Copyright © 2003, 2004 International Business Machines Corp.
 Eclipse Corner Article


Project Builders and Natures

This article discusses two central mechanisms that are associated with projects in an Eclipse workspace. The first of these is incremental project builders, which create some built state based on the project contents, and then keep that built state synchronized as the project contents change. The second is project natures, which define and manage the association between a given project and a particular plug-in or feature. The purpose and uses of builders and natures will be described in detail, and working examples will be provided to highlight the finer details of implementing them for your own plug-in. This article is intended to supplement, rather than replace, the documentation on builders and natures found in the Eclipse Platform Plug-in Developer Guide.

By John Arthorne, IBM OTI Labs
January 27, 2003
Updated November 23, 2004 for Eclipse 3.0

Incremental project builders

Castles in the air - they are so easy to take refuge in. And so easy to build, too.
– Henrik Ibsen

All of the key points about incremental project builders are captured in their carefully chosen name. The best way to introduce them is to begin by describing each of the terms in this name:

All of the basic information about builders, including how to define them, and how to install and run them, is found here in the Eclipse Platform Plug-in Developer Guide. This article will dive into all the gory details about implementing builders that aren't found in the basic documentation. If you haven't already done so, read through that documentation first, then come back to this article.

The kinds of builds

From a user's point of view, builds in Eclipse come in several different flavors. Under the covers, all of these different varieties are implemented by the same builder instance, so your builder will need to be able to understand all of them. Let's take a look at each of the different varieties in turn.

Incremental build

Incremental building is the variety of most interest in Eclipse. This is what happens when Build Project or Build All is selected from the Project menu in the Eclipse workbench. When an incremental build is invoked, the builder is supplied with a resource delta. A resource delta is a hierarchical description of what has changed between two discrete points in the lifetime of the Eclipse workspace. In particular, builders are given a delta that describes all changes in that project since the last time that builder was called. The goal of incremental building is to analyze this delta, and then rebuild only the builder output that is affected by the change.

For a detailed description of the structure of resource deltas, and for tips on processing them, read the article on resource change listeners. For this article, it is sufficient to point out the differences between the resource deltas given to listeners, and the resource deltas given to builders:


From the point of view of the builder implementation, auto-build is exactly the same as incremental build. The difference with auto-build is that it is not triggered by an explicit build request, but as an automatic side effect of resources changes in the workspace. When auto-build is turned on, all installed builders will be invoked every time resources are added, removed, or modified in the eclipse workspace. There is no guarantee about precisely when auto-build will occur in relation to the operation that modified the workspace. The build generally occurs in a background thread a short time after all threads have stopped modifying the workspace. If a thread attempts to modify the workspace while the build is running, the build is halted and the thread is allowed to proceed with its changes. Auto-build will continue to attempt running until it has sufficient time to complete the entire workspace build. As with resource change events, you can avoid frequent auto-builds by wrapping long running operations in an IWorkspaceRunnable passed to, or using a WorkspaceJob.

There is a preference in the Eclipse workbench for turning auto-build on or off (Preferences > Workbench > Build automatically). Auto-build can also be turned on or off programatically by setting the auto-build flag in the workspace description, although this is not generally recommended. The following code snippet turns auto-build on:

   IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
   IWorkspaceDescription description = workspace.getDescription();
   if (!description.isAutoBuilding()) {

Full build

When a full build is invoked, it is a request to discard all existing built state and start over from scratch. There is currently no command in the Eclipse workbench that allows a user to directly invoke a full build. The first build after invoking clean will cause a full build in the cleaned projects. Theoretically, full build should never be needed if your incremental build is clever enough. However, if your builder is for some reason unable to correctly build incrementally, it is useful to have an escape route available to rebuild everything from scratch.

Clean build

The final variety of build, introduced in Eclipse 3.0, is clean. Clean is inspired by the Unix make utility convention of using a target called clean to discard all artifacts produced by a build. As with full build, clean should not be required if all builders correctly perform their incremental builds. Clean is intended largely as a safety blanket for the end user when things seem to go wrong with their build process. Builders should implement clean by deleting all output files produced by the build, and removing any problem markers associated with that builder. Unlike other build types, the clean build is not implemented by the build method on IncrementalProjectBuilder. For backwards compatibility, there is a new clean method with an empty default implementation, allowing older builders to continue running without modification. The following is an example of a clean implementation that just deletes all markers of a particular type from the project:

   protected void clean(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
         true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);

Gory details about the build process

The target of a build can either be a single project, or the entire workspace. The entire workspace is built on every auto-build, and also on the actions Build All and Clean All. Keep in mind that on incremental builds, "building" the entire workspace may actually only involve compiling a single file. So what happens when a workspace build is invoked? Regardless of whether the build is full, incremental, or clean, the process is more or less the same, and this section will outline exactly what happens.

Step 1: computing the workspace build order

First, the platform computes or retrieves the workspace build order. This is simply an ordered list of projects to build. This build order can be explicitly set using the API method IWorkspaceDescription.setBuildOrder. The following example sets the workspace build order to be project "Foo" followed by project "Bar":

   IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
   IWorkspaceDescription description = workspace.getDescription();
   String[] buildOrder = {"Foo", "Bar"};

In the Eclipse UI, a user can set the build order from the "Build Order" preference page. Setting the build order manually, either via API or on the preference page, is not recommended in most circumstances. You may want to do this if you have a headless application that builds particular projects, or if you have complex project inter-dependencies that the default build order doesn't handle well. If no build order is set manually, the workspace computes a default build order based on the project references. To be precise, the default build order is a breadth-first traversal of the project reference graph. If there are cycles in the project reference graph, they are left in the build order, but the projects involved in the cycle will be built in an indeterminate order.

Once the workspace build order is figured out, the build process proceeds as follows:

  1. Build each open project in the build order
  2. Build each remaining open project in the workspace, in no particular order

Note: Closed projects are ignored by the build process.

Step 2: Build specifications and arguments

Now that we know the order in which projects are built, we should take a closer look at what happens when a particular project is built. There can be any number of incremental builders associated with a given project. The set of builders to invoke for a project, and the ordering of those builders, is specified by the project's build spec. The build spec is found on the IProjectDescription, and is represented as an array of ICommand objects. Each command is simply the name of the builder extension to run, and an optional table of builder arguments. Builder argument keys and values must be strings, to allow for easy serialization. Thus, building a single project involves invoking each builder in the build spec, one at a time, in the order specified in the build spec.

Step 3: Decide if the builder needs to be invoked

There are some circumstances under which a builder might be skipped during the build process. In particular, a builder will be skipped if the build is an incremental or auto-build, and no resources have changed in the project, or in any of the projects that the builder is interested in. The return value of a builder's build method is an array of projects. This list of projects represents the projects that the builder requires resource deltas for (this implicitly includes the project that the builder is installed on). If none of these projects have changed since the last time the builder was invoked, the builder is skipped (for incremental and auto-build only). Without this step, every builder in the workspace would be invoked after every single resource change. This optimization ensures that only builders that are capable of processing the changed resources will be invoked. On the downside, this means builders cannot generally respond to external changes that occur outside the workspace, because the builder might be skipped if no resources in the workspace have changed.

If there are circumstances where your builder must be invoked regardless of whether any resources have been changed, there is a way to circumvent this behavior. If the builder invokes the method IncrementalProjectBuilder.forgetLastBuiltState, the information required to compute the resource deltas will be discarded. This means that the build mechanism cannot determine what has changed since the last build, so the builder will always be invoked. The downside is that deltas will not be available for such a builder, so the builder must always perform a full build.

Finally, if there are errors finding or initializing a builder, it will be temporarily omitted from the build process. The builder is automatically added back to the build once the problem is fixed. Error conditions that can cause a builder to be skipped include:

Progress, cancelation, and exception handling

Progress is the mother of all problems.
– G. K. Chesterton

There are a number of features that are available to builders that are not available to simple resource change listeners. Most importantly, builders are entities that the user is intended to be aware of and to interact with, so there are a number of mechanisms available for builders to communicate back with their caller.

Reporting progress

The build method on IncrementalProjectBuilder takes as parameter an instance of IProgressMonitor. This object should be used for reporting feedback and progress information to the user as the build proceeds. The most important methods on IProgressMonitor are beginTask, subTask, worked, and done. The important concepts to remember about reporting progress are:

Here is the recommended basic pattern for using progress monitors:

   final int TOTAL_WORK = 100;
   try {
      monitor.beginTask("Name of task", TOTAL_WORK);
      for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_WORK; i++) {
         monitor.subTask("Name of sub task");
         //do some work
   } finally {

In some circumstances, it may be too expensive or even impossible to compute the exact amount of work units before the operation starts. For example, when loading files from a server, you may not know exactly how many files will be loaded or the size of the files until they have already arrived. In these cases, it is necessary to "fake" the progress numbers a bit. For example, you can start with a best estimate, and then revise the number of work units as you approach the total work. If you don't even have an initial estimate, you can use (warning: practical application of Calculus!) an infinite series that converges at the total work. The goal is to keep the progress bar moving, and only reach the end of the bar when the work is almost complete, not always an easy task!

Handling cancelation

Progress monitoring in Eclipse is always tied to the mechanism for cancelation. Builder implementors are encouraged to check for cancelation as often as possible. The important thing to keep in mind when adding cancelation support, is that you are the one in control of cancelation. When the caller attempts to cancel, this is really a cancelation request, not a demand. If the request cannot be granted without leaving a corrupt or invalid state behind, then it's ok to defer the cancelation until you are in a consistent state. If the operation is almost finished and is not reversible, it is sometimes better to ignore the cancelation request completely. When you decide that safe cancelation is possible, the recommended approach is to throw a new OperationCanceledException back from the builder's build method. This special runtime exception will then be caught and handled by the platform. The pattern for checking and responding to cancelation is as follows:

   do some work
   //do some work
   //... etc ...
   protected void checkCancel(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
      if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
         forgetLastBuiltState();//not always necessary
         throw new OperationCanceledException();

It is sometimes necessary to call IncrementalProjectBuilder.forgetLastBuiltState() in order to correctly recover from the cancelation the next time your builder is called. If you don't call this method, the next build will be supplied with the usual resource delta describing the changes since the last build. Since the last build was canceled part way through, it might not be possible to incrementally update your built state. Calling this method will force the next incremental or auto-build to be a full build. An alternative is to extract the information you need from the resource delta, and continue the incremental build the next time one is requested.

Handling interruption

In Eclipse 3.0, auto-build was moved into a background thread. In a GUI environment, this allows the user to continue working as the build progresses. However, if the user attempts to make further resources changes while the build is running, auto-build needs to interrupt itself. The workspace checks for this kind of interruption immediately before calling each individual builder. If the contention occurs while a builder is running, the user's activity will typically be blocked until the currently executing builder completes. While this is fine for relatively quick builders, it can become frustrating for users when a single builder takes a very long time to complete. To alleviate this, long running builders can check for interruption periodically during their execution. The method isInterrupted on IncrementalProjectBuilder will return true if another thread is waiting to modify the workspace. When this happens, a builder can chose to abort the build and allow the other operation to proceed. Note that interruption should not always be treated the same as cancelation, since it occurs implicitly, rather than based on an explicit cancelation request by the user. It is acceptable to respond to cancelation by discarding build state and resorting to a full build on the next builder invocation, but this is too drastic for interruption. Interruption should not cause significant additional overhead for subsequent builds. Builders that cannot gracefully handle interruption should not respond to it at all.

Handling exceptions and reporting problems

There are two categories of problems that a builder will typically need to address. First, there may be internal errors in the code of your builder, or errors thrown back by API that is called by the builder. If it is not possible to recover from these errors, your build method can throw a CoreException that includes a description, severity, and optional nested exception. The text of this exception will be reported directly to the user, and the remainder of the build for that project will be aborted. Builds of other projects will proceed as normal.

The second category of problems are against the resources being built. For example, this includes compilation errors in the user code, or incorrect configuration information required by the user. These types of problems are generally reported by creating problem markers that are attached to the most specific resource that is relevant to that problem. If no particular resource is relevant, you can attach the marker to the project itself. You are encouraged to create your own custom marker type for your builder problems, but the type you define should generally be a subtype of the generic problem type, IMarker.PROBLEM. This ensures that your problem type will appear in the task list of the Eclipse workbench. See the article Mark my Words for more information on defining and using markers.

Interacting with background auto-build

The fact that auto-build occurs in a background thread can sometimes introduce challenges for code that relies on builder output. In a headless batch environment, you cannot simply modify resources and assume auto-build will occur immediately. Headless tools that previously made this assumption might exit from their main thread of execution while the background build is still running. The best solution in this situation is to simply turn off auto-build, and maintain complete control over when builds occur by explicitly invoking if and when required. There are other situations where a plug-in wants to allow auto-build to run, but needs to wait until it completes before proceeding. For example, when the user attempts to launch a Java program they have just created or modified, the launch needs to wait until auto-build completes to ensure that the correct class files are used. In this situation, the background build job can be joined using the following code:

   Platform.getJobManager().join(ResourcesPlugin.FAMILY_AUTO_BUILD, null);
The join invocation will block until the auto-build job completes, or until the join is interrupted or canceled. You can report progress while waiting by passing a progress monitor to the join method. Manual incremental build jobs can be joined in a similar manner using the ResourcesPlugin.FAMILY_MANUAL_BUILD job family.

Sidebar: the Java builder

The concept of automatic incremental compilation is not familiar to many developers. A very frequent question from Eclipse beginners is, "where is the compile button?" The answer is that an IDE with automatic compilation doesn't need a compile button. Every time you make a change to a file, or a group of files, the incremental builder immediately rebuilds every source file that was affected by the change. In this environment, the idea of compilation as a task the user is involved in disappears -- the world is just always in a compiled state.

So what magic goes on behind the scenes to make this happen? How does the Java™ builder know which files need to be recompiled when a given source file changes? This is no easy task, but in broad brush strokes, this is what the Eclipse Java builder does:

  • The builder maintains a built state that includes a list of all types (classes or interfaces) that are referenced by each type in the workspace. This information is returned by the compiler each time a source file is compiled. This state is computed from scratch on a full build, and updated incrementally on each subsequent build.
  • Whenever files are modified, the builder receives a resource delta that describes which files were added, removed, or changed.
  • For deleted Java source files, the corresponding class files are deleted. Added and changed source files are added to a queue of files that need to be compiled.
  • The builder then processes this queue as follows:
    1. Remove a file from the queue, and compile it.
    2. Compare the resulting type to the old class file, and see if the type has structural changes. Structural changes are changes that can affect the compilation of a referencing type: added or removed methods, fields or types, or changed method signatures.
    3. If the type has structural changes, find all types in the project that reference the changed type, and add them to the queue.
    4. If the type has changed at all, write it to disk in the builder's output folder.
    5. Update the built state with the new reference information for the compiled type.
    6. Repeat until the queue is empty.
  • As a final step, the builder generates problem markers for each compiled type that had compilation problems.

The critical feature of the Java builder is that it is very fast 95% of the time. Most times you edit a Java file, you don't make any structural changes. This means the builder just has to compile that single file, and it's done. When a type does have structural changes, all types that reference it will be recompiled. However, those secondary types will almost never have structural changes themselves, so the builder loop finishes with at most a couple of iterations. On rare occasions, there will be significant structure changes that cause many files to be recompiled. There is a lesson here that you can apply when writing your own incremental builder. If you can make your builder extremely fast for the most common cases, users will generally tolerate a longer delay for those rare corner cases when they come along.

Project natures

What nature delivers to us is never stale. Because what nature creates has eternity in it.
– Isaac Bashevis Singer

The main purpose of project natures is to create an association between a project and a given tool, plug-in, or feature set. By adding a nature to a project, you indicate that your plug-in is configured to use that project. For example, when the Java nature is added to a project, it indicates that the Java Development Tool (JDT) plug-ins are aware of that project, and have configured a classpath and a Java builder to work on that project.

In addition to defining the association between a tool and a project, natures also provide a way of handling the lifecycle of a tool's interaction with a project. When a nature is added to a project, the project nature's configure method is called. This gives the tool an opportunity to initialize its state for that project, and install any incremental project builders that are needed for that project. Similarly, when a nature is removed from a project, the nature's deconfigure method is called. This gives the tool an opportunity to remove or clean up any meta-data it has created for that project, and to remove any listeners and builders associated with that tool.

Project natures also have significance in the eclipse UI. For example, the icon for a project in the resource navigator is based on the installed nature (using the org.eclipse.ui.projectNatureImages extension point). Actions in the various menus can also be filtered to be visible only for resources that belong to projects with a given nature. Refer to the UI extension point documentation for more details on action filtering.

Nature constraints

The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God.
– Euclid

Natures can be defined so that they are only enabled under certain conditions. The two types of constraints that can currently be set are one-of constraints and requires constraints. The one-of constraint ensures that if two or more natures exist on a project that belong to the same set, then all such natures will be disabled. The "set" in this case is just an arbitrary string. As a fictitious example, say there are several different plug-ins that can provide a project nature for managing XML files in a project. However, since these plug-ins provide conflicting services, it is not possible to have two of these XML natures installed on any single project. These natures could specify membership in a common "xml-natures" nature set. Then the platform would ensure that only one nature belonging to that set could be installed on a project at any given time.

The requires constraint ensures that a nature is only enabled on a project if the nature(s) it requires are also enabled on that project. For example, if your tools are only applicable for projects managed by JDT, you can add a requires constraint on the Java nature.

The platform will attempt to enforce these constraints whenever possible. For example if an attempt to add or remove a nature from a project would cause a constraint to be violated, the operation will fail. Also, when several natures are added or removed at once, they will be serially configured or deconfigured by the platform in an order that maintains the validity of the constraints. For example, if your nature requires the JDT nature, the platform will ensure that the JDT nature is configured before your nature, and deconfigured after your nature.

In some circumstances, the platform may not be able to ensure the constraints are satisfied. For example, a nature may go missing or have its definition changed between invocations of the platform. A more common case is when two users are sharing a project in a repository, but have different tools available, and hence different natures installed on the project. In these circumstances, the natures whose constraints are not satisfied are considered to be disabled. Disabled natures are tolerated by the platform -- there will be no error messages and the nature will remain in the project description. You can find out if a nature is enabled by calling IProject.isNatureEnabled() on a project.

Associating natures with builders

Incremental project builders and project natures often go together. The nature life cycle methods provide a convenient place for adding and removing builders from the project build spec, and the builder's association with the project is often linked with other tools that benefit from the nature-based presentation in the UI. Also, the ordering created by the nature "requires" constraint makes it easy to correctly order the build spec. For example, if you have a builder that must be run after the JDT builder, you simply make your nature require the JDT nature, thus ensuring that your nature will be configured after the JDT builder has already been installed. Then if you add your nature to the end of the build spec, you are guaranteed that your builder is run after the JDT builder (assuming nobody else reorders the build spec).

The relationship between a nature and a builder can be made concrete by adding extra markup in the extension definitions. In the nature definition, the builder can be specified by adding a builder attribute to the nature definition. In the builder definition, you just need to add an attribute specifying that the builder belongs to some nature.

The following is an example of a builder and a nature that are explicitly related. In this example, the id of the plug-in is "".

name="My Nature"
<run class=""/>
<builder id=""/>
name="My Builder"
<builder hasNature="true">
<run class=""/>

There are some benefits to be gained by explicitly associating a nature with a builder. Primarily, this ensures that builders are automatically omitted from the build spec when their corresponding nature is missing or disabled. This gives builders the guarantee that, when they are run, they can be sure that the builders of their prerequisite natures will also be run. This also ensures smooth operation in the case where two users are sharing a project, but only one has the plug-ins required for a particular nature. All builders that belong to that nature, or that belong to natures that require that nature, will be silently omitted from the build spec for the user who does not have the necessary plug-ins.

More on nature life cycle

Man masters nature not by force but by understanding.
– Jacob Brownowski

Since natures are intended to provide support for a project life cycle, it is important to understand exactly when natures are configured and deconfigured. Natures are only configured or deconfigured when a nature is added or removed from the project description, and then committed using IProject.setDescription. This is the only API method that will cause natures to be configured or deconfigured. A nature is only ever configured once for a given project, even if that project is shared using a repository with multiple team members. The life cycle of a project nature on a shared project goes like this:

The configure() method is also not called again when a project is copied or moved, or when a project is created using IProject.create(IProjectDescription, IProgressMonitor).


Incremental project builders provide a mechanism for processing resources in a project and producing some build output. The builder framework makes it easier to incrementally maintain that built state as the input resources change. This article described implementation details about writing your own builder, such as reporting problems, progress indication, and cancelation support. Project natures create a concrete connection between a tool and a project in the eclipse workspace, and they provide support for persisting, sharing, and managing the relationship of the tool with the project. Natures and builders are often used together, as this provides a way to install and remove builders at appropriate times, and allows for builder ordering based on nature dependencies.

For more information about builders and natures, consult the Eclipse Platform Plug-in Developer Guide. The API Javadoc for the org.eclipse.core.resources package is also an important source of information on these concepts.

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