Annotating Aspects

AspectJ 5 supports annotations on aspects, and on method, field, constructor, advice, and inter-type declarations within aspects. Method and advice parameters may also be annotated. Annotations are not permitted on pointcut declarations or on declare statements.

The following example illustrates the use of annotations in aspects:

		public abstract aspect ObserverProtocol {
			interface Observer {}		
			interface Subject {}
			private List<Observer> Subject.observers;  
			public void Subject.addObserver(Observer o) { 
			public void Subject.removeObserver(Observer o) {
			private void notifyObservers(Subject subject) {
			  for(Observer o : subject.observers) 
			 * Delegate to concrete sub-aspect the actual form of
			 * notification for a given type of Observer.
			protected abstract void notifyObserver(Observer o, Subject s);
			/* no annotations on pointcuts */
			protected abstract pointcut observedEvent(Subject subject);
			after(Subject subject) returning : observedEvent(subject) {

An annotation on an aspect will be inherited by sub-aspects, iff it has the @Inherited meta-annotation.

AspectJ 5 supports a new XLint warning, "the pointcut associated with this advice does not match any join points". The warning is enabled by default and will be emitted by the compiler if the pointcut expression associated with an advice statement can be statically determined to not match any join points. The warning can be suppressed for an individual advice statement by using the @SuppressAjWarnings({"adviceDidNotMatch"}) annotation. This works in the same way as the Java 5 SuppressWarnings annotation (See JLS, but has class file retention.

	    import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.SuppressAjWarnings;
	    public aspect AnAspect {
	      pointcut anInterfaceOperation() : execution(* AnInterface.*(..));
	      @SuppressAjWarnings // may not match if there are no implementers of the interface...
	      before() : anInterfaceOperation() {
	         // do something...
	      @SuppressAjWarnings("adviceDidNotMatch") // alternate form
	      after() returning : anInterfaceOperation() {
	         // do something...