This month, the newsletter features articles that will explore how the Era of Embedded Analytics and Smart(er) Devices will impact applications, how Eclipse BIRT can help you better connect to the IoT world, and why you should choose Eclipse BIRT to build compelling and meaningful data visualizations that can be integrated into rich-client or web applications.
Reminder: the early registration deadline for EclipseCon Europe is next week October 1, 2015. Register Now!
Eclipse BIRT Connects IoT
Connecting the world one device at a time? Find out how BIRT provides the flexibility and extensibility for you to connect to multiple connected devices, analyze the data, and create and share dynamic visualizations within your applications.
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Claudio Gennari
Bruce Cran
Antoon Pelsser
Jason Lee
Janko Richter
Jianbo Mao
Reto Weiss
David Brown
Alain Picard
Bruno Medeiros
Rolandas Valteris
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