EclipseCon Europe: Community Weaving

EclipseCon Europe is the Eclipse Foundation’s primary European event designed to create opportunities for the European Eclipse community to learn, explore, share, and collaborate on the latest ideas and information about Eclipse and its member companies.

EclipseCon is all about community. Contributors, adopters, extenders, service providers, consumers, and business and research organizations gather to share their expertise and learn from each other. EclipseCon delivers networking opportunities that lead to synergies in the community, as well as opportunities to give and receive help on specific technical issues or to generate business opportunities.

The 2013 keynotes feature an interesting mix: Marty Weiner from Pinterest will tell you how they scaled up to serve the fast-growing community at Pinterest. Brian Fitzpatrick will talk about development practices at Google, and as a third keynote we have Ian Robinson from IBM talking about OSGi.

EclipseCon is not just listening -- it's also about networking and exchange. And with the Eclipse circus and the Eclipse band you can enjoy two wonderful evenings with good friends.

Register, join us, and tell others about it!

I look forward to seeing you in Ludwigsburg from October 29 - 31 for the eighth year of this great conference!

Date: October 29 - 31, 2013
Place: Ludwigsburg, Germany

About the Authors