possible status codes include:

        * <ul>

        *            <li>UNMANAGED_RESOURCE</li>

        *            <li>NOT_CHECKED_IN</li>

        * </ul>

        * @see checkin(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor)


       public void checkout(IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamProviderException;



        * Changes the state of the remote resource from checked-out to checked-in without updating the contents

        * of the remote resource.

        * <p>

        * Note that where the provider is a versioning provider, it is envisaged (though not required) that the

        * uncheckout operation does not create a new version.</p>

        * <p>

        * Note also that <code>uncheckout()</code> does not affect the local resource, the caller is required to

        * perform a <code>get()</code> to revert the local resource if that is required (otherwise the local resource

        * will be left with the changes that were made while the remote resource was checked-out.</p>


        * @param resources an array of the local resources that are to be unchecked-out.

        * @param depth the depth to traverse the given resources, taken from <code>IResource</code>

        * constants.

        * @param progress a progress monitor to indicate the duration of the operation, or

        * <code>null</code> if progress reporting is not required.

        * @throws TeamProviderException if there is a problem undoing the check-out of one or more of

        * the resources.  The exception will contain multiple statuses, one for each resource in the

        * <code>resources</code> array.  Possible status codes include:

        * <ul>

        *            <li>UNMANAGED_RESOURCE</li>

        *            <li>NOT_CHECKED_OUT</li>

        * </ul>

        * @see checkin(IResource)

        * @see uncheckout(IResource)


       public void uncheckout(IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamProviderException;



        * Deletes the released remote resource corresponding to the given local resource

        * (i.e. 'unrelease').

        * <p>

        * The notion of delete is simply to make the released resource unavailable, i.e., upon successful

        * completion of this API call, some API calls will throw an exception because the remote resource

        * no longer exists.  Where the provider supports versioning it is not specified whether the delete

        * operation makes the version forever unavailable, or indeed whether the entire history is made

        * unavailable.</p>

        * <p>

        * If there is no corresponding remote resource then an exception is thrown.

        * <p>

        * After the API call has completed the local resource becomes unmanaged.</p>

        * <p>

        * Note that the <code>IResource</code>'s passed as arguments may be non-existant in the

        * workbench, the typical case is when such a resource has been received in a core callback.</p>

        * <p>

        * The reource may be checked-in or checked-out prior to deletion.</p>


        * @param resources the array of resources to be deleted.

        * @param depth the depth to traverse the given resources, taken from <code>IResource</code>

        * constants.

        * @param progress a progress monitor to indicate the duration of the operation, or

        * <code>null</code> if progress reporting is not required.

        * @throws TeamProviderException if there is a problem deleting one or more of

        * the resources.  The exception will contain multiple statuses, one for each resource in the

        * <code>resources</code> array.  Possible status codes include:

        * <ul>

        *            <li>UNMANAGED_RESOURCE</li>

        *            <li>NO_REMOTE_RESOURCE</li>

        * </ul>


       public void delete(IResource[] resources, int depth, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamProviderException;



        * Answers if the local resource state is checked-out.


        * @param resource the local resource to test.

        * @return <code>true</code> if the resource is checked-out and <code>false</code> if it is not.

        * @throws TeamProviderException if there is a problem testing the resource.  The exception will

        * contain a single status.  Possible status codes include:

        * <ul>

        *            <li>UNMANAGED_RESOURCE</li>

        * </ul>

        * @see checkout(IResource)


       public boolean isCheckedOut(IResource[] resources) throws TeamProviderException;



        * Answers if the resource has a corresponding remote resource.

        * <p>

        * Note that every resource that has been checked-in has a released remote resource, so this

        * method can be used to determine whether (some state of) this resource has been

        * checked-in.</p>


        * @param resource the local resource to test.

        * @return <code>true</code> if the local resource has a corresponding remote resource,

        * and <code>false</code> otherwise.

        * @see checkin(IResource)


       public boolean isVersionControlled(IResource[] resources);



        * Potentially record the fact that the resource has been moved to a new path.

        * This also includes renames.

        * <p>

        * If there is no corresponding remote resource then this method does nothing.

        * <p>

        * The reource may be checked-in or checked-out prior to deletion.</p>


        * @param resource the resource that was moved and whose path is the new path

        * @param source the path to the resource before it was moved

        * @param progress a progress monitor to indicate the duration of the operation, or

        * <code>null</code> if progress reporting is not required.

        * @throws TeamProviderException if there is a problem moving the resource


       public void move(IResource resource, IPath source, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamProviderException;