Gradle: Build Happiness

Automated building of software has become an essential part of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) of software. CI and CD have become vitally important as SaaS software and omnichannel requirements such as Android, IOS, responsive web, kiosk, API and many other platforms, channels, and business become a normal part of the software industry. Gone are the days when software could be delivered in 6 month waterfall increments and rewritten in massive "2.0" efforts. In addition, the emergence of containers like Docker enable more language platform diversity as the developer begins to control their stack and just deliver microservices.

In short, the modern software environment is based on agile sprints and fragmentation across lots of channels, platforms, languages, and business contexts. The demand is ever increasing in size and complexity while continuously increasing the frequency of shipping high quality code.

The ever increasing complexity of code has led to a great deal of unhappiness in the software industry including broken builds, bug regressions, code freezes, and deat hmarches. Gradle's mission is to reverse this negative trend, hence our slogan: Build Happiness.

In modern software, the build (the key step of compiling, assembling, testing, integrating and packaging software for delivery) has expanded to include a wider scope of tasks like automated testing and integration and in some cases even deployment. Thus the requirements for a build system have become increasingly steep.

Modern build systems must now manage multiple contexts:

  • Local Builds: Software being built locally to verify the code changes before sharing them with the rest of the team.
  • Continuous Integration Server Builds: Software being built remotely on continuous integration servers to verify that the incoming changes are not introducing regressions.
  • Staging Server Builds: Software being built remotely on staging servers to ensure the quality gates are met before the software enters the next phase of the release cycle.

Covering such a wide and very context-sensitive set of requirements with a single source of build information is a key requirement for today's build systems. Besides being able to describe these requirements in an expressive and concise manner, the build must also execute quickly, be highly reproducible, and provide progress and error information.

Most build systems were built before the complexity and sheer size of today's code bases and are not designed with polyglot, multi-platform, multi-project, multi-channel, lean/agile mindsets. Gradle is the next-generation build system designed to meet the requirements of industry trends like Mobile First, Continuous Delivery, and Polyglot unlike most of the other build systems. Furthermore, Gradle is backed by Gradle Inc., as well as a significant industry alliance composed of some of the best software engineering companies in the world including Linkedin, Netflix, Google, and Unity3D.

This new industry has increased both the complexity and the value of defining, implementing, and running builds; the result is the ascendence of the modern Build Master. He or she might or might not have the background of a developer, but this person will definitely be at home when it comes to automation, integration, and delivery. In non-trivial setups, the developer just consumes builds provided by the build master. The developer needs to be able to run builds and these builds must run fast, be reproducible, and provide valuable progress and error reporting.

Since today's software development happens primarily in IDEs, it is not surprising that developers expect their builds to be integrated into their IDE. They want the IDE project setup to be derived from the build, they want to run their build from within the IDE, they want to see build progress and potential build errors in the IDE, and they want to make module-specific changes to the build, like adjusting dependency versions, meta information, and so on. Build masters also want IDE integration so they can write, maintain, and extend their builds from within the IDE. They need code assistance, debugging support, documentation, and more to keep a grip on their builds.

This is where Gradle, Eclipse, and Buildship come into play. Gradle is the strongest build system on the market for demanding enterprise environments. Eclipse continues to be the strongest IDE on the market for enterprise software development. Buildship connects the Eclipse IDE world with the Gradle Build System world.

Buildship's vision is to make Eclipse more powerful by increasing what can be done from within Eclipse. Imagine not having to go to the command line to run and debug builds, not having to manually start and stop servers used for integration testing, and not having to wade through textual progress logs. Buildship aims to give you all the views, wizards, and knobs to control your build from within Eclipse - and to give you all this in a deeply integrated fashion.

Buildship 1.0 will be released together with Eclipse Mars in June. This first official version of Buildship focuses on developers who run Gradle builds. Project Import Wizard, Task View, Task and Test Execution, and Build Execution Progress View are all part of Buildship 1.0.

Future versions of Buildship will give you more insight into your build through visual and navigable information about the dependencies, plugins, components, and more. Buildship will also address the needs of build masters, providing assistance in writing and maintaining Gradle builds, plugins, and distributions.

Buildship 1.0 is only the beginning of this journey. With each future version of Buildship and Eclipse, our vision will become more reality. And build happiness will propagate.

About the Authors

etienne studer

Etienne Studer
Gradle Inc.

miko matsumura

Miko Matsumura
Gradle Inc.